Voodoo's Tama Log


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Good morning!

I woke today rather early to a still sleeping LAMB (she just woke at 9:00) and a crying lil' boy-o: ATLAS's son.

I named him SANDER! XD I really hope he'll grow into a KuroMametchi....!That would be fitting.

Fed him some baby food and regular milk right away.

SANDER inherited some stats from his dad (unfortunatelly none of his money...); his Tone, Rythm and Original were already at 249. :)

I played a round of Sing-a-song (then he got sick and had to take his medicine twice) and Music Blocks with him and now his stats are:

Age: 0 years

Weight: 5 LB

T: 279

R: 249


Fav. Music: R'n'R

Fav. Instrument: Drums

LAMB's stats are:

Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training ////////

Int - 27

Arts - 58

Social - 30

Age: 2 years

Weight: 23 LB

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SANDER just evolved into a Kutchitamatchi?!

But why? I thought they are bad care... :( And I've done my best all morning to make him happy...

Just a small update on stats and stuff. :)

Poor SANDER received a letter with poop, but also has been given an invitation to attend pre-school. The pre-school teacher gave him a new toy, some Bandai-thingy. :D It's SANDER's favorite toy now.

And his daddy ATLAS sent him a bowl of noodles at 13:30, right in time for lunch! :)

His stats are now:

Age: 0 years

Weight: 16 LB

T: 324

R: 255

O: 292

Fav. Music: R'n'R (it was Pop for a short while though)

Fav. Instrument: Drums

LAMB got 1100 GPs from TamaKing. :)

LAMB's stats are:

Hungry ***

Happy ****

Training ///////// (full)

Int - 27

Arts - 58

Social - 35

Age: 2 years

Weight: 23 LB

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So, both my Tamas went to sleep some time ago.

But before SANDER received a gift from TamaKing: a bowl of Loco Moco. o_O

SANDER's stats are now:

Age: 0 years

Weight: 15 LB

T: 367

R: 275

O: 382

Fav. Music: R'n'R

Fav. Instrument: Drums

LAMB's stats are:

Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training ///////// (full)

Int - 29

Arts - 64

Social - 43

Age: 2 years

Weight: 28 LB

It'll be quite a busy day for us tomorrow, I think. I need some things for different sewing and DIY projects and both my Tamas will come along on this shopping tour! :)

LAMB will hang from my shoulder bag (right next to a miniature Voodoo doll and Gypsy mirror charm) and SANDER will hang around my neck (sounds kinda creepy).

I might take some pics....

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A close-up of LAMB from last night.

Gosh! I got quite a shock this morning!

I woke at 08:15 and SANDER's Hungry hearts were half empty, and he only had 1 Happy heart left!? And his Stress level was at 20!

I cleaned away the poop first, fed him a meat bowl and a milk, played Music Block with him and praised him a bit. :)

And at 9:30 his daddy ATLAS sent him 8000 GPs! I immediatly bought lil' SANDER some food at the shop and a shovel. He dug out a sun with it, that made him very happy and bouncy.

Shortly after that he evolved into a Kikitchi! XD

SANDER playing with his toy...

LAMB evolved too, this morning. As I hoped she became a Memetchi! :)

LAMB brushing her teeth.

Her stats are now:

Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training ///////// (full)

Int - 29

Arts - 69

Social - 48

Age: 3 years

Weight: 31 LB

Later that day we went shopping together. :)

While I bought myself a locket watch, the TamaKing sent SANDER some cherries, and shortly after that ATLAS gave SANDER a bowl of Loco Moco.

He also received a few letters (a heart, a star) and an invitation to go to Music School!

SANDER owns now a new instrument, a trumpet. :)


He met his band members:

Toby(Kinotamatchi), Guitar

Veronica(Ringotchi), Singers

and they formed a band, BUNNIES!, playing R'n'R.

SANDER's stats are now:

Age: 1 years

Weight: 23 LB

T: 393

R: 334

O: 486

Fav. Music: R'n'R (it was Pop for a short while though)

Fav. Instrument: Drums

LAMB dangling from my shoulder bag....

...and SANDER hanging around my neck.

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Both LAMB and SANDER taking a bath/shower at the same time! Aren't they cute!? ^-^

Hey, guys and gals! I had both Tamas paused for the night 'coz I wanted to sleep longer than 0800 this morning.

And I had them paused for quite some time this afternoon too, 'coz I went to the movies. XD "The Three Musketeers" - was better than I feared!

So don't wonder if they're evolving slower than expected.

Caught LAMB taking a walk this morning...

LAMB got a job today! She's now working at the bakery, selling delicious cupcakes. :3

Her stats are now:

Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training ///////// (full)

Int - 29

Arts - 69

Social - 61

Age: 4 years

Weight: 34 LB

I sent SANDER to Music School a couple of times. After all, BUNNIES! want to become really big in tha biz.

