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I just got back from the comic store to get some summer reading loot, im not a die hard comic book fan but i love reading them. I saw DC has released "The New 52!" line, releasing 52 new stories for old comic book heroes / villains!

I havent been following from book 1 but i got Justice League and Swamp Thing, starting from there. I love monster stuff like spawn and venom so I thought it was a good find.

Also, i love reading manga books, so i got one called 20th century boys, anyone here read it?


A research article called "A Qualitative Study of Self-Perceived effects of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in a Psychosocial Oncology Setting" for a paper I have to write.

Right now I'm reading 2 books

- Survival by Chris Ryan (for school)

- Louie Spence Still Got It, Never Lost It

German History 1770 - 1866 by James J Sheehan. I'm so interested in German and Prussian history now, and it was the only book in the library that practically even mentioned Prussia.
