What do I do?!?


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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2007
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Always Somewhere...
Now! Before I even begin I would like to say that I don't want any pitty replies about my life. I need help.

I don't want anyone saying"ohh I'm so sorry!" or "that's just too bad" I want some things like "you could do this" or "you can get help from..."

First of all I think that my life has started crumbling away ever since I moved to Arkansas when we were evacuating form hurricane Rita. (for the last time NOT KATRINA!!!) My grades have started to drop and my social life is crashing. The only people that back me up are the crack heads. I don't do drugs but I'm scarred that if I hang out with these people for too long that something bad might happen. I have been ahving really bad insomnia and some people are making fun of me bacause my stress is causing me to get really break outs and I can hardly take it any more. I acctually look like a goody goody but inside I feel like I could burst out crying at the next comment. I have only 2 people that I would call true friends and one of them cuts. She stopped recently, but I'm scarred that she may start again. The other friend supports me but she will be moving in a few weeks and when she leaves I don't want to go into a state fo depression or something. I'm really scarred all the time. I am a christian and i pray almost every night, but I can't help but feel like Job. I wish I could just cry out to God and say "Why are you doing this to me!!!"

Every time I go to church on Sunday When I go to worship I feel like I could start crying any minute. I want to leave myself in God's hands and end up like that guy on "Facing the Giants" But it is easier said than done. My father and I are drifting apart. I remember the first time I got a boyfriend, he was one of the first people I told, but now If I were to say I was going out with someone he would give me this long lecture on ,"is he christian" " Why do you like him" "what does he mean to you" "does he like you back"

One of my friends told my mom that I was going out with this one boy that wasn't christian and my mom started asking some of the most sensetive questions. I started bursting out in tears in the middle of the conversation. I can't talk to my dad anymore without feeling like everything is my fault. We don't see eye to eye anymore. I told him that I want to speak japanese and I have been working really hard on in too, but my father only mocks me by yelling "Akuute" I don't think he even knows what that means and niether do I, but When I learn I will find out and tell him. Also(I know he is joking but) my dad will come up to me and wisper in my ear "it's your fault" every time someting bad happens. It's like I'm a curse that nobody wants around. My family only lives in one place every three years on average so I never have time to make any friends anymore. I have been acting wierder and wierder and nobody wants to be around me anymore.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm not in a state of depression right now. The only thin line that keeps me away from suiside is my friends and my relationship with god. I need help from some one that knows what they are saying too.

sorry about how long this post is, I kinda got carried away. :D

Hello :p

You just let everything get to you... You have to learn to ignore some things. If you can't stand our family right now, there's no way you're gonna be able to stand real life. Also, part of the problem might be you actually ACT LIKE the Naruto characters... Sure, watching the show, liking it, talking about it all the time, it's all great (I used to be the same way with Runescape). But you go WAY too far when you act like you're people from in the show. You're NOT those people, sstop acting like it =D

Also, I'm having that same feeling with Dad.... But now I can hardly talk to Mom either, because she'll always end up telling Dad anyway, and even if I dont' tell them they always find out >_>

And you're learning Japanese, I respect that... Just don't speak in a foreign language to me PLEASE.... When I am speaking Spanish around you a lot, you tend to get annoyed at me. That's because you don't know what I'm saying, and it could be an insult to you. I feel the same was when you speak Japanese.

Also, it's normal for parents to interrogate you like that =p =p

Also, if an answer to a question they ask is something that you would rather not answer (for instance, "is he christian" and the answer is no), then there's probably going to be problems.. They're asking those questions for a reason ^_^

I agree with the going to God (U 4got to capitalize, shame shame =p =p), it will always help. Just don't let things get to you. Also, the "It's all your fault" thing is a joke... if you want, you can request it be done to me, cuz I can take a joke =D

And moving to Arkansas wasn't that bad... I have this routine of "get cool after 2 years, then move" every time we get somewhere... So I end up getting tons of friends without really trying, it's a natural progressin of 2 years :D Also, my friends are the same crack-head group you hang with >_>

Like I said all thorugh this thing, if you don't want to do anything bad, learn to handle pressure :D

That's all I got for now.... Also, your thing wasn't that long, just not spaced out (mine is probably overspaced lol) =)

I moved to another country in 2005 and in the process lost contact with my friends. I now have lots of new friends. I move a lot as well. I have lived in 5 houses in 2 years.

