*Violet's Little Garden*


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I don't know. :) It's my log, I thought there should be one in here SOMEWHERE... :)

Thanks for reading! :)



Violetchilluvr3, Athena, and Kiki

Edit: YAY! 9TH PAGE! xD

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Kiki just evolved, and I have to say, I'm very glad I named her Kiki because it's so fitting!!!!

SHE JUST EVOLVED INTO A LOVELITCHI!!! SHE'S THE MOST ADORABLE THING EVER!!!!!!! xD xD I keep talking to her like a puppy, but how can I help it? Just look at the face!!!!


I just had to rush off to Tamatown and buy her an outfit!!


Wow, I love her!!!!

In case you're wondering how I got her, I got all her training bars as a toddler, only let her hearts go down by one, except for one time when her happy hearts were down two, and last night I think I left her light on too long... And this morning I fed her snack (as a treat, not instead of playing a game)

You know what's wierd? On the Tamago, her name is spelled LovelYtchi, but on Tamatown her name is spelled LovelItchi... but that's ok! xD

I'm so happy!! :)



Violetchilluvr3, Kiki, and Athena

Things aren't great here, but I thought I should make an update anyways.

I got sad that at 10:30 the matchmaker didn't come, so I set the time to 2:59 and she showed up! She brought a Tarakotchi, who I wasn't super excited about, but it was better than a clump of pixels and this time they actually got to the fireworks. Here's what happened:


She also kept getting love letters after the marriage, so her lover is still letting her know he cares. As you can see, she had a girl, who I might name Aphrodite but I might not. I might name her Hera, the goddess of the hearth, and get a Yattatchi, because I kind of like them...

After I updated about Kiki, she refused to empty any hearts or do anything exciting, probably because she's a good care character, so we decided to go to the park. We met many new friends...







That's it for now.



Violetchilluvr3, Kiki, Athena, and Hera



(Ps- I love the different sized poos on the V4)

You know what I think is kind of wierd? Athena got married at around 11 yesterday morning, yet it's 3 here and she still hasn't gotten a job offer yet... Shouldn't she have had the chance yet? Oh well. It's ok. I've decided that her baby will be Hestia, and she'll be a Yattatchi. Earlier, Athena got sick, but it was JUST Athena, not Hestia, which I didn't even know could happen. But, I got them fixed, and everything's all better.

Early in the morning, Kiki was sick, too! I don't know why, but I cured her. It's a little boring that she never needs anything, but I guess that's good because it's one of the things I love about the Tamago- that's it's lifelike. Anyways, I'm glad to know that my shop isn't glitched, because there was a new wallpaper in today!


I know I said I was going to wait for the beach theme, but I really like this one! It was 120,000 gotchi points, and I almost had enough, so I kept switching my figures (and secretly hoping for cradles again...) and playing games, and then I finally had enough, so I took Kiki, said goodbye to our old house...


...and we rushed off to the store with our points in pocket.


I took a deep breath, and pressed "B", and noticed that the theme we had now didn't restock! It was the homely one that I first got when I started my Tamago.


But that's ok, because not only can I not afford another remodel theme, I really like this one...


In other news, I'm going to a party tonight, and earlier today one of my friends said he would give me his V4! Tonight! I'll start it up tomorrow, so that way my little Hestia will have someone, either a BFF or potential mate, to play with tomorrow! Remember how I said that when I got my Tamago that was the first time I've ever run two of my own Tamas? Well this will be the first time I'll be running THREE of my own Tamas, and two of them can connect and hopefully get married! It's probably going to be a guy design, but that's ok. :)

Wow, this was a much needed long post! We haven't had one in a while. :) Well, enjoy your Saturday!



Violetchilluvr3, Kiki, Athena, and Hestia



(Ps- Yesterday, when I said Hera was the goddess of the hearth, that was wrong. Hestia's the goddess of the hearth, Hera is the queen of the greek gods.)

Ugh... my last day of spring break... gone... and this might not be the greatest narration today, because I don't know if it's the fact that my vacation is gone, or the book I'm reading, or the chance of my tonsillitis coming back, but I'm suddenly not in the greatest mood. Sorry.

Well, to celebrate my last day of spring break I went rollerskating today, so my Tamas didn't get a whole lot of love.