He also received 2 letters with hearts and 2x bananas from TamaKing. :)

His stats are now:

Age: 1 years

Weight: 20 LB

T: 431

R: 372

O: 636

Fav. Music: R'n'R

Fav. Instrument: Drums

I'm not sure wether I'll update tomorrow 'coz I'll visit my parents for some days and they aren't very fond of my Tamas. :( Guess I'll have them paused quite a lot....

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Goooood Morning!

I had a great morning so far. :D

SANDER evolved into a Kuromametchi some time this night! And I send him ro Music School to meet his other band members, so they could evolve too.

Toby (Guitar) became a Togetchi and

Veronica (Singers) a Onputchi!

And they passed their first audition right away!!!

I'm so proud of them and very happy. They also got the Pro Debut of 10.000 GPs.

So far BUNNIES! (their band) are 103rd in Star Ranking and have 20.474.886 Tama Fans.

They play good old R'n'R with SANDER as drummer. ;)

SANDER's stats are now:

Age: 2 years

Weight: 31 LB

T: 443

R: 392

O: 644

Fav. Music: R'n'R (it was Pop for a short while though)

Fav. Instrument: Drums

SANDER and LAMB are both saying "Hi!" to their fans and readers of my log!

Looks a bit like SANDER's flirting with LAMB and she get's all sparkly eyes because of it! XD

There's not much new to write about LAMB. She's a quite girl... Still, here's a short update on her stats too.

She's now 4 years old, so she should get a visit from the matchmaker during the next couple of days. :)

LAMB's stats are now:

Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training ///////// (full)

Int - 29

Arts - 74

Social - 61

Age: 4 years

Weight: 31 LB

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So, I'm back from a visit to my parents. As I said, I had my Tamas paused a few times, but still I got some updates and pics for you! :D


LAMB was very quiet that day, so I actually don't have any news about her here.

SANDER received a letter with a heart and 2 letters with poop, but also some gifts from his daddy and the TamaKing! :)

ATLAS gave him a kebab and the TamaKing an Asian-CD and a cookie.

SANDER bought himself a plant, but it grew into a skull-flower. :(

BUNNIES! gave 3 concerts at 1700,1800 and 1900 and were 3rd Star Ranking with 160.298.627 Tama Fans.


That was a busy and interesting day!

LAMB was given a bowl of noodles, a meat bowl, 400 GP and make-up from the TamaKing!

She also received 1000 GP for working at the bakery!

Her stats were:

Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training ///////// (full)

Int - 33

Arts - 92

Social - 71

Age: 5 years

Weight: 30 LB

LAMB jumping around and SANDER playing the drums.

SANDER was visited by the guitar guy and given 5.000.000 GPs!

ATLAS sent him 2x make-up and the TamaKing a Rock-CD.

The mailman brought 2 letters (1 poop, 1 heart) and we bought the Spot-costume at the shop! :D

At 1700, BUNNIES! gave a concert and won the R'n'R award!!!

1st Star Ranking and 230.615.762 Tama Fans! BUNNIES! rock.

After that SANDER picked trumpet as his new instrument and went to sleep at 2045. He was very exhausted after all that rock star lifestyle. XD

His stats were:

Age: 3 years

Weight: 32 LB

T: 567

R: 512

O: 876

Fav. Music: R'n'R

Fav. Instrument: Drums

SANDER playing the trumpet.


Today was a rather quiet day for SANDER.

TamaKing sent him a chocolate bar and ATLAS a lobster at 1130 - right on time for lunch! ;)

Also SANDER got 2 letters: a poop and a star.

LAMB got 2 letters with poop! Poor lil' girl was outraged at that...

But TamaKing sent her many gifts to cheer her up: a pineapple, grapes and flowers!

And the matchmaker came at 1900! She offered LAMB a Debotchi, but LAMB just giggled and sent him away. Those teeth!!!

19.30 BATH TIME!

At 2100 LAMB accepted another job and is now working as bus driver. :)

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So, first a quick update on their stats this morning...


Age: years

Weight: 33 LB

T: 627

R: 641

O: 999

Fav. Music: R'n'R

Fav. Instrument: (still) Drums

Star Ranking: 1st

Tama Fans: 408.316.019

He also received a letter with a star. :)


Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training ///////// (full)

Int - 42

Arts - 99

Social - 82

Age: 6 years

Weight: 32 LB

She just got a letter with a heart.

I guess the matchmaker will come again soon...

Morning everyone!

I was in a very very bad mood yesterday - so bad, I took a long walk with loud music in my earphones and left my Tamas paused at home....

SANDER was very quiet after that and only recieved some letters (1 heart, 1 poop, 1 star).

His stats this morning:

Age: 4 years

Weight: 33 LB

T: 756

R: 709

O: 999

Fav. Music: Pop

Fav. Instrument: (still) Drums

Star Ranking: 4th

Tama Fans: 292.916.785

And TamaKing just gave him a Pop-CD!

LAMB was visited by the matchmaker at 1500, but she brought a Tarakotchi, so LAMB's answer was a short and sharp NO!

