Well-known member
I'm Evangelical Christian
I personally think hijabs are beautiful on women.I'm a Muslim and totally proud of it.Yes, it's kinda hard sometimes, but I think I have an important relationship with God.
And a lot of people who are terrorists call themselves "Muslims" but they are not because as a Muslim is is haraam (prohibited) to kill a human.
I'm thinking about whether I should start wearing the hijab (Islamic headress for females)...it's a hard decision!
PS: Very glad u started this topic
PPS: A lot of people think that Allah is different than God, but we just call God "Allah" in Islam. They are the same
Same with me, I am asking myself alot of questions after I started learing about evolution.. The thing is my whole family is Christian and they don't have any doubts about God but it's just Im really starting to question this stuff though I know I shouldn't.I'm Christian, but after reading the evolution theories and anti religion point of views, I'm having my doubts which is bad on my part.
Religion is a confusing and scary matter in my opinion.
Thats right! : D I am Muslim too.Being a Muslim consists a lot of things (and a LOT of guidelines):
*pray five times a day
*it is haraam to eat pork
*it is haraam to drink alcohol
*it is haraam to have a sexual relationship before marriage
*it is haraam to expose your body too much
And that is just a few!!!!
I think this needs to be said: what you said could be construed as offensive or ignorant to many people. I do not believe in God, although i do believe there is some higher power. Knowledge in the field of science is expanding each and every day, and already a lot of the Bible has been "proven" wrong. I did believe in God, but I never saw any results from it. I don't think he exists at all. While I respect the fact that other people have their own beliefs, it deeply bothers me when people try to push their beliefs on to me. I am not trying to demean or offend you, but I am trying to make you realize that while you strongly believe in your views, not everyone does and it would be more pleasant if you would respect that a little more.I am a methodist! I LOVE God and believe it is very wrong to not believe in God! Why would we be here if there was no god? What made us then huh? I don't believe in withcraft and wizardry, evelution or the big bang theory. If you don't believe in God try pray to Him and He will bless you and help you have a better life and point you in the right direction. I am 100% Christian and would never regret it or say I am not! If someone was to say, "If you believe in God I''ll shoot you...." My reply would be "You'll just have to shoot me!" Anyone who doesn't belive in Him.... I will pray for you and remeber no matter how much you think you are unloved no matter how many bad things youve done or dont even believe someone still loves you and that person is God.