I have a friend who's dad works with the RAF. He moves interstate almost every year.

Anyway, I think you should sit down with your dad and talk to him. Tell him how you're feeling and that you don't like it when he tells you that it's your fault, even if it's meant to be a joke.

I understand why you want to learn a different language. Languages are fun. At school I learn Italian and at Primary School I learnt Indonesian.

Tell your dad and mum why you want to learn Japanese. Tell them that you'll study hard and are committed. Buy a English/Japanese dictionary with your pocket money. Even if your parents wont let you get you proper textbooks you can teach yourself with a dictionary. =)

I don't think you should judge your 'friends' by the way you describe them (Crackheads.) it would seem you don't really like them. Be outgoing, be friendly, smile. The only way to get a friend is to be a friend. Show people who you really are. Maybe join some out of school clubs/groups. Pick something you enjoy: Swimming, Judo, Art & Craft, Dance, and then you'll be able to meet people with similar interests.

Another alternative is to get a pen-pal. Many teen-magazines offer the chance to get a pen-pal.

All parents want to make sure that their daughter's boyfriends are suitable. Especially with and only child, only daughter or first born. I see that religion is a big role in your life-style though I don't think it matters what religion a person is as long as they are kind and you like them. Personality counts for more. (Well, to me anyway)

Doing drugs are something you can easily avoid. Just say no and walk away if you are offered any.


And real friends don't pressure you into tdoing stuff that you don't want to.

I'm going to stop now before you get too bored.

Good Luck.

I feel your pain. My ife is falling apart too.

My BFF, Cassia, moved to Washington and i was really upset. Me and my boyfriend had this thing we've been fighting about for weeks and he finally said, "I think we should be better off as just friends," not even best friends. Then i got depression (that's what i think), but now i'm over it, but i'm still trying to convince him to be AT LEAST BEST FRIENDS again. I want us to be together again, but it's hard. We only have 4 days this week off school and 3 days next week and school's over. He said if i want to call him and chat online during the summer i could. My other BFF, Gloria, is moving to Arizona and i'm upset about that. My dog has Cushings diesese and the vets don't have her medicine yet.

So i'm feeling the same way you are too. Keep in touch with your friends back where you used to live. Get their support and advice.

My advice, get involed in a school program, community program, or a sports team. You will meet other kids your age and it's an easy way to make friends. Hope i helped.


Hello :angry:
You just let everything get to you... You have to learn to ignore some things. If you can't stand our family right now, there's no way you're gonna be able to stand real life. Also, part of the problem might be you actually ACT LIKE the Naruto characters... Sure, watching the show, liking it, talking about it all the time, it's all great (I used to be the same way with Runescape). But you go WAY too far when you act like you're people from in the show. You're NOT those people, sstop acting like it =D

Also, I'm having that same feeling with Dad.... But now I can hardly talk to Mom either, because she'll always end up telling Dad anyway, and even if I dont' tell them they always find out >_>

And you're learning Japanese, I respect that... Just don't speak in a foreign language to me PLEASE.... When I am speaking Spanish around you a lot, you tend to get annoyed at me. That's because you don't know what I'm saying, and it could be an insult to you. I feel the same was when you speak Japanese.

Also, it's normal for parents to interrogate you like that =p =p

Also, if an answer to a question they ask is something that you would rather not answer (for instance, "is he christian" and the answer is no), then there's probably going to be problems.. They're asking those questions for a reason :wacko:

I agree with the going to God (U 4got to capitalize, shame shame =p =p), it will always help. Just don't let things get to you. Also, the "It's all your fault" thing is a joke... if you want, you can request it be done to me, cuz I can take a joke =D

And moving to Arkansas wasn't that bad... I have this routine of "get cool after 2 years, then move" every time we get somewhere... So I end up getting tons of friends without really trying, it's a natural progressin of 2 years :D Also, my friends are the same crack-head group you hang with >_>

Like I said all thorugh this thing, if you don't want to do anything bad, learn to handle pressure :D

That's all I got for now.... Also, your thing wasn't that long, just not spaced out (mine is probably overspaced lol) =)
Andrew! how many times do I have to tell you to stay off my posts!

