If your are asking what happens to your tama then, it gives you the option to speed up your tama (by pressing c) and the option to choose your character. For example, you could start of with A baby, a toddler, a teen an adult and im pretty sure an old timer. Im not sure if theres more because my batteries ran out just a little after I debugged my v3... BUT be aware that debugging can destroy your tama!If you mean how to, you unscrew the screw at the back of your tama (like you are taking out the batteries), then unscrew the 4 little screws at each corner, after that, look near the bottom for something that says debug then Im pretty sure you use the back of a pencil or somehting to scratch out something above the word debug... but you might want to look at a different topic for more info scince i debugged my tama a LONG time ago... But i would not reccomend debugging as it isnt as fun as a normal tama... Its your choice but yah =P anyway, hope I helped! :3 ~oOMimitchiOo