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ok soz

well yesterday tamas band got a manger and lil tama had concerts all through the night (poor lil thing must be sooo tiered ) oh and he got his star rateing from 999th to 31st and has 28,296,658 fans ( :) - woah)

so to day hes just been chilling oh and he got 6oooogp

from his bands manager (payment for all the conserts)

oh and some one sent tama a poop (a jealous band probably ;) )

well thats about it folks

ill keep you updated

ps dose the oyjitchi thing work ya know oldie + oldie on a music star cuz i saw one in my consert so hes defiantly a character if you know plz pm me

ok soz for not posting ive just been super busy...just like my tamas

well... where to start?

ok my morino. mushroom died :rolleyes: he died from old age but i just cant help feeling responsible, if i had of known sooner that they needed to be fat instead of the normal tama care he would of been a better character and lived longer... any way

my music star

tama had a baby, a wittle girl his partner was aa little bit like mametchi but had a all black body apart from just under its head and its hands her eyes were like this: <<, and her ears were a bit like mametchi but white, longer and bent at the top

well good day

hi happy pickle day :D ( well not really... me and my friend made it up, but you can celebrate it 2 :rolleyes: how you ask, by doing something pickle related: draw one, eat one, make one JUST ANY PICLE RELATED THING!)

ok i have allot to tell you about

well tama had a baby, who is now an adult she is a makikio oh and her name is mimi she has a band called the stars who are 3rd there are 2 more things as well 1st discovery, every one in the mame family's fav food is always french fry's and allso, im not so sure about this but if your manager says "pro debut!" (i cant remember how to spell it) you start in 4th or 5th star rating

ok on to my morino

well i reset mushroom and got a lil baby-mo-chi in return and i decided to call him... chestnut so i took care of him and got a imochi then i remembered to make him fat so he could be happy in his cocoon... one night he transformed into a cocoon so then i kept the temperature not to hot not to cold so that chestnut could put all his energy into transforming in to a healthy happy character and i got a... Chobi-tamatchi: (little round bug) This little brown bug lives at the lower ends of tree branches and spends its life cleaning the trees. It uses different types of pollens as make up. and gathere different flower extracts to make beatifying lotions.She is known to be a make-up maniac.(thanks to pixel mood for that)

that is just one away from the best characters!!!! so next time, when chestnut passes away (thats a long time away :D because he is a good character not that im trying to get rid of you, dont worry B) ) i will try to get the weight to 50mg and hopefully get a koganetchi or a tento-tchi

any way happy pickle day! and good day to you

OMG chestnut just died he started beeping and just died, with a full meter and everything and it cant be old age cuz mushroom died from it and he was older and the worst charicter so because old or "vintage" tamas have a life span decided on there character type so i would HOLD A HATCHING IN HIS HONOR!!! :D ... but i lurve morinos so im jus gonna start a hatch right now :lol:

ok well after 5 mins of watin for leaf to hatch... he did (duh) and i named him leaf (also duh) well im expecting big things from this lil guy.. [SIZE=14pt] big [/SIZE] things

im gonna make him 5o mg to get the best character you can then next time 30 to get 3rd best.. anyways good nignt

im like suuuuppppppeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrr sorry 4 not updateing

k well bad news my morino ran out of batterys :D so i dont know when ill get new ones like babo i cant get any + i need to get to a watch shop so they can open my morino so i can get some batterys in him, any way hopefuly the bug gods will take pitty on leaf and send him back to me

k music star

ok well mimi had a baby called domo he is a mame and into rock =P and liked drums but when his baby comes o long i will make him play the timpani so the baby has that as its fav instro

weeellll gnfn ;)

oh hai guys sorry for being like super lame and not updating and stuff but great news... I GOT A UMINO TAMAGOTCHI!!!! :angry: and my morino has batterys and is in the second stage

oh my music star

well domo turned in to a oldie called rextichi and had a baby! who is called morino who is now an itchigotchi :D

ps uminos are soo kwiiai :3

any hoo bbfn

mino (the umino tama) evolved to second stage (i cant remember the name) and is doing fine just like morino and leaf. oh and im getting a TAMAGOTCHI ANGEL !!!!! wooo hooo that means i will have 4 tamas running: 1 super needy one (the umino) 1 hardly needy one (the morino) and 2 average (the angel and the music star) woooohooo im soo excited :(


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