You only joined tamatalk to mess with me, now stop.

(by the way, this is my brother)

I moved to another country in 2005 and in the process lost contact with my friends. I now have lots of new friends. I move a lot as well. I have lived in 5 houses in 2 years.
I have a friend who's dad works with the RAF. He moves interstate almost every year.

Anyway, I think you should sit down with your dad and talk to him. Tell him how you're feeling and that you don't like it when he tells you that it's your fault, even if it's meant to be a joke.

I understand why you want to learn a different language. Languages are fun. At school I learn Italian and at Primary School I learnt Indonesian.

Tell your dad and mum why you want to learn Japanese. Tell them that you'll study hard and are committed. Buy a English/Japanese dictionary with your pocket money. Even if your parents wont let you get you proper textbooks you can teach yourself with a dictionary. =)

I don't think you should judge your 'friends' by the way you describe them (Crackheads.) it would seem you don't really like them. Be outgoing, be friendly, smile. The only way to get a friend is to be a friend. Show people who you really are. Maybe join some out of school clubs/groups. Pick something you enjoy: Swimming, Judo, Art & Craft, Dance, and then you'll be able to meet people with similar interests.

Another alternative is to get a pen-pal. Many teen-magazines offer the chance to get a pen-pal.

All parents want to make sure that their daughter's boyfriends are suitable. Especially with and only child, only daughter or first born. I see that religion is a big role in your life-style though I don't think it matters what religion a person is as long as they are kind and you like them. Personality counts for more. (Well, to me anyway)

Doing drugs are something you can easily avoid. Just say no and walk away if you are offered any.


And real friends don't pressure you into tdoing stuff that you don't want to.

I'm going to stop now before you get too bored.

Good Luck.
Thanks for the advise, but there are a few problems with what you say.

I move a lot, so finding friends is pretty hard when you are new. Especially if they're not used to my wierd pesonality.

Also it's not just so easy as to sit down with my dad and try to talk to him. The last time I did this it didn't turn out well. I told him that I didn't want him to pick on me anymore and he said that "I won't pick on you if you promise to never pick on anyone ever again" I just couldn't and the troubles continued. My japanese is going well and my dad has gotten into this habit of yelling "Aku te" at me to pick on me. I figured out what it means and now I pick on him about it. It means evil hand. My family doesn't have enough time and money to join any clubs. I wish I could be a chearleader, but the uniforms or WAY too expensive. I don't see why something that I could probebly sow with my own hands could be worth 700 dollars.

By the way, I wasn't being mean when I said "crackheads" they (literally) gave themselves that name. They even have a little group that they call "the magic circle"

I've never really gotten the "pen-pal" thing.

Well first off, you need to still prey! I mean thats what helps me through anything! So good job on that! But maybe talk to ur parents about it. If you are going to cry than tell them to read this topic you made. Well summer is here and I dont know if this will help. But this could ease the presure, that u dont have school to worry about. This may sound rude but plz I am just saying this from my heart. Your friends u say cut, and take drugs. Well they dont sound too bright. I am sure they are good friends and most of the bad kids are the good friends. I would ditch them. I know that seems mean and wrong but it seriously will help you! I bet right now you are thinking well if I ditch them my life is going to be harder because they will be rude to me and I wont have no one! Thats how life is. I know how you think. Its just SO much easier to hang out with them then the ones that may be popular and do things they should do. I did it for 12 years. I tried to work up to become popular. Now everything is SO easy! Life is fun! I have 10 best friends! And about 20 just friends. Life is pretty good. I still have times my friends are really rude make fun of me. But we all do. Some more than others. Keep these tips:


1. Get new friends or dont get any. sooner or later some will come

2. stay off drugs and any bad things

3. prey

4. talk with parents, friends, siblings, relatives, or counclers.

