What Is Your Religion?


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It's interesting how I get different answers from Christians. I've been told that babies, especially aborted ones, go straight to hell. I have also been told that soldiers will not go to hell for killing people because they were fighting for their country, under the law, and for some reason God deemed it okay--something to do with necessary protection of homeland. Mind you this was relayed to me from a priest.

So how come there are so many different denominations to Christianity? Which is the 'right' one? Why does one say one thing and another say another? Lutheran vs Catholic vs Presbyterian vs Episcopalian vs Baptist, etc etc etc. What is really 'right' then? You all can't seem to get along on anything.

How can anyone know what is the true way to go when there is such diversity in this one single religion alone? How can one stop and not think about the fact that yes, maybe culture influences beliefs. And if that's the case, then it only makes sense why Christians of different geographical areas fight each other on who's right or wrong. but then who is really 'right' and the true Christianity? Of course someone who follows whatever path they have chosen will speak up and say their denomination, ethnocentrism and all.

Also, evolution vs creationism. There's cold, hard, solid facts of evolution, but many Christians deny it, saying no, that we didn't come from primates. Do you deny it?

Midorime, some people think that the Bible has to be interpreted in a different way and therefore create there own "branch".

I personally just bas everything on the Bible and don't belong to anything specifically. Since all of these branches are based on the Bible anyway, I just use the Bible alone.

Other people will create a "branch" and add and change things so that certain things that they wish will be allowed in their religion.

But my arguments are based on the strongest base:The Bible.

In this post(well, the post where I link to in that post), I explain why I deny evolution. :)

Midorime, some people think that the Bible has to be interpreted in a different way and therefore create there own "branch".

I personally just bas everything on the Bible and don't belong to anything specifically. Since all of these branches are based on the Bible anyway, I just use the Bible alone.

Other people will create a "branch" and add and change things so that certain things that they wish will be allowed in their religion.

But my arguments are based on the strongest base:The Bible.

In this post(well, the post where I link to in that post), I explain why I deny evolution. :)
But all 'branches' of Christianity use the Bible as a base. It's just interpreted differently by everyone, a lot of the time to avoid some of the more extreme areas of the Bible that wouldn't at all make someone a 'Good Christian'. Then, some people take it very far and not only do they not avoid these, but they misinterpret other areas, and what do you get? Things like homophobia! Although it's hinted in the Bible that men are supposed to be with women, not once does it say Homosexuality is wrong, but you still get people saying 'God hates ****'.
As for the evolution thing... well, I'm not going to try and change your opinion, but it's not really something that should be debated because... well... it's true. Here's a great quote from Hank Green...


I find it very odd to believe some being just... planted humans on the earth. Since there's so much evidence that supports evolution. Especially with, say, the dinosaurs evolving into the birds and such. Unless you're saying we're aliens. Maybe, for all we know, our ancestors were dropped on the planet because they were exiled convicts or something.

So what about indigenous people? Are they all some sort of 'hell spawn' or barbarians or whatever? How about Buddhist monks, the ones who give up literally everything they own and believe in peace and and no violence?

Well, I would like her to consider it, because imagine there really is a God.

He's going to send her to hell, because he said "You are not saved by works(being good)", but only by true faith in Him.

You can argue that the Bible is infallible, but it is not. People say the Bible contradict and stuff, but when we look at the whole picture we see it does not, and is actually saying the same thing. I guess you wouldn't know that since you probably don't read as much the Bible as the people who claim these things.

So, by ignoring what I say, and "leaning on her own understanding", which God says is wrong, it may cause giant consequences to happen.

So, please, give it a read. :)
I understand that religion has a big position in your life. And that's a good thing, but when telling people your beliefs, it's best not to try to force the consequences on them. Telling people they will go to hell is not considered the best method of recruitment.

Because the Bible is confirmed to be the oldest religious book out there. Also for that reason, Christianity is the biggest religion.

I haven't checked *all* religions, but the ones I have always contain big faults.
Religious tolerance has become a much bigger part of society than it used to be. Maybe you see big faults, but many others do not.

I wouldn't say I'm an atheist any more...but I'm very far from believing in any particular religion. If there is no proof and religion relies on faith, it's not possible to know which belief I'm supposed to have faith in. So I've just decided to have faith in the fact that I should be a good person and I will benefit from it in the end, because that's what all the religions say.
That's very nice to hear! I would recommend the Bible. :)

You don't have to specifically belong to a group of Christians, just BE Christian, as it seems the Bible says you have to.

