Ways to hide and care for your Tama in School!


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Im A Buser And Im Allowed To Bring Electronics On The Bus So I Can Sit By The Window Or On The Outside -_-


I take my tamas to school [[and work, when I WAS working xD]] all the time...

I've gotten yelled at at school before 'cause I keep them on my cute Tama lanyard but usually I can get away with it... unless people are like hovering around me all like...

"Why do you have that?

where did you even get it?

those are so old

oh my god is that a tamagotchi or whatever?"

-.- it's actually pretty annoying...


I've never gotten one taken away ^ ^ :huh: :(

I usually hide my tamagotchi in a little leather pouch, and if tehy ask what is in it, i say "stuff" and then i tell them they dont need to know!!! I learned it the hard way... my teaxcher killed my tamagotchi once by takeing it and making me leave it from MONDAY to FRIDAY! and it was on the 19 generation too.. so keep a puch and do what i do! it works i tell ye! and hopefully ur tama doesnt DIE from a MEAN teacher.


Lol, why not just pause it?

To pause v.2,3:

Press the a button and c button at the same time

To pause v.4/.5:

Press the a button and button at the same time

To pause v.5:

Go to the icon that looks like a television by pressing the a button until it goes black and then press the a button until there is a arrow pointing towards the words travel show, then press the b button to select.

I hope I helped!

Have fun. :D

well first get a jacket with zipped pockets. Put your lunch money in it and then put your tama in your purse. put it on silent leave your purse on your desk and you know just check it whenever siuts you because if it's in a purse no one can see it.


cool tips! i keep mine in my school pocket with my house keys and lunch money etc. and when someone asks what's in there i say ''house keys, lunch money, bus money, USB, stuff like that'' i hav a huge school pocket so if my tama is the only thing there you cant even tell, people just think it's part of the pleats in my school skirt! When i need to check it during the day I use the bathroom in between classes and when i need to change for PE class I pause it and leave it in my school bag 'till next break then back into the pocket-unpaused.

i do this with my silver v3. on my V1 i cant pause and unpause as quick so i cant take it.

laters, thanks for the tips!
