Voodoo's Tama Log


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DELTA was doing a strange little dance last night....not fun at all 'coz actually his Happy Hearts were all empty!

Yay! DELTA evolved into a Tosakotchi right after I woke up today....

ELEANOR and her band members evolved too today!

She's now a Mimitchi, Ryo a Androtchi and Coleen a Kunoitchi. :)

And they passed their first audition right away, getting 10.000 GPs from the guitar guy.

THE SQUID playing their Latin music.

Their Star Ranking is now 6th, and they have 43.657.358 Tama Fans.

ELEANOR was also given 10.000 GPs from her dad, SANDER! :D


ELEANOR writing an essay with the pencil I bought her. Such a clever girl!

And playing with a wig... XD

She received a plant from her daddy, SANDER, today, but we haven't planted it yet. Maybe tomorrow.

DELTA and ELEANOR getting ready for bed.

DELTA was given 2 meat bowls by the TamaKing today!

I most likely won't upload for some time, since I'll be visiting my parents again and maybe visit some amusement park. Since I don't want to risk my Tamas going missing there, I'll probably pause and leave them at home.

So, I'm back.

And thank gods, I didn't take my Tamas to the amusement park! I got entirely stirred and shaken in those fun rides and my bag got completly soaking wet on the water ride! o_O

I would ever had lost them or gotten them wet...

So after 3 days of pausing them, I un-paused them 30mins ago and ELEANOR and THE SQUID had a concert at 6pm - and won the Latin Award!!!

I might update again later.... ;)

Well, as you see...I didn't upload again last night. Lazy me. -.-'

Anyway, a short update!


Received a meat bowl, a turkey and 400 GPs from TamaKing!

He's also now working at the Bakery!

His stats are:

Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training ///////// (full)

Int - 46

Arts - 36

Social - 24

Age: 4 years

Weight: 31 LB


Received a Classic-CD and a chest from TamaKing, and a Tama Battery (What is it good for? Please message me if you know!) from her dad, SANDER.

Her stats are now:

Age: 3 years

Weight: 36 LB

T: 606

R: 435

O: 691

Fav. Music: Latin (still)

Fav. Instrument: Bass Drum (but I changed it to harp)

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ELEANOR made a clone of herself and they did a little dance together! ^_^


Yay! ELEANOR's plant grew into a happy sunflower!

Cruisin' through the city....

ELEANOR taking a trip to a foreign planet with the u.f.o. we bought yesterday.

Guitar Guy came twice this morning!

First he brought ELEANOR 10.000.000 GPs (yay!) and than a Gozarutchi to marry!

They have now a cute little baby-girl. :)

DELTA's stats are:

Hungry ***

Happy ****

Training ///////// (full)

Int - 53

Arts - 50

Social - 35

Age: 6 years

Weight: 34 LB

ELEANOR's stats are now:

Age: 5 years

Weight: 38 LB

T: 814

R: 694

O: 999

Fav. Music: Asian

Fav. Instrument: Harp

Star Ranking: 4th

Tama Fans: 354.431.041


ELEANOR and her hubby are playing with her lil' daughter on the slide!

DELTA got married too! To a Masktchi. And he also got a lil' baby-girl!

ELEANOR and her band THE SQUID gave a concert at 7pm and received the Asian Music Award!

Now I've collected the awards for

* Asian Music

* Classic

* Pop

* Roch'n'Roll

* Latin Music

Both my Tamas getting ready for bed...

PS: Sorry the pics are so huge this time...forgot to downscale them. -.-'

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OMG! I had a quite interesting day today...I decided to visit the local T'r'U for a change to look for Tama stuff.

Just before entering the store I heard an unhappy beep - my V4 had run out of batteries!

I decided to change it after roaming the store, since it's not that far away from my home.

And guess what? They didn't have any Tamas, but they had some accessories! They had many Kutchipatchi-Pouches, some different lanyards and charm-sets left! And all on sale.

I bought a pouch for 1€ and a Gozarutchi-lanyard for 2,99€ ('coz it's black)!

I would have bought some charms too, but I planned to go to the cinema that afternoon.

That Gozarutchi-charm, btw, I gave to a friend who's not into Tamas at all, but he's into martial arts, so he liked it quite a lot. :)

ELEANOR and her family opened a chest this afternoon and for a change, it didn't turn them into old geezers, but contained bread!

Also the TamaKing sent them some cheesecake. :)

And the guitar guy brought them 1.000.000GPs!!!

So after buying some Tama stuff, I went back home to replace the V4's battery. Fortunatly I still had one left. The last one.... D:

DELTA decided to go fishing to calm his nerves after the "operation". And he caught 1000GPs!

Of course that had to raise the robber's interest, but he only stole some 100GPs.

After that I went to do some shopping, especially buying batteries for the Tamas. I bought 4 - that should keep them running for quite some while, don't you think? ;)

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The babies are so different! Even now when they are still under the care of their parents.

DELTA's girl is producing poop like a maniac! IDK like every 5mins or something!?

While ELEANOR's baby is only pooping when her parents do. XD

Tonight they should be left by their parents....

ELEANOR and her family already went to sleep, but DELTA is still awake and received a turkey from TamaKing!

Sorry for not updating for a while, but I was plain lazy.. <_<

And the last days were rather quiet.

Yesterday morning I named ELEANOR's daughter NANA. She's a well behaved girl and turned into a Hitodetchi.

The preschool teacher gave her a teddy bear for a new toy, which she just loves! :)

And the TamaKing sent her some corn, while her mum gave her a fruit juice and a crêpe.

Both my Tamas with their new lanyards.

DELTA prooved to be a very clingy parent and refused to leave his daughter as expected, but only left tonight!

I called the lil' girl ANNA!

She poops all the time! -.-'

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ANNA's stats are:

Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training /

Int - 13

Arts - 6

Social - 0

Age: 0 years

Weight: 29 LB

NANA's stats are now:

Age: 1 years

Weight: 10 LB

T: 300

R: 241

O: 306

Fav. Music: Classic

Fav. Instrument: Sax

NANA just evolved into a Ringotchi!

I kinda love that character, but I guess it also means I'm taking too good care most of the time, 'coz I just can't get a Sebiretchi or Kunoitchi. I really hope I can get NANA to evolve into a Maidtchi...

So, NANA went to music school a while ago and met 2 cute lil' boys:

Louis (Hinotamatchi), playing the drums;

Toby (Nonopotchi), playing the trumpet.


They are now SUGAR3, and play classic music.

Does anyone know which music instrument goes with which music genre?

Please message me! :)

Sorry, I didn't update in aaaaages, but university is about to start again next week and I'm rather busy.

But I got some pics for you!

Last Friday: NANA singing with a karaoke machine, while ANNA is still asleep.

NANA activated the Tama Battery and received a boom box! ^_^

And I finally had enough GPs to buy a stereo for her when it was at the shop on Monday.

Both my girls taking a shower/bath. As you see, ANNA has evolved into a Maidtchi (on Monday)! I'm so happy. :D

Somehow NANA is given one of the cat/dog-costumes on a regular basis?! She has 2 of each by now...

And ANNA is now working as a hairdresser.

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