Vote For TamaAngels To Come Back!


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Do You Want Angelgotchi Back Where You Live?

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its a great idea if you ask me. there are so many different characters we could come up with too :blink:

i'd also love to see tamagotchi ocean come back as well. except this time make it not so hard to take care of, and it could connect to other tamagotchis. if there's on thing i hated about ocean, it was just too dang needy. they should make it less needier lol there's so much you could do with this one as well.

all the others i wouldnt really mind not coming back. though im curious about devilgotchi.

mostly id just like to see better graphics in the old ones and more characters and connectability. other than that i dont see anything else to improve in the older versions. (other than making them all english lol)

What a coincidence! Just about a week ago when I ordered my angelgotchi I decided to design Angelgotch connexions! My growth chart is here: . There would be more, but I got stuck...

Angel gotchis are fun, I think they should bring back angel and devil. I guess theyd call it angelgotchiand devilgotchi plus or something like that. I dought it will happen but we can dream!

that would be nice.. but I have an angelgotchi already, but it is in japaneese... I was so suprised! I actually got a good charectar!! (the angel twins)

That would be great! I would like it if they could connect with eachother and Connection. I don't think Bandai would do this but if it happens I will definetely buy at least two! A Devil V2 would be awesome, too! The Devil and Angel should be able to connecct with eachother! :angry: :angry:

Thanks for bumping up an old topic.

I had this idea, but this gal' says she had that idea,

so might as well go along with it. That was LONG ago though.

In a post, I said "What if they brought back Angelgotchis"?

Anyways, thanks for bumping up.

i think they should bring them bak cuz i was only 3/4 when they came out. :lol: its not fair some people were young and not able to control one. lolz

oh ya so duz that make my v1 rare? cuz someone sayd no one would see em after v2 (iv seen a v2 at the store a while ago but lost my chance also with a mini) :D :lol:

It would be cool if Angelgotchi were everywhere, not in just select places because that's like unfair :wacko: .

I agree very strongly.

I think it should be EVERYWHERE.

Everyone deserves the same rights.

Miss Priss

PS I'm not actually bratty and prissy. It just flows well.

i think its a great idea to try and bring bnack angel and devilgotchis.but i also think they should release the morino (forestgotchi)into the would ge called a tamagotchi garden.(bandai made up name tamagotchi garden for the morinos to be realesd in the u.s.they ended up not realesing them,though.)

I doubt they will make one... But here:

Some of the old charactors

Angel-like games


Item: sundae

<_< And an angel Ginnjerotchi!


1. If you won't bring them back becuase you think people wouldn't buy them...Look how many people at least on this forum would be so glad to?

2. I got into tamas during 2004 doing some internet research...when they came out last year I was soo happy, I got a ripoff off of ebay in 2004 that was NOT a tamagotchi, but labeled one...:-( anyway, I wanted an original. I am so loving my connections, but really...Angelgotchis coming back would be so awesome, I read on them and they seem FUN, and I'm really sure I'm not the only person who feels this way and didn't get into tamagotchi in time to get one. (and who doesn't feel like risking on parents hate it now.)

3. Please, BanDai. It would make soo many people happy, you're really doing a good job with tamas, but it'd be a lot cooler if you paid attention to a lot of what true tama fans were saying. :( I hope somebody from Bandai actually reads this thread!

<3 we love you bandai, please!


ok i DEFINATLY want angelgotchis to be around again!!! you can even get twins!!! and for the new features i want....

1. infrared communication

2. a backlight (well actually i want that for ALL tamas!)

3. new games and new angel characters

4. and a shop because i loooove $hopping!!!!

i hope bandai can at least make them again! :wacko:

well, if bandai cant upgrade the AngelGotchi's at least they can release it unupgraded, but it would be much cooler with those upgrades though...

:blink: :wub: :lol: :lol: i want one! they sound soo sweet! they should sell them in 2 packs but sell 'em for at least...£5/$5 extra???

I'd like 2 connect as well. ty! :lol:

I have never had either angelgotchi nor devilgotchi but I would definately buy one of each if they came to the US, just to try it out. Who knows! I might but more than one... I did buy 3 tamagotchi connection v1's and 1 v3!!

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