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New member
Nov 4, 2006
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My first v3 tamagotchi had a baby and she left last night. Now I want to meet her in tama town but the password I have dosn't work, has this happened to anyone else? If it has please contack me and tell me what i'm doing wrong. ^_^ :) ^_^

You may not have logged onto TamaTown with the correct User Name.

From the TamaTown FAQ at ( ):

Q: The password I used gave me an ERROR message. How do passwords work?


Tamagotchi Town is filled with passwords. These passwords allow you to obtain and store Gotchi-prizes in your V3 toy. However, passwords are unique to each Tamagotchi character and cannot be shared among virtual pet owners. To make sure you always obtain a working password, enter exactly the same USER NAME (including any spaces or punctuation) at that you created in your Version 3 toy when you first hatched it.


You can view your Tamagotchi Connection USER NAME in the "Health Meter" menu along with all the other virtual pet stats. Press button (A) to select the "Health Meter" and press button ( ^_^ six times to locate the USER NAME.

Or, you may have clicked on the GrandParent's house, not the Parent's. They're quite close together in TamaTown.

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