*Violet's Little Garden*


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Finally! The 8th page! :D

To celebrate this post, Ares has decided to evolve into a Shimashimatchi!!! Hooray! Isn't he just adorable? Montague time!


My little star, Becky, is doing well. After her first performance, she decided she should audition for another play... here's the pic I took!


My Tamas had a great time watching Despicable Me with my family last night, and they said the littlest girl reminded them of me.. awww... :)

I found my old Nintendo DS and guess what i had- the tamagotchi shop game! It's super fun, actually! Gotta get that Royal Dentist...

Happy Sunday!!!



Violetchilluvr3, Skylar, Becky, Chamametchi, and Ares



(Ps- thanks for reading 'till the 8th page!!! ^-^)

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So basically, I won't be able to update later 'cause I'll be getting home at like 9:30 and I'm sick so I'll probably just be going straight to bed.

But anyways, this morning our young star was born! She woke up crying either because she was sad her parents had left, or because she was trying out for a part... I don't know, she's a REALLY good actress! She was a cute little nokotchi for almost an hour (anyone else noticed it's actually a whole hour???), but then got a job offering and decided she couldn't be a little baby for that, so she evolved into a Hoshitchi! I'll be giving her one care miss and seeing if she evolves into a Shelltchi or Mikazukitchi... hopefully not ANOTHER shelltchi!


Before... and After!!!

Seeing as Ares hasn't woken up yet, no news to report to him... I might update later saying what job he got, but maybe not... We'll see!



Violetchilluvr3, Becka, and Ares

I have a request...

For my Violetchi purse that I'm going to make soon, please tell me if you see any Tamagotchi fabric for the middle! Thanks!

Just wanted to say that I was super sick today so I actually didn't go anywhere, but my computer was being stupid and wouldn't let me update, but at least it is now! Actually, that's not what I started out to say. I started out to say that Ares got a job as a lab assistant, and he's pretty good at it. I'm gonna look for the matchmaker tomorrow. Happy Monday and first night of Passover!



Violetchilluvr3, Ares, and Becka

Still at home...

I'm upset. I gave her one care miss, and when she evolved she had four hungry hearts filled and 3 happy hearts filled. I was sure Becka was going to evolve into something OTHER than Shelltchi, but alas, I was wrong... But, thanks to Memetchiluva464, I think I know how to get a Mikazukitchi next generation!



Not much has happened with Ares today, but I left his sound on and he keeps mail every time I try to do something! The matchmaker hasn't come yet, but I'm hoping she will at 3... We'll see!


Here he is!

Tomorrow if I feel well enough I'm going to go to a shop and commence work on my Violetchi purse, and hopefully I can get at least most of it done!



Violetchilluvr3, Ares, and Becka


I think this is going to be a short post because my head is spinning and I swear next time I stand up I'm gonna faint.

My Tamas haven't been getting the best care today, they've mostly just been getting snacks.

This morning Becka evolved into a Makiko, which I'm annoyed with but it fits her star personality perfectly.

I'm waiting for the matchmaker for Ares, but it doesn't look very promising. He's just dancing around the screen now.

I don't know if I'll be able to update the next few days, because if my head stops spinning and I can walk in a straight line, I'm going to Arizona with my mom to visit my grandma. I don't know if the hotel'll have wifi, but hopefully there will be.

Sorry for the suckish update.



Violetchilluvr3, Ares, and Becka.



(Ps- thank you to missvioletchi and repeat_offender for complimenting my nails, and It's Teri for complimenting my log. Thanks for reading)

My mom and I did drive to AZ today, and I'm in a much better mood so this update won't be as bad!

My Tamas got a lot more love today as I didn't have anything to do for the 7 hour drive, and I think they like it.

Not a whole lot happened with Becka today... she's pretty cute, I have to admit, but I still want a DIFFERENT character on the Tamago... well I have a couple cute pictures of her! (You can see my hotel in the background :) )


The little starlet that she is, she wanted her beauty shots. What a Diva!


Right before I started logging I saw her take a shower! Isn't she cute?


I found the jail (Barn? Missvioletchi thinks it's a circus...) theme today, but I didn't want to buy it because I see jail, and unless she's Lindsey Lohan jail is no place to raise a star.

I couldn't update on Ares yesterday because I had already packed my computer up, but what happened was that at 3 I got an attention call and guess who it was...! Mrs. Busybody! She brought a beautiful mate (I was so tired yesterday I feel guilty and didn't look... :( ) and they had an impromptu (something unplanned) marriage, and had a beautiful baby girl named Athena. I get to take care of her tomorrow, and am gonna try to get her into the Kutchi family.


And as I went to the doctors yesterday, I found out my suspicions were true and I have tonsillitis. But it's not bad, because not only does my mom keep asking me if I want ice cream, but today we went to Target and she got me a purse to carry my Tamas in! I really like it. It smells like leather, but I doubt it is. :)


Thanks for readin!



Violetchilluvr3, Ares, Becka, and Athena

Yay! Thanks so much for over 2,000 views!!! I just noticed, and this is pretty awesome. You guys just made me feel better. :)

Thanks so much!!!!




