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New member
Jun 8, 2007
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Well, it seems I'm here once again. :( I've just purchased a new v4 on Tueaday, and since school's out I think my tama and I can start spending more time together.


My family went out shopping for my dad's birthday and ended up at wal-mart (exciting, I know) I saw tamagotchi's hanging on the wall and remembered how much I used to love playing with them. Dad bought me one as congrats for making so high on my maths exam. :(


Once we got in the car, I couldn't wait to open my new tama and hatch it! After I had gotten the package open, (a tough job) I pressed reset and hooray! and baby girl was born!


I named her Kitti.


Right away she was starving and quite unhappy (I would be, too) and so I fed her and gave her some ice cream which seemed to cheer her up a bit. We got home and I was quite tired and wanted to go to sleep, as I had Spanish exams in the morning. Little Kitti would have none of it. I stayed up with her until almost 10, (which is very very late when you get up and 5) and just when I was starting to get miffed with her she pinged and grew into a mizutamatchi! And then we both promptly went to sleep.


The next day or so she stayed mostly on pause, because I was taking tests and had lots to do after school.


After my PE exam I went to my bag to check on her, as she was supposed to be paused, and found she had grown into a ichigotchi without my even being there! Cheeky!


We've visited tamatown a few times and we're very good at jumping rope and dancing. Today we didn't do much together except watch a movie and eat. We both feel quite fat. :(


Tomorrow I'm packing to leave for South Carolina for a week to go to camp. Kitti is, of course, going with me. We just have to pick up an extra battery or two before we go.


A lot can happen to a tama in a week so when I get back I'm sure I'll have lots to tell!





Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 3/4 (I'll soon fix that!)

Training: 7/9

Intellectual pts: 67

Arts pts: 44

Social pts: 50

Age: 2

Weight: 44 lbs. (sheesh...)

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1st

Pts: 6440


P.S. I just caught her brushing her teeth! Cute!!

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WELL, I'm finally back from camp. I unfortunately had to keep Kitti paused for a lot of the week, because, well... you get busy at summer camp!!


Anyways, she grew up to be a ponychi. I must admit, I was a little dissappointed at first. I was hoping she'd turn out more like myself... but I still love her!! She graduated from school a few days ago and got a job at the TV station!! She makes an average of about 1200 p per day.


This morning I noticed she was 6 yrs old and I was so sad because I knew she would be having a baby soon and leaving me. There is always something special about that vey first tama...


I kept an eye out around 10:30 and behold! The matchmaker came! I was reluctant at first but the little guy she brought us was VERY cute, and Kitti liked him, and so it was love. Some fireworks appeared and then... a baby boy!!


Kitti and I were both very excited. We think we will name him Donut. Heh heh.


Kitti and I left for Tamatown one last time tonight, as I fear she will be going away very soon. But little Donut and I will go and visit her often. We promise!!




Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 9/9

Int. Pts.: 132

Art Pts.: 63

Social Pts.: 97

Age: 7 yrs

Wt: 71 lbs

Points: 20 (we just went on a MAJOR shopping spree... :chohimetchi: )


I will update soon on their progress!

This morning I slept in and when I woke up Kitti had left me! Her son was on the screen crying.


He is now officially called Donut.


We've been in Tamatown just about all day together. I needed to go shopping to buy boy things, as when I gave him Kitti's doll to play with he gave me a 'what the hell?' kind of look.


Unfortunately he is the exact same toddler as his mother. I was hoping for something new this time around. This also means that my hope of reaching Kuchipatchi (my favorite character) is gone once more.


The thought of having a boy is rather exciting, though. We'll see how he turns out.




Name: Donut

Gender: boy

Gen. : 2nd

Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 3/9

Int. : 3

Art. : 2

Soc. : 0

Age: 0 yrs

Weight: 34 lbs (fatty, I know)

Points: 8480


KITTI'S STATS (at estimated time of departure)


Hungry: 4/4

Happy: 4/4

Training: 9/9

Age: 8 yrs

Weight: 77 lbs

Int.: 150

Art. : 67

Soc. : 101

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