X xXLadyOfSorrowsXx Well-known member Joined Apr 15, 2008 Messages 595 Reaction score 0 May 26, 2008 #1 I'm on Hard. I have 11 songs and the battle with Lou left over,then I'm on Expert!!!!
T tamacrazy_101 Well-known member Joined Mar 1, 2006 Messages 2,837 Reaction score 0 Location Lost in the Abyss. May 27, 2008 #2 So I see you mean the career mode on Guitar Hero 3. Okay. Well, I beat the game on Easy and Medium (lol), but I'm stuck on hard. :furawatchi: Unless I want to break my fingers and/or guitar (lol), I don't think I will be finishing up hard anytime soon. o0
So I see you mean the career mode on Guitar Hero 3. Okay. Well, I beat the game on Easy and Medium (lol), but I'm stuck on hard. :furawatchi: Unless I want to break my fingers and/or guitar (lol), I don't think I will be finishing up hard anytime soon. o0
S Shadowfire~SF Well-known member Joined Feb 11, 2008 Messages 338 Reaction score 0 Location At Shigure's House May 27, 2008 #3 On Guitar Hero 1 I'm on meduim. I don't fail, but I still suck at it XDD
X xXLadyOfSorrowsXx Well-known member Joined Apr 15, 2008 Messages 595 Reaction score 0 May 29, 2008 #4 lol Well,I'm stuck on Hard too. I keep failing all the songs in Japan.
R Roar The Tiger Well-known member Joined May 28, 2005 Messages 2,915 Reaction score 3 Location Uk - Hull. May 29, 2008 #5 Im on Hard. Stuck on "Raining Blood" on the Last Gig. Trust me, if you thought Knights Of Cydonia on Hard was.. Well.. Hard. Then Raining blood is 10x worse.
Im on Hard. Stuck on "Raining Blood" on the Last Gig. Trust me, if you thought Knights Of Cydonia on Hard was.. Well.. Hard. Then Raining blood is 10x worse.
X xXLadyOfSorrowsXx Well-known member Joined Apr 15, 2008 Messages 595 Reaction score 0 May 29, 2008 #6 Oh Lord. Gaahh. I'm never beating it! Raining Blood is basically hard on everything. I hate that song in the first place!
Oh Lord. Gaahh. I'm never beating it! Raining Blood is basically hard on everything. I hate that song in the first place!
P princess08 Well-known member Joined Jul 20, 2006 Messages 2,855 Reaction score 1 Location realizing regret May 30, 2008 #7 I'm on easy and I've been playing it for a few months. -is epic fail-
killer_91 Well-known member Joined May 5, 2007 Messages 351 Reaction score 0 Location In my house May 30, 2008 #8 EXPERT AND HARD BABY WOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
L LostprophetsFan<33 Well-known member Joined Feb 20, 2008 Messages 238 Reaction score 0 May 31, 2008 #9 Expert
R Roar The Tiger Well-known member Joined May 28, 2005 Messages 2,915 Reaction score 3 Location Uk - Hull. Jun 7, 2008 #10 I've got bored of Hard and moved on to Expert. It makes it 10x more fun.
N Nyuu~ Well-known member Joined Jun 5, 2008 Messages 247 Reaction score 0 Jun 7, 2008 #11 I'm on hard of Guitar Hero 2, and medium on Guitar Hero 3.
sWeEt As SuGaR Well-known member Joined Dec 14, 2007 Messages 282 Reaction score 0 Location Behind you >D Jun 8, 2008 #12 I just beat medium and still haven't practiced on hard. I haven't played the game for a month. *grabs dusty guitar and plays*
I just beat medium and still haven't practiced on hard. I haven't played the game for a month. *grabs dusty guitar and plays*