What do your parents do for a job?


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My mom works at burger king. She like opens the restaurant in the mornings.

And my dad. . . Well, I could care less. ._.

My dad... I don't know, something with a computer. I think he has two jobs. One part time, one full time. He does something that has to do with Apple, and another thing that has to do with Oil in Europe and Houston.

My mom doesn't do anything. Sometimes she gets a part time job with the Girl Scout people when her life gets boring [ xD ], but no real job. Now she spends all day on Facebook.

This is Not a Bump, The last post was only a month ago, so its not like I'm Bumping or anything

My Mom doesn't have a job, But since she graduated, She's going to apply t be a teacher's assistant for a kindergarden class.

She told me She'll be glad to get a job, Because she's sick of us being on welfare.

And when my Dad was alive, he used to Haul Pigs. [Like, He'd load them up into a trailer of a Semi-Truck and He'd Haul them to various Meat-Proccessing Plants. Like one Meat Company called "Maple-Leaf" He'd haul to some of their plants]

Facebook moms..? o.o;

My mom can't even use the computer.

She can't turn it off correctly x.o

But dad-- He can do everything xD

My dad's a teacher and my mom makes noodles 8D

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