What Did You Buy Recently?


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A cookie, chewy lolly and litterally 13 loaves of bread and 3 packs of scones. I owed my dad $20 so I bought his groceries.

I bought a Snoopy Band-Aid from my friend. XD

I don't know if this counts. Because I didn't pay for it with money. I gave her 4 potato chips and a hug for it. But the topic never said you couldn't buy things for hugs and potato chips.

I bought a Snoopy Band-Aid from my friend. XD
I don't know if this counts. Because I didn't pay for it with money. I gave her 4 potato chips and a hug for it. But the topic never said you couldn't buy things for hugs and potato chips.
XD I was going to talk about how amazing it is that I haven't bought anything for so long, but now that I think about it, I bought a sticker from my guy friend for a hug. Wait... I think that makes me a prostitute. Dammit. XD

Naw, Feebee. That doesn't make you a prostitute - just means you like stickers a lot. And doesn't everyone? XD

Last thing I bought was a package of Poptarts 8D

Yeah. I don't have enough money to buy the super-duper stuff I spazz for, so I just buy Poptarts instead 8D

I bought a Living Dead Dolls Squeak. I like to collect them ;)

Well my mom goes shopping on Friday with my grandma (She has no car) When I am at school. So I tell my mom to pick things up for me.

So she got me eyeliner. Because I ran out and almost died XD

Well my mom goes shopping on Friday with my grandma (She has no car) When I am at school. So I tell my mom to pick things up for me.So she got me eyeliner. Because I ran out and almost died XD
Im 13 and I don't wear make-out even though almost every girl in my class does. My cousin tried to put eyeliner on my eyes and three eye lashes got stuck in my eyes and it looked very wierd lol. She has 40 different kinds of make-up. wierd

I bought a bag from my brother.

I payed him with my lunch money. Its an awesome bag, I couldn't resist but to get it.

The last thing I got was a Dolly magazine and a bag of Starbursts.

My mum paid for them but I hope they still count!


I don't remember what I bought.

But my mom bought me my iPod Touch Gen 2 as a replacement for my old one which my mom lost at the bus stop. :/

I bought Fallen by Evanescence (Amazing 0.0) When The World Comes Down by AAR and Boys Like Girls.

I bought an energy drink from the vending machine at my school. And then managed to spill it everywhere. Luckily, I'd already drank half of it first so it was all good. ;3

I bought an energy drink from the vending machine at my school. And then managed to spill it everywhere. Luckily, I'd already drank half of it first so it was all good. ;3
XD I do that all the time. One time it spilled on one of my friends and...well lets not go there heh heh.

i bought GUM o_O

which i ate already 4 pieces since this morning

yeah, at this moment i am REALLY hyper

too much sugar >.<

` ~ ♥♥♥. `

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