What is the most evil thing you've ever done?


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Well, I was in a crappy mood and I took my dog outside for a "walk" and then I threw him off of my stairs.

I think I sprained his ankle, becuase he was limping for a month. I felt really bad when I found out that he was limping. I was really young though. My dog is still alive, too. he hates me.

Well.....its not like i hate him or anything i was just bored,my friend was sitting on a chair then he stood up to type something,i moved the chair and he just sat back down and he fell off,i feel a bit sorry now :( .

umm since you asked I will say

I was 5 I nearly killed my brother by spraying his face with fly spray then bashing him with the can I can'texplain so don't ask ... never try it your mum smacks you and it hurts

but purposly evil is I wrote a really *word i shall not say* letter left it in my enimies mailbox then when she found it and brought it to school she showed the teacher and I got in huge trouble... I can explian this one I did it cos she taunted my life long friend (I was at the hospital when she was born) and made her life a living hell

I also wrote all over someones essay an cut the handles on her bag off... she put my bag and jacket in the toilet

I put my brother tooth brush down the toilet... cos I could

glued pins shrap side up on someones chair and as the sat down all you could hear was AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH.... just for fun

put glue on a toilet seat and tanning lotion (it was clear)on another toilet seat and the next day we went swimming as a class and Lerra had a toilet seat shape tan line on the back of her legs... as a dare

my boyfriend got expelled from his first school for hitting a teacher over the head with a metal baseball bat


The worst thing i remember doing was when i was about 8 there were lots of class projects on a table, and i stole a cute toy puppy from one of them :(

What is the most evil thing you have ever done?
The most evil thing I've ever done is drop my older brother's glasses in the toilet then give them to him to wear.  :rolleyes:   :D I feel so bad about it.

My mom did way worse though. She was working the drive-thru at McDonalds when she was a kid and this guy told her she was a fat ugly bi*** and she poured mop and toilet water into his shake. Blehhhh!!!
Raiding my sis's Bratz! That was fun! But that was a long time ago, as I am not doing any more evil deeds because I quit being evil. It got in the way of my life. Life's been a lot eaiser since I quit.


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I've done plenty of evil things in my lifetime. I'm made of evil, what?! I'm a human. Humans aren't perfect.

Although I don't really keep track of the evilest of deeds I've done, I could list a few.

•When my friend came to sit down on her chair next to me in computer class, I slid the chair behind her and she landed on the ground. My teacher said I was immature but found that funny too :]

•My school had a fieldtrip to this museum outside of the town and we were staying at a hotel. My friend wouldn't go up with us to the 3'rd floor because he was afraid the teacher might get mad so my other friend zipped him up in a large sack and threw him in the pool, this may not be evil but I decided to watch and not help him but after a few seconds I got nervous and pulled him out.

•When my friend came over to my house she fell asleep there so I poured a glass of ice cold water to wake her up. I ended up with a bleeding nose, hurrah T_T

Yeah, what a mature 17 year old I am.

lol, these are funny! I do many evil things, but I am trying to stop.

The evilest things I done are:

1)I threw a whole packet of crisps at my cousin because she kept rolling and narrowing her eyes at me when I spoke to her.

2)I accidentaly stepped on my cat's tail and then he bit my leg.Then I punched him in the face because he hurt me

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