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Lol..I've never heard about the bloody Mary thing but I did hear about the "candy man" one..

If you say candy man 3 times in front of the mirror he's meant to come and hang you..

lol I tried it and I'm still alive haha these things never work..
No. Sometimes he does nothing, take you to candy world and then kill you, hang you, or just appear in teh mirror.

i was at a friends birthday party when was younger and they did that, and i screamed, just for the fun of it and it scared the crud out of 'em! it was hillarious!

i dont believe in that stuff, i think its of bunch of crud.

if you see "something" in the mirror that looks like someones outline, its your own outline in the mirror. its not total darkness, so you can see a little bit.

[SIZE=8pt]I don't really believe in GHOSTS, but I heard on a T.V show that if you say "Bloody Mary" three times while you are in the bathroom, Bloody Mary will come and scratch your eyes out. I do not believe it though...and there are 6-and-7-year-olds on here...this topic might scare them. [/SIZE]

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lol - It is amazing how all these rumours still go around schools - years later - and even more amazing that ppl even say - "it's true - it happened to my bf..!!!"
They are little scary stories to give you the creeps - and it works doesn't it? (.. the stories, that is) :furawatchi:

Best, etc.

Have you ever noticed that it only happens to 'friends?' It never happens to you, and even if it did, you were too scared to show any real evidence? After hearing that 500 times wouldn't you make the assumption that someone's lying and just trying to freak you out? lol

I remember these kinds of things since I was in about 1st grade. It's been about 11 years since then and they're still floating around XD

Have you ever noticed that it only happens to 'friends?' It never happens to you, and even if it did, you were too scared to show any real evidence? After hearing that 500 times wouldn't you make the assumption that someone's lying and just trying to freak you out? lol
I remember these kinds of things since I was in about 1st grade. It's been about 11 years since then and they're still floating around XD
It has happened to me SK, but how can i show anybody evidence? I'm always to oscared to take picture :furawatchi:

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This is giving me the creeps,I need music.*turns on some music*I'm telling friend to do this.Or.......make her dog do it in dog language,or tomorrow tell my friends about this then run around like idiots.Anyways,can someone delete this topic,this topic is giving me the creeps.Here's a little story.My name is susan,my friends name is lauren and haley.This was in the girls bathroom in the office at school.

Susan:Uh,Haley lets do that bloody mary thing,if this is true,I'm tellin' Tamatalk.

Lauren:Why are you making my cousin do that?!She'll go nuts,if it's really true,I'm telling Ms. Cindy,she could make another rule.

Haley:It's ok,*says it three times in the mirror*

The 3 of us:*sees her*OH MY GOSH!!!!!!*runs out*

Lauren:Thats it I'm tellin' Ms. Cindy!

Susan:Let's just make sure,she doesn't tell everybody through the intercom.

Haley:We can make a rumor about this at school.

Lauren:No way!On 2nd thought,we'll tell her.

After that.

Ms. Cindy:Thats quite a story,I guess you girls are still freaked out.

Susan:please tell Father Jon to bless this school again!!!

5 min. later

Father:I guess you have seen this "Bloody Mary",from now on don't do this again.You might get a heart attack.


Father:I will bless this school tomorrow.Then at asembly,me and the counsler will tell evryone about this,ok?

3 of us:Uh.......Ok?

my parents are really spirtual i guess. it's hard to describe. if i were to do that, my mom wouldn't let me, same as looking in a mirror in pitch black or using a weeji board. (spelling) id love to try it though, sounds cool!

i only know 2 of these knid of things if you go to the toilet at 4:00AM exactly you will see a dead elderly person and if you say bloody mary 3 times in a mirror your eyes will be scratched out my your self and they will bleed lol!though i don't belive it and it DOES NOT work!

It used to be you go into the bathroom with the lights off, turn the water on warm and say Bloody Mary 10 times into the mirror you see a face in the mirror and the water turns to blood.
Never worked.
It can't work because if the lights are of you can't see anything not even a face in the mirror.

And I don't believe that any of this things willl ever work unless someone prank you.

There are some rumours like this going around my school too.

Someone said that if you go into a room and turn the lights off, stand infront of a irror and say "blue baby" 16 times, a blue baby will appear in your arms and the mother stands behind you and if you drop the blue baby, the mother will cry and kill you.

I don't believe that any of those types of rumours do happen though. :huh: They are only tricks of the mind. :lol:

-sk8er girl-

There are some rumours like this going around my school too. Someone said that if you go into a room and turn the lights off, stand infront of a irror and say "blue baby" 16 times, a blue baby will appear in your arms and the mother stands behind you and if you drop the blue baby, the mother will cry and kill you.

I don't believe that any of those types of rumours do happen though. :huh: They are only tricks of the mind. :D

-sk8er girl-
in my school there is somthing diffrent:

you light a candle in the bathroom and your say "blue baby" 15 times and a baby will appear in the toilet. :lol:

ok last nite i did it (i woke up at midnight) i did the bloody mary thing and all i saw was a white blur be hind me only in the mirror!! Ha thats not scary! *rolls eyes*

one time i did bloody mary with my friends, and we saw her in the mirror and blood went down the walls. we all screamed and went for the door but it was locked! the light flickered for about one minute and when we looked back in the mirror, there was nothing and the door had become un-locked!

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this is scary!! i will do it 2night!! 2marro i will say wut i see! :) and onya if u r boiling water and it screeches say bloddy mary 3 times in front of a mirror and she will be screaming!

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