Hestia (Hesti on my V4) was born this morning, as she woke up to find her beloved mother gone. I tried to take average care like I did last time, but apparently it didn't work because I got Mizutamatchi. I think I might've taken TOO good care, because I know that you get Mizutamatchi from ignoring it, and probably from taking good care as a baby. I'll have to do more tests about this.


Hesita as a baby


Just wanted to show this off. :)


Giving milk to a baby. Hm, what could happen next???


Oh, that! :) (I had more pictures of the cute lil' dance, but I deleted them. I know, idiot... :p )


How she looks now

She's had like 2 care misses today so there's always that slim chance that she'll turn into the kutchi family... or the universal family... :p )

The only thing I have to say about my Tamago today is that the bunny finally disappeared from her room, and it looks much better, I have to say. I'll have a pic of it tomorrow.

Now, you're probably all waiting to hear about my new V4 right? The design, the baby, the character, the connections...

Didn't happen.

It's not really my friend's fault, he said he looked for it but couldn't find it, but you never know what people do when they're bored, so maybe he'll surprise me tomorrow and bring it... We'll see. :)

Thanks for reading!



Violetchilluvr3, Hestia, and Kiki


This morning, Hestia evolved into an Ichigotchi. I was at least hoping for a Young Memetchi, seeing as I've had, what, 3 Ichigotchis this run? Well, it's ok... I was originally going to name my next girl Aphrodite and try for Makiko, but since Hestia's in the Meme family and I've already gotten all the girls, I guess I'll try for Makiko with her.


There she is... again...


I think Bandai is doing a pretty good job.

She currently has 53 beauty points. I know, I know, but I can't get past the first round in dance and school only gives you so many skill points each day... :p Just so I have a reference (and for whoever else wants it) this is the password for cherries, which increase beauty points...



Last night, I happened to catch Kiki falling asleep, and let me just say she has a fabulous bedroom!


And I did promise you guys a pic of her room without the bunny, and here it is.


Looks better, right?

Anyways, even though she's turning 6 tomorrow, I might not marry her, because I really like having her around... But then again, I did arrange for a wedding cake to be delivered, so there's always the possibility...

See you later!



Violetchilluvr3, Kiki, and Hestia



(Ps- Makiko's real name is Madeline Pauler, right???)


I've been noticing this for a while, but it got really bad... there's a crack on the bottom of my V4! I don't know if you can see it but...


You can sort of see it, on the lower half, it's like a half circle...

It bugs me.

Because I don't know if it was my fault or not... But anyways, I'm frustrated because school only gives you like 40 skill points a day, and Hestia only has 100... (21 other points) I don't know if I'll get Makiko. I'm getting better at dance, but it's still so hard...

I took Kiki to the matchmaker today. First she met Nonopotchi.


No... I don't want Kiki marrying an ex-teen...

Then she met


(Yes, that's the same pic) Nonopotchi again...

And THEN she met


Kikitchi... No, I'm good.

So I guess she'll just get married tomorrow. Which is ok, I like having Kiki around. I'm going to set the time so that she leaves a day early and I can take care of her baby on Saturday, and get all her training bars and take PERFECT care and get Violetchi!

Well, that's it for now.

See you!




Violetchilluvr3, Kiki, and Hestia

To start off this post, I would like to tell a story.

It all starts a year (and a couple months) ago, when a young girl named Violetchilluvr3 (or Dani, in this case) was about to have her birthday tomorrow! She was so excited about her last day being 11, until her brother started spraying her with silly string. She put her pink stripes V4- the first Tamagotchi she ever had- in her pocket and went in the bathroom to shake her hair clear of the silly string. Little did she know that her Tama flew out of her pocket and into the sink full of water... the buttons went spazzy, there was a crack in the bottom of the screen, and it was plain broken, she could see that. She was so devastated she begged her mom for a Music Star, which she said yes to the first time. Dani had a Tama-less birthday, but that night her mom surprised her with a Music Star! Not the shell she wanted, though... so she sold the Music Star to one of her friends, and her mom got her the one she wanted! About a year later, she stupidly looked inside her Music Star, breaking it... So, today, her friend Memetchiluva464 offered to bring her old Music Star to school tomorrow! I'll be running 3 Tamas, yaaaay! :)


My trusty screwdriver, and the battery that will be in my music star! :)

Anyways, you wanted to hear about my Tamas, not my- I mean Dani's- life story, right? :)

This morning, Hestia woke up and evolved into a Memetchi! I'm almost to a Makiko! Well, sort of...