I would like to still mention that the Bible says that you are not saved by works alone, but by faith in God and Jesus.

Since doing good works the way God wants it, is fruit that comes automatically when you have faith.

Why the Bible, since it is infallible. Other religions are, but not the Bible. I would recommend reading this: https://lifeshandbook.wikidot.com/why-believe and perhaps some other articles on that site, so you'll have enough knowledge about it you can choose not to believe in it or not.
Anyway, to what I was going to say:

I am of the personal opinion that all people should read every influential book, if for no other reason than to understand what people believe and why they believe it. People will always argue with one another until they can really understand the thoughts and opinions of everyone else.

So read the Bible. Read the Qur'an. Read the Communist Manifesto (which is actually just a philosophical document, nothing as inflammatory as it's made out to be). Read anything that helps you understand others' ideas (Remember that a lot of these books are laden with symbolism; don't always take it too literally.). You don't have to think like them, but knowing how each person thinks, will allow you to decide what to think for yourself.

But never let anyone tell you what to believe. It's perfectly fine for people to say what they believe and why they believe it, but each person needs to take others' thoughts and feelings into account, and decide to believe what they themselves understand and find true goodness in.

The great thing about beliefs is that they're your own. As you should not force them on others, no one should force them on you.

You don't need to have any religion unless you want to! Religion is a source of comfort and focus to some, not to others.

Religion is a great thing that can improve people's personalities. However, some people take it out of hand and use it as a form of government, force, or even advertising.

This site: https://jesus-is-savior.com/ Do you really think that what is on there is the "true message of the loving God?"

Warning: I found this site very offensive, you very likely will also. If you do not want to see it, don't click on the link.

Religions today consider tolerance to be a virtue. The place of religion is to give people something to live for, something to hold on to even when they seem to have nothing left. Different people have different ways to hold on and be comforted.

By the way, I'm Episcopalian, pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, and believe evolution to be a perfectly sensible theory. Evolution should not be an inflammatory topic; it has become so because some people decided evolution was against God, which it is not. If you believe in evolution, fine. If you believe in something else, that's fine too. Evolution is a THEORY. And that theory is well-based.

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Hwd45: I'd ask you to read the Homosexual thread where I give PLENTY Biblical evidence that the Bible finds gay a sin. It does say there literally!

And actually that evolution thing is not debatable. It is proven wrong with math, and math is fact. It has been said that it would take 100 000 million years to for a single cell to come into existence. Besides the only evolution that there has been seen is a form of de-evolution.

"Whenever speciation occurs, the gene pools of the new species are smaller than the gene pool of their ancestor. Evolution requires species to acquire more variation and more complexity."

"The few existing beneficial mutations only succeed in destroying information, exactly the opposite of what evolution requires."


Amat Gotchi, as far as I know I am allowed to believe in whatever I want, and if my religion TELLS me I HAVE TO say to unbelievers what's going to happen, then I will do so. (Freedom of speech?)

And you can NOT fit evolution in with the Bible for several reasons:

-the times are completely wrong.

-God created the man is his OWN image(so no monkey first...) from dust.

-God took a RIB from Adam and formed the woman.

I'm sure there are more verses and things I can disprove it with, but I won't since it's so obvious.

But what does this mean? If evolution is statistically IMPOSSIBLE, then THERE MUST be a creator.

Romans 1:20 fits good:

20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,

Romans 1:20 fits good:

20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,
Isaiah 34:7 also fits good:

"And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with their bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness."

This isn't a discussion on evolution and you shouldn't try to make it one. It's not something that should be discussed on this site because unlike things such as homosexuality or religion, it can't be discussed properly without an extensive understanding of the subject, something neither you, the people writing those sites or I have. The truth is it's not entirely known how evolution works, it's the extensive amounts of evidence that point towards it being accurate that means it's generally accepted as a scientific theory.

For your second point.

IF evolution was statistically impossible (you say that, but provide no actual scientific proof, instead resorting to sites with a heavy christian bias) then it would seem that there had to be a creator, but that would be evidence of a creator, not your God. For all you know, the creator could be Gaia. The creator could be Terra. The creator could be Quetzalcoatl. The creator could be a lovable potato named Henry.

So yes, there would most likely have to be a creator if evolution was statistically impossible, but that doesn't justify your belief in one extremely specific one.

