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I decided to read it, and it was AMAZING in my oppinion. I am now overly obsessed with twilight. I need to get the rest of the series ;P
Because its a terrible book.I love Twilight.
Why the hell are there so many haters?
haha, yes I did say that. I just really hate it when people go completley INSANE over them. But yeah I will never judge a book like that again^ didnt you always say you hated the fanbase? so you thought it sucked? i was the same way, currently loving twilight and reading breaking dawn ;D
If she does, I'll write a flame letter dedicated to only you Axie, and send it to her. :[Because its a terrible book.
Im put off vampires forever. Lets just hope SM dosent ruin the name of Zombies too.
Oh, my love, I would be forever in your debt.,December 12, 2008 06:20 pm] If she does, I'll write a flame letter dedicated to only you Axie, and send it to her. :[
It WILL be da bestest book in the intire world. Edward is hot! Ok so I am on Eclipse. I would really like my mom to read it but she doesn't have the time. I want to get it from the library at school so next weekend I can read it on the way to Pennsylvania. It's my favorite book!!!! Its DA BESTESTI just bought the first book, and I LOVE it! It's Da Bestest!
O my gawd!Is this book any good? My friend recommended it to me, and I want to know what you guys think before I get it.
Thanks ^_~
Ok yeah I had NO IDEA what Twilight was at the time I post it now but now I love the series so I feel like A BIG IDIOT for writing that!!!!!!!!!!!!I've heard of it, but I havent read it.
What is it about? It sounds good!
I agree with fluffums, sometimes it is written so quickly and undetailed... and other times when it really doesn't need much detail, she makes it way too boring and long.. I hate Bella, she is too independent and Edward is okay, but in one book he has 'tossled bronze hair' and in another it could be blonde. I think that she does't picture her characters well enough...It also moves really quickly and reminds me of a book that a fifth grader would right. One second they are playing baseball, the next they are being attacked are are running around the country.