September 2008 Contest Winner
Well as most of ya know I went camping Friday night. I just got back too!
I had a fun time in Ocala (City in the middle of Florida) I went to a Girl Scout Camp for the weekend. I have pictures, but need to go to Wal~Mart First to develop them. We had a Beauty School like theme if there wasn't soccer or Kickball. I got to paint my nails a dark purple, make a face mask (ew) Do yoga (Tis fun) and serve lunch (I served the Chicken Fries!) And be in the talent show around 8 pm (We lost to a group of 1st graders XP They were ultra cute, I got their picture) And I tattoed some Kanji symbols on my left hand with marker. Oh and I learned a new name!-Turkeyhole! I can't wait to show ya'll the pics!
I had a fun time in Ocala (City in the middle of Florida) I went to a Girl Scout Camp for the weekend. I have pictures, but need to go to Wal~Mart First to develop them. We had a Beauty School like theme if there wasn't soccer or Kickball. I got to paint my nails a dark purple, make a face mask (ew) Do yoga (Tis fun) and serve lunch (I served the Chicken Fries!) And be in the talent show around 8 pm (We lost to a group of 1st graders XP They were ultra cute, I got their picture) And I tattoed some Kanji symbols on my left hand with marker. Oh and I learned a new name!-Turkeyhole! I can't wait to show ya'll the pics!