How she looks now... Later I caught her in the bath! Aw, what a good girl...


Her stats- sort of suckish for a future makiko, I know. It may not happen this generation... :p

You're probably wondering if Kiki married today, right?

She did! :)

As soon as she walked in her eyes met wooltchi, and immediately they fell in love! A bunny and a sheep, how perfect!


Chilaxing at home...


Chilaxing at home in the fairy costume Kiki got married in- which is sort of ironic in Wooltchi's opinion, because she wears a little halo and he says Kiki "stole his heart". Aw... no wonder she fell in love! :)

That's it! Thanks so much for reading! :)



Violetchilluvr3, Kiki, Hestia, and Wooltchi

Welcome Lauren to my Tama family!

Before I start, I'd like to say Miiku and I have been pming, and she mentioned me in her log so I thought it would be polite to do the same thing. :) Enjoy! https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/174651-the-race-to-the-kuchipatchikunoitchi/page__st__20

Anyways, today at lunch Memetchiluva464 gave me my old music star (thank you!!!), and I took out my screwdriver, battery, stuffed as much spaghetti in my mouth as possible and started it up! I got a girl, who I named Lauren in honor of the last character I had on my old music star before I... broke it...

Anyways, she was born at 12:33 pm, and got a harp and a panda bear! She wasn't a very needy baby, which surprised me, but I was in class when she evolved so I don't know when, but I assume it was 1:33 pm. She evolved into a Hitodetchi! I'm going to try for Memetchi, because I already have all the other odd generation characters on Tamatown (except for masktchi).


Design of it


My little girl, this picture doesn't do her justice... :p


My items... *sigh*

I'm not getting Makiko. It's official. With 3 tamas to look after now, I can't get another 200 skill points before her first matchmaker visit... Sorry, Hestia! I'll get her married as soon as possible, though, so that way I can experiment more with getting into the Kutchi family.


Wearin her wig, with a ponytail :)


Her shirt's pretty cute :)

I hope that tomorrow my Tamago has a boy, because then I can do the first marriage between my own tamas! It'll be AWESOME! Then I can see if I get the (which kind??) special drums with an interconnection marriage.


My little family for the last time before they have a baby...

That's it for now! :)



Violetchilluvr3, Kiki, Wooltchi, Hestia, and Lauren



(Ps- Happy sinko de mayo! :) )

Hiiii. :)

I just got home, so sadly I only got suckish pictures xD. Sorry.

Anyways, yesterday I was so excited about my music star that I forgot to mention my V4 got a job! She got her first job on her first try, and she works at the carnival! Pretty awesome, if you ask me.

Anyways, I saw her brushing her teeth just now. Pretty cute...


Cute, right? I'll look for the matchmaker tomorrow, as it's the weekend (FINALLY! :D :D) and I can have her sound on.

Today was the last day with Kiki. *sob* But, this morning, they had a baby girl! I'm going to name her Brittany. In the morning, I'm going to watch Kiki and Wooltchi leave and get pictures. But, I might not because for it to happen naturally (sort of) I set the date to tomorrow, so they might leave at midnight... we'll see.


Possible last picture of my family... :(

Today Lauren evolved into chamametchi, which means I've been giving her pretty good care. Today, I accidentally toook awful care of her, so I SHOULD be getting Memetchi... we'll see. I'll take pretty good care of her tomorrow.


Only pic I could get of her...





