What are you allergic to?


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I'm not really allergic to anything.

I do think I may be allergic to white out though, because whenever I get it on my hands my hands turn red and itch a lot for a few hours. It doesn't matter much though, I'm not really sure if I'm allergic or not, and I've learned to try to not get white out on my skin.

I have Lactose Intolerance.

It sucks, because I can't have the foods I like. (Milk, ice-cream, cheese, yogurt...)

It makes me feel really sick.

Not to mention that I have a very sensitive stomach...

Which means that I have ongoing stomach-aches.

It's kinda like IBS... Blegh.

Some types of Makeup are harsh on my face & make my eyes red, stingy and watery. Ouch.


I'm allergic to latex, pollen, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs, mice, rats, hamsters, basically anything else with fur, peanuts, and cashews. I was promised allergy shots by my dad, but of course it never happened. My mom doesn't believe in them, so I guess I'm stuck like this my whole life.

Poison Ivy

Poision Oak

Poison Sumac
Poison Ivy and Poison Oak are the same thing. And since most people are allergic to them (It's rare to find someone who isn't!) I don't really think they would count as 'allergies', more as 'things that most people have trouble with if they encounter them.'

i am alergic to grapes. i can have them but i then get these painful bumps in my mouth. p.s i realy like grapes! wah.... <_<
The bumps are probaly kanker-sars [kang-ker-saurs]I don't know how to spell it.

I'm alergic to something I don't know. It makes me feel horrible

Poison Ivy and Poison Oak are the same thing. And since most people are allergic to them (It's rare to find someone who isn't!) I don't really think they would count as 'allergies', more as 'things that most people have trouble with if they encounter them.'
Poison ivy and poison oak aren't the same things. They differ slightly.

But anyhow, I guess that means I'm a rarity xD Poison ivy doesn't irritate my skin. Almost all my friends are 'allergic' to it though. Makes me feel special xD

But anyway, I get hay fever [not all symptoms though, just most] from about March to August.


I also think I'm slightly lactose intolerant, and I'm allergic to grass really badly, all year round ;.;

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long haired dogs



cleaning supplies

any furry animals


poison ivy

ant bites


guine pigs (SP?)

fresh cut grass

grass in general

I'm not allergic to anything that I know of.

Although I swell up when I get bitten by ants I don't have any difficulty breathing.

im allergic to vinegar sunscreen and glue/the sticky stuff on cellotape and bandaids im also allergic to cough syrup it nearly killed me because it made my throat swell so much it blocked off my breathing

Poison Ivy and Poison Oak are the same thing. And since most people are allergic to them (It's rare to find someone who isn't!) I don't really think they would count as 'allergies', more as 'things that most people have trouble with if they encounter them.'
ya sume 1 tricked me, i got Poison Ivy all over my hands,

but it was cool it didnt do anything!

i think im not allergic to Poison Ivy

yep, im not, it rules

but im allergic to fury kittens and cats a bit.

just a lil, i have my own fury kitten, i dont care

that im a bit allergic to my fury kitty, i love my kitten!

and im sorry for ever 1 that is allergic to stuff, sorry for you all! :furawatchi:


Penicillin and some other medicine that I can't remember the name of. I think I'n allergic to Advil too though, but I'm not positive......Once I took it and I got all swollen. :blink:

For some reason when I drink to much orange juice my face just broke out, and rashed today. My face hurts, burns, and it is itching. I took some medicine though.

Same here, although I will say with fair skin, some dishwashing soaps and dry heat make my skin crackly and red :D

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