What Did You Buy Recently?


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Two shirts. A skirt. Well, my Mum actually paid for them, but they're mine. And the last thing I bought with my own money was probably a magazine or some clothes.

A bottle of Powerade today.

Mum made me get the ''No sugar'' one cuz she knows I'd go a little crazy if it had sugar in it ;DDD

I bought new skis and ski boots and ski poles. My class OvErNiGhT ski trip is tomorrow! And it's 4 hours away, I'm sooooo excited!!

Anyways, my skis aren't that pretty, black with a little bit of red firey stuff (they didn't have much variety in my size) my boots are white and blue to match my snowsuit, and my poles are black and blue.

I also bought an awesome sweater to wear under my coat on the hill, and an Adidas lunchbag for all my snacks.<3

I've just blown all this month's money on clothes. I know this because my Mum wouldn't lend me any money towards the fluorescent yellow nail polish I saw today. It was very upsetting, but we got donuts on the way back so I'm all better.

I bought Metallica's Saint Anger, Load, and Ride the Lightning, leaving just ReLoad and Garage inc.

I also bought a new copy of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas for PS2.

Let's see....

Oh yus, I bought balloons yesterday x)

I like balloons. My top bunk is like, full of them now.

Three packages of hair clips.

Two headbands.

A pack of bracelets.

A bubble clear umbrella 8D

Two pairs of fake converses (One is the pair Feebee has 8D)

A bunch of socks.

Hair shampoo.

More socks.

Deodorant and razors.

Two necklaces (I lost one already. ;. :furawatchi:

Gum. (Somehow lost from the store to the car.. o.o


Coke 8D

... This is all today. xD

Six songs from iTunes. :3

  • Right Round - Flo Rida.
  • Sober - P!nk.
  • Thinking Of You - Katy Perry.
  • Single Ladies - Beyonce.
  • Diva - Beyonce.
  • I'm In Miami bi*** - LMFAO.
I've been behind on pop songs, so I got some. :3

Edit: I counted the songs wrong. xD

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This game from iTunes. It's crep. But it was free. x3

[so that technically doesn't count as buying something, but let's not get all logical.]

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