5. Get a hobby (sewing, coloring, running, sports, baby-sitting)

6. get involved! Maybe play some sports, do some work, anything!

Good luck! I hope I helped! I will keep you in my preyers!

Ok... firstly to the person that replied after me, the religion of the person you date DOES matter... In fact, the bible teaches not to date someone out of your own religion, and that's why our parents ask... I've had my share of girls that weren't christian, but those didn't work out (one was insane, one dumped me without a reason, and the other one dumped me to go out with another girl >_>)

Also, Krysta... I'm not here to mess with you... You say I'm "drifting away from you," and you responding to me like then I'm trying to help you really isn't helping :)

and the post above me had good advice... Keep praying, don't make bad decisions, and wait for new, better friend :eek:

That's what I do... I start off with the "crackheads" for the firts yearto year and a half, then I just work my way up, and now I can hang out with anybody in school :lol: Just give it time and it will get better =)

Great! Things are now to a whole new level!

My papa (grandpa) might go to jail. I won't tell you what he did, (it's not like murder or anything, just theft) but if he is convicted than I will have to move, AGAIN! I really hope that he doesnt' go to jail. I wouldn't be able to stand moving all over again.

It might be a good thing, because I need to reset my reputation anyways. The one I have where I like rights now stinks pretty bad.

if u do have to move, move to MICHIGAN, ha! just kidding. ask to move to ur old town again.

Ok, I'll try to make this as short as possible.

Sometime God needs to break us in order to get us back to come back to Him.

Tell Him everything- if you see some beautiful creation tell Him. Likewise, if you are mad at Him tell Him. He wants you to talk to Him. Pray without ceasing. You can talk to Him like He's your best friend- because He is. Talk to Him all throught the day, not just when you are about to take a test you didn't study for. ;]

Have a quiet time in the mornings. Pray for God to speak to you and to give you an understanding heart. Get you Bible and read a passage or two in Psalms. While reading ask questions like why, and/or how.

Tell Him you will live for Him today.

Luke 9:23 Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.

Yes, it's hard but you just have to trust in Him in all things.

Ok, well, this is wonderful that you are a Christian. And praying to God is wonderful. But like TWP said, God sometimes needs to break us. And TWP, that was beautiful advise. Tell God everything. Talk to Him daily juust like TWP said.

And maybe if you have a diary you can write down all of your feelings.

Wow. You must be strong. What you need to manage is your emotions. You have probably restrained yourself many times from doing something you might regret because of them. That shows character and self-control. When you're alone, trust me, it feels so much better (when and if I feel sad) to sit in your room and just cry your heart out. You can let your emotions flow free if you are in your room alone because you can't hurt anyone's feelings. Many people say crying doesn't help, but it does. It helps you relieve stress and afterwards, you feel just a little bit better. If you don't, you just might explode on someone one day, and get yourself in bigger trouble. Yes, lock yourself in your room and cry for as long as you want. That's what to do. Then pray. I think praying is a very good thing to do. Also, talk to the counselor at school and explain your situation. It's good to talk to someone, because it seems like your parents just don't understand. Counselors are supposed to, and that's how they got their job. Keep a positive attitude, and keep on talking to us, because we will never fail to try to help you.

I no this is hard 4 you but pray to god saying "Lord,If your trying to send me a messeg, its not clear,as you can she my life if falling apart! I need guildencs! A-men"

Now you can change it our you dont have to say it but thats what i would say, go to your consuler and talk to her.

PM me if you need anymore help

Now! Before I even begin I would like to say that I don't want any pitty replies about my life. I need help.I don't want anyone saying"ohh I'm so sorry!" or "that's just too bad" I want some things like "you could do this" or "you can get help from..."

