What do your parents do for a job?


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Howl's Moving Castle
My dad owns an electrical buisness. He works about 13 hours a day. I'm very proud of him. :)

My mom doesn't work.

(Okay that made it sound like she's broken... she doesn't have a job. There. XD)

My Father is a supervisor for this...Uhh what was it...

This place for adults who have disabilities or whatever.

And my mother works at a retail store. "Covers"

Total income is at least $75-80.000 @_@;

My mum works at UPS (United Postal Service) loading the vans

My dad is a prison officer. He sees which prisons are availible for people to go to, when people will be released, that sort of stuff

Oh, my auntie on my dad's side is a police officer 8D

Mom - Production Planner at a manufactuing company

Dad - Laborer at a steel foundry thing..

They contribute to my family business that my grandmother owns also.

My mom is a family doctor and my dad is also a doctor.. the kind that deliver babies, and a gynaecologist. (sp?) o_O

My dad's some sales representative or something...he sells pots and pans and cooks.

My mom's a waitress.

My mom works in sales for GE, she's freaking always working.


My dad used to be a chiropractor, but he retired, he has joint problems that make it hard to adjust people.

My mom is a housewife/day trader [stocks]

My father is a mechanical engineer.

My dad is some engineer guy, I don't know much about his job. I'm pretty sure he just goes to an office and does some sorta scientifical stuff. He's a bit like a scientist.

Mummy is a Russian teacher. She teaches at various places such as universities [thanks to Weiwei and Tess, I now know how to spell that 8D], at home and at churches.

My mum works in an office with one other person. She takes care of finances, stock (inventory), the phones etc of a bar and restaurant in the 'rich' suburbs.

She used to be a teacher aide for children with disabilites.

Daddy is employed by one of New Zealand's most important businesses. He drives milk tankers. But he's got 2 months paid leave (Which they get each year) and is on a 2 month contract with Cover Staff so he drives any land vehicle when a employee is sick and they need a replacement.

My dad's a cook, and my mom works in a retail store.

My parents fail. ]:

Today my daddy told me that he is a scientist that works for the navy :3

That's really epical, in my opinion...

Mummy's still a Russian teacher xD.

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