This is giving me the creeps,I need music.*turns on some music*I'm telling friend to do this.Or.......make her dog do it in dog language,or tomorrow tell my friends about this then run around like idiots.Anyways,can someone delete this topic,this topic is giving me the creeps.Here's a little story.My name is susan,my friends name is lauren and haley.This was in the girls bathroom in the office at school.
Susan:Uh,Haley lets do that bloody mary thing,if this is true,I'm tellin' Tamatalk.
Lauren:Why are you making my cousin do that?!She'll go nuts,if it's really true,I'm telling Ms. Cindy,she could make another rule.
Haley:It's ok,*says it three times in the mirror*
The 3 of us:*sees her*OH MY GOSH!!!!!!*runs out*
Lauren:Thats it I'm tellin' Ms. Cindy!
Susan:Let's just make sure,she doesn't tell everybody through the intercom.
Haley:We can make a rumor about this at school.
Lauren:No way!On 2nd thought,we'll tell her.
After that.
Ms. Cindy:Thats quite a story,I guess you girls are still freaked out.

lease tell Father Jon to bless this school again!!!
5 min. later
Father:I guess you have seen this "Bloody Mary",from now on don't do this again.You might get a heart attack.
Father:I will bless this school tomorrow.Then at asembly,me and the counsler will tell evryone about this,ok?
3 of us:Uh.......Ok?