First of all I think that my life has started crumbling away ever since I moved to Arkansas when we were evacuating form hurricane Rita. (for the last time NOT KATRINA!!!) My grades have started to drop and my social life is crashing. The only people that back me up are the crack heads. I don't do drugs but I'm scarred that if I hang out with these people for too long that something bad might happen. I have been ahving really bad insomnia and some people are making fun of me bacause my stress is causing me to get really break outs and I can hardly take it any more. I acctually look like a goody goody but inside I feel like I could burst out crying at the next comment. I have only 2 people that I would call true friends and one of them cuts. She stopped recently, but I'm scarred that she may start again. The other friend supports me but she will be moving in a few weeks and when she leaves I don't want to go into a state fo depression or something. I'm really scarred all the time. I am a christian and i pray almost every night, but I can't help but feel like Job. I wish I could just cry out to God and say "Why are you doing this to me!!!"

Every time I go to church on Sunday When I go to worship I feel like I could start crying any minute. I want to leave myself in God's hands and end up like that guy on "Facing the Giants" But it is easier said than done. My father and I are drifting apart. I remember the first time I got a boyfriend, he was one of the first people I told, but now If I were to say I was going out with someone he would give me this long lecture on ,"is he christian" " Why do you like him" "what does he mean to you" "does he like you back"

One of my friends told my mom that I was going out with this one boy that wasn't christian and my mom started asking some of the most sensetive questions. I started bursting out in tears in the middle of the conversation. I can't talk to my dad anymore without feeling like everything is my fault. We don't see eye to eye anymore. I told him that I want to speak japanese and I have been working really hard on in too, but my father only mocks me by yelling "Akuute" I don't think he even knows what that means and niether do I, but When I learn I will find out and tell him. Also(I know he is joking but) my dad will come up to me and wisper in my ear "it's your fault" every time someting bad happens. It's like I'm a curse that nobody wants around. My family only lives in one place every three years on average so I never have time to make any friends anymore. I have been acting wierder and wierder and nobody wants to be around me anymore.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm not in a state of depression right now. The only thin line that keeps me away from suiside is my friends and my relationship with god. I need help from some one that knows what they are saying too.

sorry about how long this post is, I kinda got carried away. :huh:
pfftt....not to sound mean or anything but

other people have worse lives.........my life is way worse

im not accepted by anyone

for some reason every body hates me

im frekin ugly


my own family calls me names and swears at me

theres way more than that....your not the only one with a bad life.

but yes you do have a bad life and ill help

you could go up to your dad and tell him how your felling

and also i heard by getting involved in a sport like karate makes you like your self and helps with social problems....thats my help

Andrew! how many times do I have to tell you to stay off my posts!
You only joined tamatalk to mess with me, now stop.

(by the way, this is my brother)
lol thats cute

pfftt....not to sound mean or anything but
other people have worse lives.........my life is way worse

im not accepted by anyone

for some reason every body hates me

im frekin ugly


my own family calls me names and swears at me

theres way more than that....your not the only one with a bad life.

but yes you do have a bad life and ill help

you could go up to your dad and tell him how your felling

and also i heard by getting involved in a sport like karate makes you like your self and helps with social problems....thats my help
U cut urself! U need to see someone immidetly! srry to be off topic!

U cut urself! U need to see someone immidetly! srry to be off topic!
.................Dont judge me

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pfftt....not to sound mean or anything but
other people have worse lives.........my life is way worse

im not accepted by anyone

for some reason every body hates me

im frekin ugly


my own family calls me names and swears at me

theres way more than that....your not the only one with a bad life.

but yes you do have a bad life and ill help

you could go up to your dad and tell him how your felling

and also i heard by getting involved in a sport like karate makes you like your self and helps with social problems....thats my help
This isn't a 'comparing worse life topic'- this topic is about her. She was stating her case and why she wants some help. It's not like she's complaing about her life, she's asking for help.

You are a beautiful person evilrobots! Don't keep shoving yourself down by saying otherwise. Stop lieing to yourself; "Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting", people that call you ugly don't have true beauty and are just insucure of their own apperence.

B.T.W. They weren't 'judging' you. Judging you would be like saying 'z0Mg!!111111111! 3mOOooooOo!' which they didn't. They were merly advising that you get some help.

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