V4 in japan?


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May 2, 2006
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i herd from my tama guro ( how do i spell that?) that V4s are in japan. :furawatchi: i don't beleive it personally because v3s just came out a few months ago . its probaly fake right?

i herd from my tama guro ( how do i spell that?) that V4s are in japan. :ph34r: i don't beleive it personally because v3s just came out a few months ago . its probaly fake right?
<_< I don't know really i mean Japan is the place where all of these ideas start so i think V4 are out in Japan!!

p.s Strange it may seem but its true!!


I am some what of a tamagotchi guru unfortuneately I am from canada and we wer'nt supposed ro have v3's till summer to my surprise we got them earlier so I wouldnt be surprised if they have v4's out now so lets all keep our fingers crossed that tamagotchis keep evolving

I am some what of a tamagotchi guru unfortuneately I am from canada and we wer'nt supposed ro have v3's till summer to my surprise we got them earlier so I wouldnt be surprised if they have v4's out now so lets all keep our fingers crossed that tamagotchis keep evolving
We had v3's out 4 awhile tama_Stacy!!! Check Zellers, that's where my sis got hers.

Yep it is! how do i know!? Cuz i just ordered a V8 froem Japan and i will have it in like 9 days. If you dont belive me go to ebay.com and search for Tamagotchi V8 and you will see for yourself!

All of that is fake.

Japan doesn't really have 'Versions.'

They actually name their Tamagotchis instead of Tamagotchi Connection V3.

Anything above V3 is a scam. You guys are pretty much wasting your valuable money.

There are v7's there too!
im srry but its a fake im not even sure if japan has v4s they could but i no they dont have v5 hope i helped :D

Yep it is! how do i know!? Cuz i just ordered a V8 froem Japan and i will have it in like 9 days. If you dont belive me go to ebay.com and search for Tamagotchi V8 and you will see for yourself!
im srry but you ordered a fake japans not that far ahead of Canada and usa they could have v4s but i no japan doesnt have v5s :D

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Hello. I am in Tokyo right now. There is no Bandai Tamagotchi V4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10 in Japan. The only Tamagotchis you can buy right now are the EnTama and the Chibi-Tama (Japanese version of Tamagotchi Mini). I have seen no press release from Bandai about any newer models. By the way, they don't call them "V"-anything here. Each new model has a name. They also aren't called Connection/Connexion here. Here it's Plus series.

See this post for more info:


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