Violetchilluvr3, Kiki, Wooltchi, Brittany, Hestia, and Lauren


Yesterday when I was mentioning things I forgot to mention, I forgot to mention that Lauren is in a band. It has a chamametchi named Lauren (no way), a ringotchi named penny, and an Ichigotchi named veronica. Lauren keeps switching genres of music, but currently she and her band play Asian music. She's evolving tonight, and her care has sort of been ALL over the place... care miss, perfect care... hopefully that means memetchi. :)


That picture I promised yesterday


The good girl that she is... :)

Kiki didn't leave last night, but I set the time this morning, and she and wooltchi took off to Tamaworld. *sob* Hopefully I'll be getting a Violetchi this time, though, because I've been taking super good care of Brittany! Here's the pictures of her leaving... (ignore my bathroom and my eye in the background haha I was in a hurry)


Gone... This was during her toddler stage. I thought it was cute that she was in the middle of the screen. :)


An hour later she evolved into a Hoshitchi... again... sigh. Maybe Belltchi is bad care, hoshitchi is good care, and ok care is random? idk.


Like my nails? I just painted them. :)


Nothing new's happened with Hestia. I'm just waiting for the matchmaker...

That's it for now. :)



Violetchilluvr3, Hestia, Brittany, and Lauren (all girls haha)


Hestia got married!

At 3:00, the attention icon lit up and the matchmaker showed up! She looked in her book and brought out a handsome looking Androtchi, who fell in love at first sight. He knew they were meant to be, so he asked for her hand in marriage. Hestia accepted, and the wedding took place with just a few friends and family. Immediately after, they had a baby boy, who I'm naming Zeus.


Then I decided to try out some accessories.






...Talking rings!?



Violetchilluvr3, Hestia, Zeus, Brittany, and Lauren



(Ps- my nails make me feel like Lady Gaga xD)

Ugh... where did the weekend go??? :p

Anyways, I was taking perfect care of Brittany, full training bar, always full hungry and happy, until I went to a family lunch earlier and couldn't look after her for a few hours and she dropped hungry and happy hearts. Realizing I was going to get another Lovelitchi, I decided that I'm going to ignore her. Not touch her. Let her get sick and almost die. I hope I don't overshoot... Anyways, this morning she evolved into a Shelltchi just like I expected. Next time I get a girl I'll get a few care misses and get Mikazukitchi! :)


FINALLY!!!!! It only took like 15 generations, but one of my Tamas FINALLY got the Hairdresser job!!! EEEEEEEE! :D :D :D It's pretty awesome! :) Too bad she won't get paid, but that's ok! Hestia was supposed the leave tonight, but I won't be able to take care of Zeus tomorrow, so I just set the time and Hestia left. Pics...


Last pic of the family


Love the 2 z's...


She's gone...


Just one z now...


And zeus is officially born! I'm taking care of him now, and I'll update later on him when he evolves.

My method worked (What method???)! Last night Lauren evolved into a Memetchi! Yay!!! I'm slowly filling up my Tamatown roster... I forget when Music Stars get married, but luckily I have an expert (Memetchiluva464) on them, so I'll ask her tomorrow at school. I took her to band practice and Veronica evolved into a mimitchi and Penny evolved into a Kunoitchi. I gotta say, Mimitchi looks so much like Charlie Brown when she plays the piano! xD It's really funny. They haven't passed the judges yet, but in 15 minutes we'll see what happens... :)


She's cute, right? (Wow... one Memetchi goes and I replace her with another! :) )

That's it for now! I think I'll be back later!



Violetchilluvr3, Brittany, Lauren, and Zeus

I honestly don't know how this happened...

I kept his hearts at 1 and 1 full, let him get a care miss, and didn't tend to his sick needs for a while. Yet, he just evolved... into Puchitchi...


Not that I don't LOVE Puchitchi. My first Tama was a Puchitchi. But I wanted Minotchi... Oh well, it's ok. I have to look at a growth chart and see who I can get.

In other news, Brittany got Pro Debut! I'm so proud of her :') She's giving her first concert right now and in the audience is... Nazotchi... aw... even though she has 18,000,000 fans and is in 74th place no one showed up... :p Oh well.


(That says 85 but now it's 74)

Just wanted to make that short update



Violetchilluvr3, Zeus, Brittany, and Lauren

I. Hate. Mondays.

At least I have my little pocket friends keeping me company...

The first thing I have to say- ask Memetchiluva464 about her Tamago faceplate. Cutest thing.

Now, onto my tamas.

I guess I didn't take super good care of Zeus, because I got another Gourmetchi... I mean, they're cute, but I've had like 4 and I wanted the mame family... I'm just going to turn him into a Shimashimatchi, because... I don't know. I just am.


