Do you remember your first tama?


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My first Tama was in 1997 when I was 8 years old. It was a P2, white with blue characters on it. I think those are rare in English. I lived in New Zealand at the time.
I don't know if this would count, but my first "tama" type experience was honestly just running a vmu with my sonic adventure chao on it ;/w/; but if we're talking strict tamagotchis then the 2020 hello kitty nano would be my first >//>
I don't know if this would count, but my first "tama" type experience was honestly just running a vmu with my sonic adventure chao on it ;/w/; but if we're talking strict tamagotchis then the 2020 hello kitty nano would be my first >//>
That absolutely counts, Chao are peak virtual pet! Lol

Sonic Team or whatever really needs to bring them back. Everyone loved the Chao Garden!
That absolutely counts, Chao are peak virtual pet! Lol

Sonic Team or whatever really needs to bring them back. Everyone loved the Chao Garden!
oh it's wild how consistently the fandom has asked sega to bring them back, sometimes they will tease chao a little only to give them like tiny background roles, but i really miss it! It was a huge part of my childhood
I do! I went by my cousins for christmas and they got me a v1. I had no idea what it was. I thought its poop was the little hershey's kisses. Every time it turned into an adult I'd reset it. One day the matchmaker came and I got all excited and realized I didn't need to reset it. Yeah....

So, what about you guys?
Absolutely I remember my first Tama!!
I think I was in 6th or 7th grade and Tamagotchi's were just starting to catch on in my school. Most everyone either had a Tamagotchi or a GigaPet. I wanted one soooo bad, but my family did not have much money at that time. So every time we would go to Wal-Mart I would ask if I could get one, but the answer was always "Maybe Santa will get one for you on Christmas". But one thing about me: I have zero patience. Especially when it comes to something I want and especially when I was that age. So I did something bad. Something that I am still ashamed of to this very day.
One day when we went to Wal-Mart, I of course went to the toy aisle while my mom shopped. Something I would do every time we went to Wal-Mart. It was pretty normal in those days for kids to hang out in the toy aisle while parents did their shopping. I immediately went straight to the Tamagotchis and looked at the few color options they had in stock. Just at that moment, I decided I was going to get a Tamagotchi that day, one way or another! I picked up the Tamagotchi, it was in one of those pain-in-the-butt clam shell packaging that you need scissors to open. It is suppose to be a theft deterrent for this exact reason. I took it to the craft aisle and used a pair of scissors to cut into the packaging, and I quickly removed the Tama and stuffed it into my pocket. My heart was racing, and I was so scared that I was going to get caught. Surprisingly I didn't, and I left the store with my mom, new Tamagotchi in pocket. I was so excited to get home and play with my very first Tamagotchi!
It was a red Tamagotchi. I'm pretty sure it was an original version given the date (It was 1996 when I was in the 6th grade). And for some reason, my parents never asked where I got a Tamagotchi all of a sudden when I had been begging for one for months! I think they just assumed that a friend had given it to me or traded it for something of mine. I did that a lot with my friends.
It was the first and last time I have ever shoplifted. And please NO ONE do what I did. It is not right to steal anything from anyone. And to be honest, every time I played with that Tamagotchi I would get a guilty feeling in my gut and it took away a lot of the entertainment and joy I should have felt. For that reason, I kind of stopped playing with it after a month or two. I did eventually also receive one as a gift for my birthday the following year. I got a yellow one this time and I enjoyed it so much more since I didn't have to steal this one. I eventually gave the stolen red one to my best friend who didn't have a Tamagotchi.

But that's the story of how I got my very first Tamagotchi!
Yep, pretty vividly actually. Back in 97 and in 3rd, 4th grade, a bunch of people had them and I was curious to what they were. I found out and went home and told my mom about them. Turns out, she had boughten two to surprise me, and a family friend who was coming in town later that week, with. I ended up getting it that day and it was the purple and pink P1 version. Good times.
I don't remember the year or how old I was, but the one and only Tamagotchi I had as a kid was the v3 yellow dots Tamagotchi Connection. I LOVED it so much I made my dad buy me the Kuchipatchi plush pouch and the matching lanyard and charm set. I remember playing with it at the Y over the summer because I spent a lot of time there. Don't know where it went, probably got thrown out
I sure did.
Got a mini off of an outlet toys r us in Orlando around 2016.
Lost it in an airplane though. I think it was the orange clock one
Tamagotchi Connection V1 for Christmas in 2004!

I dropped it in the toilet once (BEFORE I WENT, THANKFULLY) and it survived! I remember I unscrewed it and opened the back to let it air out. The background is kinda crinkly from getting wet but it's sentimental and still working 😙

It was 97, I think I was 9-10. My grandad bought me Gigapet dog and I was thrilled with it.

All my mates had P1s so it was a bit different. Although I soon got a P1 too. From there I built up a massive collection.

Today I’ve recreated that collection with modern tamas, but I also from some of my OGs.

As a kid I had them all in a bunch, had a P1, P2, Angel, Giga Dog, Giga T-Rex and a blue Dragotti.
Yes! I got the P's and Tamatown Tamago for xmas one year ! I had no clue what to do with the little figurine on the Tama-go though :hanatchi:
If I remember correctly, I got my first one in maybe 2018-2019? It was a Tamagotchi mini that was pink and blue with yellow buttons. The second and third one I got were the replicas, one was black and the other was a transparent blue color.

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