What are u Running?


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I am poor as a student and just running a tama v5 and v4.5, getting a p's soon(yay)

A tamasuku1 and one of my new morinos... Morino is such a cute version, I adore it!

Just the Ura, and Akai. I decided to give Osu/Mesu a rest.

ETA: Just got my second Uratama today (July 2), and am running it as well. So 2 Uras, and 1 Akai Keitai.

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Pink 15th Anniversary iD L, light blue TMGC+C, white P2 with red buttons, and red/pink gem Tamagotchi Friends.

Nano: Spacytchi, first time ever :D

UraTama: Ura Young Furawatchi

P's: Amakutchi

V2: Marutchi

I'm running a lot because I'm on school holiday's. I really want to buy a new Tamagotchi though :(

The 2 Uras, and a v4.5, the Earth shell. A/K retired for now.

Tama Suku. Just picked it up today, and it's my first time with this version. Uras and V4.5 are deactivated for now.

ETA: Sorry for the double post; couldn't use the Edit on my previous post.

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All I have is a V6 Music Star, I lost my old Tama-Go. I started it yesterday, and apparently I gave it horrible care, so my baby turned into a kuchitamatchi.

Tamagotchi+Color: Makiko Generation 32

Tamagotchi P's: Acchitchi Generation 2 (It always dies)

Tamagotchi Plus: Hanatchi Generation 8?

I'm currently runing my TMGC+C only~

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Still running my idl and WAS running my mothra until today when the batteries that were already in it died and now can't get the screws out :'(

But running my V4 in place of my Mothra :)


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