I think Lauren's old enough to marry tomorrow. I hope she has a boy because I really want to get a Dorotchi. Then if I get a boy the next genration, which I hope I do, I'll try to get Kutchipatchi because he has the most adorable costume on Tamatown. He's holding a hamburger. Awesomeness.


I caught her taking a bath. I got her star ranking up to 1st earlier, but then I missed her 7:00 concert because I was eating dinner, so her ranking went back down to 2nd. Oh well. I finally got payday so I have money, so it's all good.

I let Brittany get 2 care misses, and I'm pretty sure her stats were at 0 0 when she evolved, but SOMEHOW I got a Violetchi. Yeah. Perfect care character. my friend MissVioletchi has this theory that all the characters are based on training points, and I'm pretty sure I just proved it. If my girl streak continues next genration, I'll get 4 training points and see if that gets me an Uwasatchi, and if I get a boy I'll get 3 training points and see if that gives me Necktietchi.


Isn't she cuteeeeeeee???

That's it for now! Thanks for clickin!



Violetchilluvr3, Brittany, Zeus, and Lauren


I have exciting news today!

First off, Lauren got her first award today! I'm so proud. It's in Asian music, which she is a MASTER at! I didn't get the footage of her getting her award, but I did get footage of her most recent concert!


I know this is basically the same pic of yesterday, but this is all I have to say about Zeus right now. I know, I know, I know... Tomorrow he's evolving so it'll be more exciting, k?


Ok, the most exciting news happened with my Tamago! No, it is not Brittany's wig that makes her look like Lady Gaga (and no, I'm not obsessed ;) )


Anyways, my friends and I were at lunch today, ditching the carnival and bored out of our minds when I got the idea- let's see what happens when we try to connect three tamas at once! So, we all pull out our Tama-gos and countown, and then press B all at the same time! One of my friend's said "away", Memetchiluva464's Tama had mine on it and they went to the park, and my tama had my other friend's on it and they went to the park! It was really super awesome.

It's wierd, I feel like I didn't update yesterday, but I did... interesting...

See you tomorrow!



Violetchilluvr3, Brittany, Lauren, and Zeus



(Ps- check this topic out and please reply! :) https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/174931-i-need-help/ )

If you're allowed to go on youtube, look up My Jeans by Jenna Rose. Nuff said.

Anyways, exciting day today!

I was very excited to put the Chamametchi figure on my Tamago, because she HAPPENS to have this wildly popular fairy costume, so of course with my baby, Brittany, I had to try it on her!



And onto my V4, Zeus evolved today... into


But you know what, even though he's a universal character, my first universal character on this V4 (I think he was missing a couple hearts when he evolved :angry: ), I think he's kind of cute, so I'm not all that bummed out.


I mean come on, if he had had braces earlier in life, you have to admit, that's a pretty cute smile. :blink:

And not only did Lauren get a $1,000,000 paycheck, get a pop award, and generally have an awesome day, but she also got married!!!! At lunch, there was a knock on the door and she went to answer it when Guittartchi showed up! She brought a :gozarutchi: , and it was love at first sight. Even though she fell in love with a horrible care character, that's ok because I'm going to (attempt to) get a dorotchi!!! :) (I forgot to say it, but she had a boy ;) ) I've never had one, and desperately need one... ;)


Aw, what a good family... and even better because it doesn't add stress anymore! :D


Ah... My little girl's all grown up... :')

Thanks so much for reading! :)



Violetchilluvr3, Brittany, Lauren, Oscar (hahaha I like it for a ghost :) ), Gozarutchi, and Zeus



(Ps- Thanks sooooooo much to Mimitchi ^o^ for not only teaching me how to add pics a while back, but also for the incredibly nice fan mail! Always makes my day. :) )

It's almost FRIDAY!!! YES!!!!

Today, surprisingly wasn't a too exciting day. There wasn't a whole lot that happened...

Loving the costumes, I put my Ponytchi figure back on my Tamago and Lady Brittany Gaga appeared once again!


Tomorrow she marries! I think I'll do it at lunch, so I probably won't have pictures, but I will afterwords of the happy couple! :)

My last day with my first generation of my Music Star... I think she had a pretty good last day. After all, she seemed pretty happy.


