Tinkalila's Tamagotchi Log!


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I'd just like to thank you ALL for making this A HOT TOPIC! Yeah, I know, it's probably not a very big deal, but I'm glad I've made it this far. Anyway, let's get to the point: Nothing is new with my tamagotchis, but, I thought I should just clear it up and tell you what tamas I'm running right now anyway:


TMGO (Green)

TMGO (Blue)

V6 (Music Star)

iD L

Hatchi (It's not exactly a tamagotchi, but whatever) (I'm NOT logging for it)

I'm considering starting up my fairy magic virtual pet made by Scholastic and logging for it as well, because it would be a nice twist for my log. You probably have no idea what a fairy magic virtual pet is, and you're probably thinking that scholastic doesn't make V-Pets. Well, the fairy magic virtual pet is a V-Pet that came with a Fairy Magic book I got when I was very young. The V-Pet actually WAS made by scholastic, but the truth was, I thought the book was nice but the real I bought it was for this V-Pet, which looked so much like a tamagotchi that I couldn't resist. Pictures to come!

I got the Dazzilitchi and Dreamitchi codes! Yay! I'm not sure if you consider this a big deal or not, but whatever. I'm glad that tamagotchi music city is back up and running, so in celebration of that (and the second page of my log) I decided to POST THE CODES HERE! Here they are:


Username: AARON




Username: BEN



I would just like to give a HUGE thank you to the people on wiki who posted these codes originally. And yes, these codes DO really work! But, here's an idea: Why did I give away the codes and decide not to keep them to myself? Experience. It was awful annoying how some people would have the codes and wouldn't post them because they "worked hard for them". I, myself, for a split second considered keeping them a secret, but ignored the idea. Anyway, enjoy!

I managed to get a pic of my just-married Violetchi walking away from her new baby. I quickly snapped the picture at the last second, so it's off-center and extremely low-definition. But, I did manage to get it, so here it is:


Anyway, after seeing this little cutie, I decided to let him finish up this log post!

Yeah!!! Tank woo Tinkeh!

Aw, no problem! Go on, enjoy yourself!

Otay! So, hai evrywun! Sorrie that I can't tawk good. I'm onlee a babee! Aneeway, I'm gonna let yoo know wat is coming up next on Tinky's log! Well, shee will be posting about da new tama guide book she got todaii and about awsum cheets for Tamagotchi Music City that yoo can use WITHOUT hacking! And, yeah, she iz gunna tawk about meeh! But, she iz in a bit of a pickle! Shee can not figure out how shee can get her best fwend to like tamagotchiz! If yhu hav anee ideas how she could do dat, pleeze PM her to let her know!

Hi everyone. Nothing's new with my tamas, so I took a quick picture of me using the Dazzilitchi code on Tama Town!


:) I decided to put a cute outfit on her as well.

I joined Tamagotchi Wikia! It's pretty nice. I'm also considering making my own tamagotchi website.

I am writing this in a BIG and AWESOME font because this post is... uh... big and awesome! Because I just made a tamagotchi fan site! A link to it can be found in my signature. Aside from that, tomorrow is ONE OF THE MOST AWESOME DAYS AT SCHOOL because it's pajama and crazy hair day. We have to come to school in our PJs and with a funny hairdo! I'm seriously consider sticking a tamagotchi V-Pet or stuffed animal in my hair! My friend says she's going to use soda as hair spray to make her hair stand straight up! I'm going to have to try pretty hard to beat THAT! I want to get to bed early so I don't fall asleep ON THE PANCAKES THAT MY PRINCIPAL MAKES TOMORROW! It's going to be so fun!

Hai! I'm Eggy the V4! I'm dooing tinka's log today. I is in preskool, so I can not tawk dat well, but me gonna try! Anyway... here's what I did today:

Woke up



Played games

Pooped again

Ate again

Went on V4 tama towm, but had to use european version because american version wouldn't work

Wrote this log post

Really interesting day, right?

Well, her iD L evolved into Gozarutchi and ran away, so she reset it and got a cute baby girl. BUT NOT AS CUTE AS ME!!!

My green and my blue TMGOs evolved yesterday! Sadly, I can't say the same for Eggy and Steve, but I CAN say that Steve did wonderfully in his concert yesterday! I had decided to paint the old Mametchi and Masktchi last night, and I think it worked out pretty well:


I have decided that I want that 20cm long tama in Tama Depa in Japan. I heard you can buy them online. If my memory serves me correctly, the one I want is called the Deka Tama. I'm also hoping my angelgotchi gets here in time for my Valentine's Day Double Hatch. It'll be the star of my collection, along with my iD L, of course. I'm planning on getting Osuchi and Mesuchi soon, as well. On this good note, I shall end this post. Bye for now!

