What are u Running?


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I am currently running my id l. No more because two is too much.



Started up my other V4.5 yesterday


Still running my european version of V4.5. My tama got married and gave birth to a baby girl yesterday ^_^ she should leave at midnight today.


And still running my P's :)

None. Started back to work (school bus driver). I'll run one during fall break, and my Santaclautch during Christmas break.

Here's what I'm running right now, with a bit of character...

Tamagotchi iD L 15th - It's the Mametchi show on this one... also featuring Onsen Moguratchi.

Tamagotchi P's - He seems like a regular run of the mill Turtletchi now... but he will be knighted someday. (That's a hint as to who I'm going for on this run. ;) )

Digimon Unlimited - Cyberdramon's still going strong. He should be evolving into Justimon tomorrow, and the world will be a better place the moment he does.

Next up on the iD L will be Prince Tamahiko or Princess Tamako. And my eventual Knightchi will act as their royal bodyguard. Or something.

Omg how did you change the faceplate of the P's? :eek:

This way it looks a hundred times better :D
Thanks Antiscian Cats for the answer!

Myiko it's not so easy to take it off, but after the hard work the result it's amazing after all. I'm glad with my own design (it's a tama depa sticker) :D

cool! thank you guys!

I didn't know the faceplates of colour tamas could be removed at all, even if it's a little bit hard is so cool they can!

I'm pretty glad with your own design too black candy, I never liked the P's design, but with that sticker it looks really great :p

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