I discovered SOMEONE'S favorite food... I assume it's gozarutchi's, but I can't be sure because I was pretty sure his is hot dogs... if I ever get him I'll have to do an experiment.


See, I thought it was only gozarutchi's, but then I saw Memetchi also get excited at it... HMMM...

Apparently when people say they're hiring, they don't really mean it. Poor Zeus interviewed for FIVE jobs, and didn't get any. Maybe it's just because he's a Debatchi, but I doubt it. His skill points are over 60... grrr... even worse he won't get another offer! :p Hopefully he'll get one tomorrow... maybe AFTER the matchmaker shows up :p

I thought I should try out some items.






Excuse me, are you sure you graduated? No one'll take him as a job... :p




Violetchilluvr3, Brittany, Lauren, Oscar, Gozarutchi, and Zeus


Happy Friday the 13th! No a whole lot of bad stuff has happened, mostly just with my Tamago.

So, I took Brittany to the matchmaker today, and first she met nonopotchi. Nah, if I get him on the music star and he's married to Brittany that'd be awkward.

Then we met Mametchi. Memetchiluva464, one of my best friends, has this thing that only Memetchi and Mametchi can be married to each other, so out of respect for her I said no.

Then she met Gozarutchi. No horrible care characters for her!

I figured I wasn't going to marry her today, but then I started thinking about a Necktietchi or Uwasatchi and it got me tempted... so we went back to the matchmaker's and Brittany married Ojitchi. Then I wanted a baby, so I kept setting the time to midnight tomorrow night and 7:29 am and random times, but sadly no egg appeared. So Brittany's married to an oldie for nothing... I guess it's not all bad, though, because one of my favorite TV shows is Modern family, and this young really pretty woman is married to an older guy, so I guess it's not ALL bad... I'll try and set the time tomorrow to get a baby.


Yup, there you have it...

This moring oscar was born, and after an hour he evolved into Kutchitamatchi. I think this is bad care, but I can't remember. Since, he's been on a strict diet of baby's milk and baby food, only filling his hearts half full. I think this will get a Hinotamatchi (is that right? :/ the fireball guy) and then eventually dorotchi. Hopefully...


Nothing happend with Zeus. Nothing. He hasn't gotten a job. There has been no matchmaker. I can not find his favorite food. And until he decides to do something exciting, he has gone on snacks and no pictures! Maybe that'll get the slacker to get a job!!! :p

See yaaaaa



Violetchilluvr3, Zeus (the slacker), Brittany (Interested in older men??), Ojitchi (...just... no comment...), and Oscar (destined to be alive... and yet a ghost)

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Hiiiii :)

I know it's late, and sorry but I don't have pictures because everyone's asleep... But I can still write! :)

This morning Oscar evolved into Nonopotchi, a penguin! Cute! :) I'm keeping his stats pretty much at 2 and 2, and we'll see tomorrow what happens...

At 7:00 earlier, the matchmaker came for Zeus! She brought out a lovely looking Marotchi, and Zeus hastily accepted. He had a baby boy, and knowing that the partner affects the growth I won't try for a Kutchi character. I'm going to go for Androtchi again, which is ironic because the baby's name is Poseidon, god of the sea. Hehe... robot, water... Horrible joke, I know :) Also, earlier I decided to play a game with Zeus, and then he got a job offer and he got a job at a restaurant! Hooray! He's not a slacker anymore! I'm proud of him :)

Wanting to get on with the next generation (not that there's anything wrong with Brittany, just my Tamatown roster is waiting to be filled out...) I set the time to 11:59 tonight and then 7:29 tomorrow, and there was an egg on the screen! Out popped a baby boy, a future Necktietchi (hopefully missvioletchi's theory about training is correct...), who I've named Eric. Why? Idk, my friend suggested it ;) Also, if my music star has a girl I'll name her Donna and marry them. Eric and Donna... perfect :) (If you don't get it watch That '70s show and get back to me ;) )

That's it for now, I promise tomorrow I'll have pictures!!! :) )



Violetchilluvr3, Brittany, Ojitchi, Eric, Zeus, Poseidon, and Oscar (jeez!)



(Ps- thanks to Memetchiluva464 for helping me with names! :) )