Hmm, I'm not sure what I am to be honest. Technically I dont belong to any religion but I believe in the presence of a divine being :)

Isaiah 34:7 also fits good:

"And the unicorns shall come down with them, and the bullocks with their bulls; and their land shall be soaked with blood, and their dust made fat with fatness."
Hey hey, we can debate religion, but don't be mean about it and throw it back. We're supposed to be adults here (or adult-like), so please keep a mature head.

ANYWAY, if evolution cannot be actually proved or can be discredited, how do you propose the evolution of the dinosaurs? Just to take humans completely out of this (for not), but it's been shown that they have evolved into birds. But I'm talking in regards to the therapods, not, say, the Brontosaurs. That does show evolution and it's workings and all, and I don't doubt humans evolved as well. There was controversy before of them finding a partial skeleton of a primitive human with a fused wrist, much like that of monkeys. (Fused or limited range of motion, can't remember specifically.)

Hwd45: I'd ask you to read the Homosexual thread where I give PLENTY Biblical evidence that the Bible finds gay a sin. It does say there literally!

And actually that evolution thing is not debatable. It is proven wrong with math, and math is fact.
You're right, Maths is fact. Physics is applied Maths, Chemistry is applied Physics and Biology is applies Chemistry. Therefore evolution is fact! Ahaha, just kidding... but it's not disproven with maths, it'd be a pretty big thing if it was. Also...
(you say that, but provide no actual scientific proof, instead resorting to sites with a heavy christian bias)
...Pretty much this!
As for the homosexuality thing, I really have no idea what the Bible's official stance on it is. Some say it barely mentions it, others say it's a sin, and I really don't know who to believe... but since you say it's a sin, do you believe that it's bad to be gay? Also, where's this homosexuality thread, I need to read it! :D

Speaking of which I have an off the wall questions: If you were to have children and find out they're gay/lesbian... could you even accept that and still love them? Or would you disown them? Keep in mind you cannot, and it's been proven, change a homosexual person either with therapy or religion, they will always be that way.

Hwd45: Biased or not, this page is still correct since it uses math: https://www.icr.org/article/493/

Just give it a read, ey? I know this doesn't become a "hit" because people don't want it to be one. They don't want to face the truth.

Also here's a link to one of the many posts of me out of the homosexual thread: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/181552-homosexuality-what-is-your-view/?p=3193777

This one has a verse in it that is against homosexuality. (I don't hate homosexuals. Everyone sins, but we have to repent of them and do them no more if we want to receive salvation).

Midorime, I don't really doubt the existence of the dinosaurs, and that certain animals have similarities, but that does not mean that the one evolved from the other. If it was true, than that would have to mean that it didn't happen randomly but was programmed so. But that would mean the existence of a God. But the book of God says something controversial to evolution...

I do not believe in this theory because it doesn't seem likely, it seems impossible.

Also about the gay. I'm 100 percent sure that being gay is also affected by influences. If I educate my children well, if I get ever any, there will be such a big line(that is not educated in this society) for them to cross, that it'll be very unlikely. But of-course everyone can make there own choices.

I wouldn't take the effort to disown my son, but if he does not listen to my rules in my house, when he's a certain age I'll kick him out. But I would forgive him if he'd repent and be truly sorry.

It is not a fact that being gay cannot be changed. Many have do so. ;)

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Hwd45: Biased or not, this page is still correct since it uses math: https://www.icr.org/article/493/

Just give it a read, ey? I know this doesn't become a "hit" because people don't want it to be one. They don't want to face the truth.

Also here's a link to one of the many posts of me out of the homosexual thread: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/181552-homosexuality-what-is-your-view/?p=3193777

This one has a verse in it that is against homosexuality. (I don't hate homosexuals. Everyone sins, but we have to repent of them and do them no more if we want to receive salvation).

Midorime, I don't really doubt the existence of the dinosaurs, and that certain animals have similarities, but that does not mean that the one evolved from the other. If it was true, than that would have to mean that it didn't happen randomly but was programmed so. But that would mean the existence of a God. But the book of God says something controversial to evolution...

I do not believe in this theory because it doesn't seem likely, it seems impossible.

Also about the gay. I'm 100 percent sure that being gay is also affected by influences. If I educate my children well, if I get ever any, there will be such a big line(that is not educated in this society) for them to cross, that it'll be very unlikely. But of-course everyone can make there own choices.

