Unnaturally Skinny?


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I am 11 years old and I can fit my three year old brother's pants (4T) I am wearing them now, they are like capri's but fit my waist fine.
Am I unnaturally skinny? I am a size 8 in pants... Smallest in my class. No matter how much I eat, I don't gain weight. I am 73 lbs.
You're fine. I don't know how much I weighed when I was 11 (I'm thinking about 60-65 lbs...), but when I was 12 going on 13 I weight about 75. I'm now 14 and weigh about 100 lbs, give or take, and a size 0 in pants. However, I am short for my age; I am 5 foot 1. I am not under weight now, though. So I'm good. :p

Therefore, I wouldn't worry about it too much. You'll gain weight and fill out in a few years, I'm sure. :D

Your body is your body. If you act and make healthy choices, then your fine.

I've already posted, but i am posting again.

I am 11 years old, in 6th grade, and i weigh 65 pounds. Wait!!! I need to go weigh myself. BRB

AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I lost a pound!!!! Now I'm 64 pounds.

My friends are like 81-100 pounds.... And I am VERY skinny. I've been eating mcdonalds sometimes, so I SHOULD be gaining weight...


I've already posted, but i am posting again.
I am 11 years old, in 6th grade, and i weigh 65 pounds. Wait!!! I need to go weigh myself. BRB

AHHHHHH!!!!!!!! I lost a pound!!!! Now I'm 64 pounds.

My friends are like 81-100 pounds.... And I am VERY skinny. I've been eating mcdonalds sometimes, so I SHOULD be gaining weight...

I was that exact weight 4 years ago when I was 11 and in 6thgrade. Don't worry you're not the only one who's sinny like that. I'm 15, in 10 grade, and I weigh only 97 L.

Im 13(ish) and I am english so we measure in stone. The average weight for my age is8 stone. I am that much...I think.

I have answered this early in the year and alot can change in that time.

I used to be a mere 35kg at the start of this year.

I 'changed' aka went through alot of puberty, got my period, went up 2 bra sizes and got alot of meat on my bones.

I now have curves and weigh 41kg now. I haven't grow any taller though :D hehe.

Moral of this story - You may well change and its perfectly normal

And I am VERY skinny. I've been eating mcdonalds sometimes, so I SHOULD be gaining weight...

I at one stage practically lived on fast food. Bad fast food and yet sitting on my butt, stopped exersising and ate fast food for a week (As an experiment recommended by me by a doctor because i'd lost 4kg during a sickness that stopped me from being able to eat full stop for 2 weeks) and in that time I actually lost weight. T'was scary! I started eating my fav salads and healthy foods and getting my regular exersise again (run 5 km a day) and I gained weight again!

The human body is a strange one!

I'm 11, I'm 5'3, and I weigh 114 pounds and I'm skinny. I am always hungry like I'm hungry right now and I had breakfast at 6:00.

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I am 11 years old and I can fit my three year old brother's pants (4T) I am wearing them now, they are like capri's but fit my waist fine.
Am I unnaturally skinny? I am a size 8 in pants... Smallest in my class. No matter how much I eat, I don't gain weight. I am 73 lbs.
Same here! I eat nothing but junk, and stay the same!!!! ;) :eek: :(

Im 13 1/2, and i weigh 94pounds!!! :) ;) :lol:

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I have a high metabalisem(bad spelling).I weigh 75lb.I eats SO much and my dad gets mad at me about it.

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You probably have a high metabolism.

Liek me!

I'm nearly 13 and I weigh, liek, 99 lbs or something. I'm super skinny because I have a really high metabolism.

You probably have a high metabolism.Liek me!

I'm nearly 13 and I weigh, liek, 99 lbs or something. I'm super skinny because I have a really high metabolism.
Wat does metabolism mean? :D :D :D

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