Later she got a letter with a heart and her hopes to find true love came back.... ^-^

The matchmaker returned at 1900 with a Pyontitchi, a cute and bouncy lil' guy that instantly won LAMB's heart!

LAMB has now a lil' baby-boy to take care of!

LAMB with her son...I wonder what I should name him...

Her stats this morning:

Hungry ***

Happy ****

Training ///////// (full)

Int - 52

Arts - 100

Social - 83

Age: 7 years

Weight: 34 LB

The TamaKing also sent her 200 GP just a moment ago.

Update 13:30: Another 700 GP from the TamaKing!

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Awww, poor LAMB and her lil' boy got sick.

Must be the strange weather around here....

I'm thinking about naming him Jinx.


I wonder wether I should try and get myself an ID-L... I just love the small sparkly stars and the chubby shape. XD

But first there are a couple of other things I need to buy. Books mostly. ;)

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Gosh! I had a hell of a night!

First I thought that LAMB would leave her baby at midnight, so I kept my cam ready, but nisch!

So I watched "The Three Musketeers" from 1973 on TV and went to bed...but couldn't fall asleep.

I thought about waking my Tamas, but that would have been unfair, since they were sleeping peacefully.

Not like me. I probably dosed off just once for only 20mins or something!

I feel like something has chewed me up and spit me out again! X.x


Fortunately the day was better so far. :)

At 10:30 the guitar guy came and gave SANDER 1.000.000 GPs!

He came back again at 12:30 with a Violetchi in tow! SANDER just couldn't take his eyes off of her!

Since I was shopping at that time, I couldn't take any proper pictures of their wedding, but here's one of the whole happy family with their lil' baby-girl!

After that TamaKing gave SANDER or rather the newborn a new instrument: a harp!

SANDER's stats are now:

Age: 5 years

Weight: 34 LB

T: 876

R: 786

O: 999

Fav. Music: Pop

Fav. Instrument: Trumpet

Star Ranking: 4th

Tama Fans: 446.050.429

LAMB and her baby-boy were rather quiet today. But they fell ill around noon and had to take their meds twice.

LAMB's stats are now:

Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training ///////// (full)

Int - 57

Arts - 107

Social - 93

Age: 8 years

Weight: 35 LB

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*watches FRINGE while posting* >w<

SANDER and BUNNIES! gave another 3 concerts today and won the Pop Award!!! XD

SANDER and the BUNNIES! performing.

SANDER's 2nd award! Now we got 3: R'n'R, Pop and Classic. :)

SANDER and his family practicing and singing together. Isn't their lil' baby-girl just cute? She's still so small, but already so passionate about music!

I just love that both my Tamas are taking a bath/shower at the same time! ^-^

LAMB and her son both got ill again this afternoon! I wonder why...I didn't overfeed them or anything. Anyway - it wasn't anything a single dose of meds couldn't cure.

I won't post LAMB's or SANDER's stats now, since they might both be leaving their babies tonight or tomorrow morning. And then I'll have 2 small Tamas to take care of?! XD


BTW: Did you notice? The Music Star has its own hook now too! And some shiny, sparkly gems. They are of course in silver and grey to fit its original design. LOL

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Sorry for not updating yesterday, but I was to lazy to go online at all.

Well, as anticipated LAMB left her baby yesterday at midnight.

The little one's called DELTA!

And last night SANDER did the same.

The little girl's called ELEANOR!

DELTA and ELEANOR both evolved today. Into a Gourmetchi and a Hitodetchi!

:D Both my Tamas took a bath/shower some moments ago.

ELEANOR's stats are now:

Age: 0 years

Weight: 10 LB

T: 273

R: 267

O: 286

Fav. Music: Latin

Fav. Instrument: Bass Drum

DELTA's stats are now:

Hungry ***

Happy ***

Training ////

Int - 1

Arts - 14

Social - 13

Age: 1 year

Weight: 47 LB (I tried to get him to evolve into a Kutchi-branch character...)

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Good morning guys and gals!

It's wonderful weather outside. :)

ELEANOR has evolved into a Chamametchi!

Her daddy, SANDER, has already sent her some gifts: 10.000 GPs and a cupcake. :)

And just a short while ago the Musik teacher came, invited her into school and gave her a microphone!

DELTA coming up to the screen to say "Hallo!"


ELEANOR and her band THE SQUID at music school.

The other band members are:

Ryo (Kikitchi), Drums

Colleen (Ichigotchi), Trumpet

ELEANOR's stats are now:

Age: 0 years

Weight: 20 LB

T: 299

R: 271

O: 303

Fav. Music: Latin

Fav. Instrument: Bass Drum

DELTA's stats are:

Hungry ****

Happy ****

Training /////

Int - 11

Arts - 19

Social - 13

Age: 2 years

Weight: 42 LB

Just a short post with some pics. :)

DELTA dug out 80 GPs with a shovel.

ELEANOR taking a shower.

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