Violetchilluvr3, Becka, and Athena

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Gee, it's already Friday???

This morning Athena woke up as always, but she realized her beloved daddy wasn't there... she started bawling her poor little eyes out but then I calmed her down and told her it's ok. I didn't ignore her, and I was taking pretty good care of her in the beginning until I got distracted in the second part of her baby stage and left her there... But, all paid off because she evolved into...


Finally! All has paid off! She's gotten one care miss and good care since then, so she should evolve into the kutchi family. She's also gotten 2 love letters already, which I don't understand because she's still my little toddler but at least she is doin somethin right!!


How she looks to me


How she really looks

Today becka got a casting call from her agent about a movie about fairies, so she begged me to switch to the chamametchi figure so she could be the role to play the role (put on the fairy costume).


That's a terrible picture, I know. It doesn't do her justice.

See you tomorrow!



Violetchilluvr3, Athena, and Becka



(Ps- www.nyan.cat )

Happy weekend!

This morning, bright and not so early, Athena evolved into what i was hoping for... a young dorotchi!!! She's adorable!!! I think I've probably only had one of these before, so it feels good to have one. I love her close up animation, it's just adorable. Of couse, I love how she looks just on the screen too, so she's just a joy to have around. Because the Kutchi characters (for girls, anyways) aren't fantastic, I'm going to turn her into a yattatchi. I already have my sebiretchi (duckosaur, as memetchiluva464 calls it) figure around, and maybe I'll get a Pukatchi next generation. yattatchis just bring me sentimental value, of fourth grade, never having a growth chart, not a clue Tamatalk existed... Anyways, I have pics of her


Aw, isn't she adorable?




This wasn't loading, and I thought, "No! That's her money shot!! xD

Athena loved watching Becka retake the stage in her play, The Fairy in the Tama shell, and it was just so cute that I had to take a photo to celebrate it.


Doesn't she look stunning??? I helped her get into costume- those wings take forever to put on!!!

Have a good rest of today! :)



Violetchilluvr3, Becka, and Athena



(Ps- tell your tamas that tomorrow Becka is the center of attention once again as she stars in her WEDDING!!! I'll try to have pics :) )

Note, this is not a Tama update.

I went to logs, clicked on filters, and then clicked on "order by replies", and we're on the first page. Barely, but we're still there. That's my doing, but thanks for letting it get this way. :)

Then I clicked "order by views", and we're at the top of the third page... we got work to do :) Please keep clicking!



Violetchilluvr3, Becka, and Athena



(Ps- thanks to jadaxlove14 and mametchifan1996 for the comments on my profile! :) )

Today's Easter! :)

Becka was so busy with encoure after encoure of her show that she forgot today was the day she was going to marry. After her last show, she rushed home, took a shower and prepped herself for perhaps the most important moment of her young life. She took off her fairy costume, and ran to the date place. Here's what took action:


One last look at the lonely bachelorette


She ran to the date place so excited, and then she met Tarakotchi... sorry, you're not it...


And then her eyes met Kuromametchi


I personally think that Makiko and Kuromametchi are one of the best marriage combos. They just look so good together, I'm really happy he showed up.

I got Athena's skill points up today, so she should evolve into yattatchi tomorrow. I'm almost a little sad she's evolving tomorrow, as I really like having Young Dorotchi... I mean, she's just so adorable!!! Well, all good things must come to an end...

I had a couple of random things I've been wanting to say for a while but always forget to say.

1) In Tamagotchi corner Shop 1, there's a Young Oyajitchi character!! I've never heard of Young Oyajitchi before!! He's pretty cute. Is he on any Tamas????

2) I'm surprised Violetchi's favorite food is apple pie, seeing as apples come from plants, and I wouldn't think she would like eating plants. She's in love with them after all...

3) today, my grandma was asking about my Tamas. She asked if there were any upgrades, because she was actually concerned that I was getting bored with playing with the same thing for years. I told her "Well, this one (holding up my v4) is just the way it is, but THIS one (holding up my Tamag) has these little things that you can slide in the top..." so maybe I'll be getting another gotchi figure soon...

Well, that's it for now! Happy easter, keep clicking on my log! ;)



Violetchilluvr3, Becka, Kuromametchi, and Athena



(Ps- I wonder when the easter decorations are going to disappear...)


Today wasn't what I expected, but that's ok. What do I mean? Well, you all know I was expecting a Yattatchi, but I guess I played one game of jump rope too much because she evolved into Pukatchi! That's ok. :) She's pretty cute. She just wants to go swimming, like me... Well, I'll let her have a long bathtime. :)


See? Cute! :D


Wearing a wig made of... feathers??? xD I don't know!


She did a cute lil' dance in her skirt :)


She loved wearing her shirt


She drew her helicopter over and over.

