No it's not. This is exactly my point.
At first you really love the book but if you actually think about the little things, and move on to other books, it won't seem as amazing.
You took the words out of my mouth.

I read Twilight back in December when my computer broke down and I happened to be bored out of my mind. That was when I was plagued by a storm of giggling girls throughout the school who'd talked of nothing but "Twilight" and "Edward." Now, at that time I'd never even heard of Twilight even though I'd seen the cover of the book a countless number of times and I made my mind to purchase it straight from Chapters (a chain of bookstores in Canada for those of you who don't know).
I gotta admit...the first time I'd read it, it didn't seem so bad...somewhat enjoyable in fact. But my hopes for Twilight to get even better was tarnished by Stephanie Meyer's writing, that is complete with cliches, unoriginal descriptions and of course the heroine with a downright negative attitude. I actually rolled over the floor laughing at Meyer's or rather "Bella's" descriptions of Edward and her comparisons of him to flawlessness. It got very
frustrating to read about all this but hey, I finished it. I didn't want to judge the whole saga based on the first book alone so I read New Moon which was a little bit better. Then came Eclipse which I read up until 3:00 AM. If I had to choose, Eclipse was the worst of Meyer's books, but I never started on Breaking Dawn and probably never will because by the looks of it, Meyer never makes an effort to improve her writing.
If you like the series, then its completely fine with me. I’m not intending to offend anyone with my post. There
are some aspects of the novel that might appeal, for example the romance (not for me but for some) and how Meyer describes Bella's feelings and thoughts, at times I felt like I was Bella herself in the story and Meyer succeeded at that. I've got nothing to object if you like it, even if you’re crazy over the saga I wouldn’t mind and if you've never read any of the books and are wondering if its right for you, think of it this way: its great if you want something that isn't going to be the "educational" type and if you want a book to read and relax, Twilight is your book. Also recommended for those into romance but the kind that seems a bit melodramatic or as some people say it "soap opera-ish." If you're looking more for a book with J.K. Rowling-level writing and
real literature and if you're disturbed by the idea of vampires playing baseball (it seems that most people have an issue with that) and glittery vampires and most of all, if you're easily irritated by heroines with a very negative attitude, it'd be best to borrow it from a friend or library or not read it at all.