what would you name you first kid?


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Well, Locky458, some people on TamaTalk are actually old enough to have kids. Not everyone is, say, 11, and not everyone has a kid at the same age. My mom had me at 27 and my aunt had my cousin at 30. My friend's mom had her at 19. It depends on the person, and for some people, it may not be "years from now."


Girl: Jordan

Boy: Barry

Of course, unless my husband had a better one :mametchi: It would be Barry after Barry Gibb (plus I just LOVE that name!) and Jordan after Jordan from The Great Gatsby (I also just LOVE that name anyways ;) )


If I had a boy: Noah or Caleb
If I had a girl: Faith
Ha! Sorry, that I forgot to put this. I always have loved those names. As you can see I am religious! :D

A little off subject, but for years when I was little I'd always say that I want to have 7 kids- 4 girls and 3 boys. Now I think I must have been crazy. LOL

Honestly, I don't quite know if I'm gonna have kids. The whole make love thing kind of grosses me out, honestly. LOL Besides, I want to be an emergancy pediactric doctor, so I won't be able to be around with my kids a lot if I did have any. :( I have thought a lot about adopting a little girl, though! I want to sponser a child in Africa through UNICEF, too (hopefully soon!)

Sorry about the slight off subjectness (if that's a word?)

Cinderpelt :mametchi:


Charlotte Marie Sara...........James Henry Isaac

Naomi Mindy Olivia......................Patrick John

Ellie (Ellen) Anna Danielle....Mark Zachary Porter

I plan to have three kids, so I'm set! :mametchi:

-Edit- The middle names are after people I am good friends with mostly!

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I think if I had a girl I would name her Kerous [i can't spell it right, but it means 'grace' in Hebrew or Greek, I can't really remember but I love it anyways. xP]

If I had a boy I'd name him Hunter.

I'm not that good at names. xP

Girl (prepare I have... a lot xD): Cassandra Dawn, Audrey Dawn, Melissa June, Ciara Jayne, Emily Gean, Emma Gean, Jaymi Fae, Shannon Ray, Diandra Ree, Katrina Nicole

Boy: Timothy Laine, Joshua Kyle


EDIT: Those arent all the kids I'm gnna have, those are names I'd pick from xD

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write if it was a boy, what you would name himand if it was a girl, what you would name her.

I would name my girl- Ivory

My boy - Bronze

can you tell i have a thing for metal?
Bronze? I dunno, its a creative name, but don't be shocked if you kid gets beat up at school LOL. Weird names like that as well as Apple and Blanket are out of the question for me :D Just my opinion though.

My first Kid's name if a girl Angella, if a boy Jonathan or Andrew.

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