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So I see you mean the career mode on Guitar Hero 3.

Okay. Well, I beat the game on Easy and Medium (lol), but I'm stuck on hard. :furawatchi:

Unless I want to break my fingers and/or guitar (lol), I don't think I will be finishing up hard anytime soon. o0

Im on Hard. Stuck on "Raining Blood" on the Last Gig.

Trust me, if you thought Knights Of Cydonia on Hard was.. Well.. Hard. Then Raining blood is 10x worse.

Oh Lord. Gaahh. I'm never beating it! Raining Blood is basically hard on everything. I hate that song in the first place!

I'm on hard of Guitar Hero 2, and medium on Guitar Hero 3.

I just beat medium and still haven't practiced on hard. I haven't played the game for a month.

*grabs dusty guitar and plays*

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