I wouldn't take the effort to disown my son, but if he does not listen to my rules in my house, when he's a certain age I'll kick him out. But I would forgive him if he'd repent and be truly sorry.

It is not a fact that being gay cannot be changed. Many have do so. ;)
Starting to get disturbed by some of your feelings though to be honest.
Okay, first of all, no no no no no. Human sexuality is a natural variation over many different aspects and is caused by a combination of genes (which in tern affect the brain structure, another cause), hormones and environment. Environment tends to cause little effect though.

Doesn't matter what you believe, it can't be helped and it certainly can't be changed using 'education'. You're saying that educating your children will make them not gay? If one of your children was born gay, then that's not education, that's pressure. You're also implying that homosexuality is caused by a lack of such 'education', which is just wrong and really quite vile.

And yeah, whatever, it's a 'sin'. But you need to accept the fact that it's not, on any level, a choice. If it was a choice, nobody would be homosexual, because discriminatory people like you exist! (And that may sound really harsh but it's kind of true)

And yes, homosexuality can be 'treated', but the method to do so is just disgusting. It doesn't change your sexuality in a ethically correct sense- it's simply the result of brain damage caused by trauma such as excessive stress or chemicals being applied to the person in question. The fact that people still try to 'convert' people pains me... And the fact that you'd attempt to do this to your children? That's worrying.

As for the 'They don't want to face the truth' thing... science is the truth. It's against the law to falsify scientific evidence so it goes without saying that a page on the internet saying how one person disagrees with evolution doesn't change the evidenced facts in scientific papers. Maths may always be right, but sometimes maths really doesn't give 'the whole picture', if you see what I'm saying. Your statement that people don't want to face the truth can easily be applied in 'certain' other situations...

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There are homosexuals who have repented and no longer are homosexual. Do you consider them not "real" ones?

There has NOT been found any genetic proof of being gay.

And I know that people are born evil: For example it comes natural for someone to lust after a woman. But it is wrong, and can be changed.

Anyway, I believe the Bible is God's word, and it says being gay is a sin. Gay's will not enter heaven.

The Bible says you can change from any sin. God is a just God and will not let someone commit a sin where he cannot change from.

Science can be easily mistaken, and if that is against the law, then I'll gladly go to prison.

Evolution does not make sense to me and has never happened for a human to see it. Not yet ever!

I believe in mutations, and a form of de-evolution, but that's it.

There are homosexuals who have repented and no longer are homosexual. Do you consider them not "real" ones?

There has NOT been found any genetic proof of being gay.

And I know that people are born evil: For example it comes natural for someone to lust after a woman. But it is wrong, and can be changed.

Anyway, I believe the Bible is God's word, and it says being gay is a sin. Gay's will not enter heaven.

The Bible says you can change from any sin. God is a just God and will not let someone commit a sin where he cannot change from.

Science can be easily mistaken, and if that is against the law, then I'll gladly go to prison.

Evolution does not make sense to me and has never happened for a human to see it. Not yet ever!

I believe in mutations, and a form of de-evolution, but that's it.
But evolution is caused by genetic mutations. We've directly witnessed the effects of evolution (just look at the Galapagos Islands.... Or even Africa, natural selection has caused a large population to have the Sickle Cell Anaemia gene). Just because we haven't seen something doesn't make it untrue, and with the more than substantial evidence for evolution and zero evidence for creationism, it makes perfect sense to understand its existence. That's fine if you dont believe it, but don't deny that there's a lot of evidence for it.
As for the gay thing, again, its a sin but repenting does nothing. You can't, and you never have been able to control your sexuality. Being gay is a dispicible excuse for a 'sin'; I understand that sodomy is a sin, but just simply being gay? How should that be a sin if its uncontrollable? It's been proven time and time again that sexuality is caused by hormones and partially due to certain environmental factors, and even genes and epigenetics. I'm not saying there's a 'gay gene', because I'm talking about sexuality, not sexual orientation. A lot of data has suggested that epigenetics affect sexuality, which is unsurprising. Sexuality is a natural continuum, not neat little boxes. Only a very small population are considered 'exclusively straight', since there isn't only 2 different sexual orientaions, there's an infinite amount. Ifyl you're saying this perfect, beautiful variation that makes each and everyone different is due to people saying 'well, I'm straight just like everyone but I'm going to have sex with a man even though my brain structure makes me only want to have sex with women's, then I seriously worry for you...

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