Becka refused to do any shows today, as she said she wasn't feeling well, which was proven later because she got sick, but I'm pretty sure these symptoms were because she's having a baby tomorrow!!!! I'm really excited and can't wait. It really doesn't matter if they have a boy or a girl, but if it's a girl i'm naming it Kiki, and she will get perfect care and hopefully be a DIFFERENT character!!! If it's a boy I'll look at names later and take horrible care of him, hopefully resulting in necktietchi or wooltchi, neither of whom I've gotten!!! Well, I'm excited and tired from my 6 hour drive back here (though I don't know why, considering I didn't do much.... ;) ), so I'll leave the log with these few words:




Violetchilluvr3, Becka, Kuromametchi, and Athena

Just wanted to make a quick update...

Becka and Kuromametchi had a baby girl who I'm naming Kiki! She will get perfect care, my eyes never leaving her for more than 10 minutes. She will be a Violetchi or Lovelitchi. It'll be exciting!


I know, awful picture, but the lightings awful right now.

No info on Athea, as she hasn't woken up yet.

Thanks for readin! :)



Violetchilluvr3, Becka, Kuromametchi, Kiki, and Athena

Athena got her job!

But first, I just want to say that I think it's very appropriate that her name is Athena, and she's the intelligence group. :) Anyways, the first job she tried out for was travel agent, and she got it! I guess she had been studying geography in school while I wasn't looking. :) She got it! So now, she drives the bus all over the place and gets to see the world! She even let me take pictures of her at work...


I'll just admit it... I tried to get Becka to leave. I did. I set the time to 11:59 of the 27th, and I had my camera all ready, but then they just stayed asleep... oh well, I'll try again later. And then tomorrow. And then later tomorrow. And then it'll be Thursday and they'll have left... but at least they let me try the wig on!


Hehe, I think she's supposed to be Marie Anttoinette, or something. :)

If they leave later, I'll update, and if not, then probably not. ;)



Violetchilluvr3, Becka, Kuromametchi, Kiki, and Athena



(Ps- thanks to XxXMyXxXImmortalXxX for the comment! :) )

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I have to :)



Awww... THEY ARE SO GOOD!!!! xD

It's moments like this I really like... :)



Violetchilluvr3, Becka, Kuromametchi, Kiki, and Athena

Exciting day already for my Tamago!

So, it finally worked! The actress and her husband have given their last performance, at around 7:50 this morning. I got the pictures of their departure....


And then later, now that Becka is a baby, I decided to change figures to my Chamametchi. Well, the dresser didn't appear, and I looked at the counter, and it said 6 instead of 5! So then I went to games and I found cradles! It thinks my chamametchi is a lite figure. Well, it's ok because cradles is actually kind of fun... I'm a little hesitant to remove the figure because I'm afraid it'll never come back! Oh, well...

I'm going to look for the matchmaker today on my V4.

I'll be back later with what Kiki evolved into.



Violetchilluvr3, Kiki, and Athena

I have to say, I'm very proud of myself! :) I've caught all of kiki's poos today! So, she has 10 training bars right now! (I also caught one "I'm lonely" call :) )

After my post, she evolved into a hoshitchi. Tomorrow I'm assuming she's going to be a shelltchi, and then violetchi or lovelitchi. :)


Horrible picture, I know. :)

The matchmaker still hasn't come for Athena.

See you!



Violetchilluvr3, Kiki, and Athena

Just wanted to announce that Kiki's still a toddler.

With a full training bar.

YES, FULL!!!! :D :D :D :D I'm sorry, I'm just really proud of myself right now!!!! :D

What? You don't believe me?!?! Take THIS! vvv


And you know how I really took it?

The quality's horrible! xD

Thanks for comin by! :)



Violetchilluvr3, Kiki, and Athena

This morning I was playing cradles, like normal, when suddenly this was on my screen...


So of course I run upstairs and get a screwdriver and batteries, and then put them in and everything was ok. Well, except for the fact that she evolved an hour after she was supposed to, but that's ok. Anyways, my suspicions were correct and she turned into a...



I've been giving her super good care, my best care EVER given, probably, by checking her stats every 5 minutes and never letting her hearts get lower than one, except for one time yesterday where her happy hearts were two down... but I fixed it right away! So hopefully with the full friendship and training bar I'll get Violetchi or Lovelitchi tomorrow! This is exciting... :)

Athena's sound is turned on in case Mrs. Busybody decides to turn up later, but she's still only 5 right now so I have time. Because I didn't know what to say about her, I decided to use my mirror and see what would happen.


First she shook her head, then she slid out of the scene and gave me a big surprise...





Violetchilluvr3, Kiki, and Athena

Worst matchmaker ever.

Yes, she just came, but I should've known better when THIS showed up:


(It's a clump of pixels)

Of course they got stuck there, in that very position, long enough for me to take that lovely picture. So, I took the battery out, downloaded, and of course there was no baby. In fact, Athena was her regular old self, and seems to have no memory of what happened.


Being the optimistic mother that I am, I set the time back to 10:29 3 times, yet Mrs. Busybody appeared to be TOO busy to visit Athena again. Hopefully she'll visit at 3. Or 7. Or TOMORROW!!!!!




Violetchilluvr3, Kiki, and Athena