Nooo! My iD L ran away! Reset and got a cutebaby, and it evolved a few times. Got a tumblr page too! Link is in my signature. Sorry this post is so short, but I'm tired today. -_-

Sorry I haven't posted in so long. Allow me to give you a summary of what has happened:

Gozarutchi got married and I got a baby girl who is now an adult.

Restarted me green tamago for my hatch

Hatched an angelgotchi

I'm very glad that my log got 400 views while I had stopped logging. I've decided to continue this log with a nice long post, with more to come!

First off, here's the tamas I'm running:


Music Star (Probably going to take out the batteries today)


Green Tama Go (Not the blue one)

iD L

I will NOT be logging for my tama-go until the Valentine's Day Double Hatch I'm doing is over. If you want to read about my Tama-Go, head over there.

There will be far too much backlogging to do, so I'll skip it.

V4 is the same.

Music Star is the same. :gozarutchi:

I completed a few generations with the angelgotchi, and it's not going so well.

iD L is Uwasatchi, she's been like that for a week and I want her to be an oldie!

Ooh, my cute little Uwasatchi just left me a "present"... cleaned that right up. :D

Anyone here play minecraft, besides me? PM me if you do. ;)

Darn, this log post isn't as long as I'd hoped... oh whatever.

Until next time! :nazotchi:

Uwasatchi on my iD L got her 4th happy symbol today! She was very happy about it. I'm considering letting her become an oldie before getting her married. Also, recently started up my familitchi. Their family name is "Epix" and they've evolved a few times. The games arevery repetitive, but I don't mind. But, sadly, I can't take care of so many tamas at once, so I took the batteries out of my V4.

Decided to get Uwasatchi married to a Mametchi and they had a cute baby girl! (I know this is a very short post but I've got nothing else to say) Oh yeah, my hatch just didn't work out well... I'm done logging for my TMGO over there.

I feel so bad about not logging for so long. That's why I've decided to stop running all my other tamas in order to concentrate on my iD L and my log. I'll be doing pictures and all that other awesome chiz. :D I will keep my log consistant and make sure to log at least twice a week. I can't take any pics right now, but I will try tomorrow. For now, let me give you an update on my iD L:

Gen 5

Working on getting my 4th TaMaToMo character

Current character is female

Current character is sabosatchi

Make sure to check back soon for pictures! :D

Hello everyone! My tama iD L became an adult, married a Mametchi, and had a baby girl! The baby is now a teen, Sabosatchi!

Guess what there's this tama I've been wanting! It's called the Tamagotchi Music Fever! Here's a picture!


It seems like it'd be interesting to log for. ;)

Don't forget you can find tons of awesome tama pics at: photobucket.com/tinkatama

I apologize for not logging. Recently, my iD L ran out of batteries, and I didn't replace them until a few days later. Anyway, my iD L evolved into Violetchi. So far, I have 3 of her happy signs!


My Violetchi on my iD L got married to a Mametchi, then had a baby boy, which later evolved into Gozarutchi. Gozarutchi got married to a Chamametchi this morning and had a baby boy. (Whew, run on sentence, hehe.)

Hi I'm Taco. (yeah my name is Taco) Tinkalila decided to start up one of her V3's and POOF I was born! Tinky decided to let me do the log post today so let's get started.

iD L:

Evolved into Gozarutchi. Considering that Tinky already got TaMaToMo for a Gozarutchi, he is kind of useless, but regardless, she decided to keep him for one more day.


Uh I was just born, what do you expect?

TMGC Music Fever:

Tinky got one!

That's all for now, bye!

Hey everyone! Sorry about the lack of pictures, I haven't had the time for photos, but I'll try to take some pics for tomorrow's or the next day's post. Anyway, My V3 named Taco recently evolved into a child. :) And my iD L is obviously still Gozarutchi and I've decided to keep him until he becomes an oldie.

Taco's fun fact:

Hey! I'm Taco, and guess what? Despite my name, I've never actually eaten a taco, but Tinkalila said she will go on V3 TamaTown and get one for me soon!

As I promised, I have a few pictures for you today!

Here's my Gozarutchi on my iD L. He's wearing an afro. xD


Here's my V3, Taco!


