>>> We Are Young <<<


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Asvoria turned away from Dex. Her green eyes locked on the deer. Her pupils became large and she surrounded her body in shadows. "This one's mine." She spoke calmly. The shadows altered her voice in an eerie way. Her boots made almost so sound as she walked out to the end of the branch, her shadows were helping to keep the branch from breaking under her. A dark purple shadow hand slithered it's way down the trees. Asvoria drew her blades. She hasn't even blinked yet, that would have caused her to lose some concentration. 'Some' was WAY too much for her. She was a natural killer and she knew it. The shadow hand then jumped at the deer, covering it's eyes. The deer let out a cry of suprise and Asvoria leapt from the branch and landed ontop of the deer, burying her blades into it.

(yay! Dark moment for Avy =P )

Dex gave a small smile, jumping down. "That was really cool." He told Asvoria, looking over the deer. "Come on, let's cook this up for you, you must be really hungry." Dex said, grabbing materials to make a fire with.

Avy smiled and her stomach growled in agreement. "It's the weirdest feeling, being covered in it." she tried to explain. She then looked at the dead deer and re-sheathed her daggers. "We should get this back to the group, they're probly hungry too." Asvoria liften the deer onto her shoulders.

Dex nodded, and picked up his materials, walking next to Avy back to the group.

Peter walked back just as Dex and Avy arrived. "Wow! That looks amazing guys, good job!" He said and placed the bowl of fruit next to the deer. He collected plenty of apples and raided a few houses for bananas and strawberries that were still fresh enough to eat. Olivia smiled happily at the amount of food being brought in, but her smile vanished as she felt a pang of guilt pierce her chest. Ever since joining the group, Olivia hadn't exactly done anything to help. Avy and Dex provided the group with a wonderful kill, Peter and Para had provided fruit, and Peter had created a place to sleep for one night. She stood up abruptly, stepping on he intricate drawing she had started. "I'll be back soon!" She called hurriedly and rushed in the direction of what used to be a small town nearby.

"So. I'm not gutting the deer." Para said plainly.

Storm slowly walked to the others. "Good morning. Your day is instantly better. Storm is here." Storm declared.

Asvoria smiled at Storm and attempted to hand him the deer. "Oh goody! Then you can help us out with this." she winked at him and laughed. "you'll see I'm not all bad."

"How could anyone think you're bad?" Dex asked, as he was not there for the entire time the group had been intact.

"Let's see here..." Asvoria began to recap. "Fehl shot Para, I got disarmed, I disarmed Peter, and I'm pretty sure I offended Storm on many different levels, not to mention covered him in shadow from the waist down." she thought to herself a bit. "I think that's it?"

Peter watched as Olivia sprinted off. He sighed o himself and turned his attention to Storm and the others. "Any way I can help?" Peter asked as he bent over and grabbed an apple from the bowl. He rubbed it on his shirt and took a bite out of it.

Olivia slowed to a light jog as she reached the first couple of buildings. She stepped inside the first open one she saw with her sword drawn. After she assured herself that it was all clear, she began to rummage through the deserted home looking for anything of use.

"Still don't see how anyone could think you're bad." Dex said, giving Avy a small smile, holding back a laugh.

"Do you know how to cook deer?" Asvoria asked Peter. "I'll gut it and skin it to use as a blanket of some sorts?"

Dex stayed silent for a few seconds. "What do you need me to do?" He asked.

"I've cooked other meat before, so I wouldn't expect deer meat to be much different, right?" He said slowly. "If you don't trust me cooking the meat, I won't be offended." He said simply.

After Olivia finished her work in the bedrooms, she headed out the back door. She almost fainted on the spot when she saw the family in the kitchen dead. She closed her eyes and hurried out of the house as quickly as she could. Only when she was a good distance from the house did she open her eyes. She adjusted the strap of duffel bag she had filled with four large blankets and eight bottles of water. There were many other things she contemplated grabbing, but she knew the thick blankets would come in handy. Still, the guilt of ransacking a deceased family's house was present in the back of her mind as she walked back towards the group. She tossed the bag down and sighed heavily before sitting down.

"No hard feelings." Storm grinned.

"What he said." Para said. "Anyway it's nice to have friends like you guys. The tribe is just...horrible."

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