This offend's me!


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Its plastic and pixals c'mon
I don't think it's the actual destruction of the tamagothci that's offending. I think it's that it's offending because clearly they think tamagotchis are stupid, or they wouldn't light one on fire. I sometimes get a little upset when people make fun of me becaseu I like tamagotchis. :hitodetchi:

Its plastic. Come on
ItS PlAsTiC!!!!??!!?? cmon! do you like tamas.

its more than a toy... to me

ok sorry Chomamechi

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Chomamechi does not have to agree with your opinion. Just because people are not offended by it doesn't mean they don't like tamagotchi. So please let this topic die Hazyjune, or someone close it.

yeah we are getting a little argumentative but i think that it is sad! really people think of all the little tamas getting all burnt up so they are just burnt crispy critters! that is realy sad and i agree, i love lighting stuff on fire but i am not gonna light anything close to an animal on fire, plastic or pixels or nothing! i declare! no offense to anyone. :(

:) STOP!!!!! people are stupid in this world,!!! We all know that. and the people who are saying stuff like "Wow thats so awaesome!! xD!!!" and "Cool now thats entertainment!!x)" you people shouldnt even be on here! [SIZE=21pt]ITS CALLED TAMATALK!!!! GET IT RIGHT PEOPLE!!!! [/SIZE]i cant take this anymore!! :D THOSE STUPID INDIVIDUALS THAT BLOW UP THINGS LIKE A 15$ TAMAGOTCHI ARE S. T. U. P. I. D!!!!! GOSH!!!!

okay i have calmed down and i'm down okay now. But please listen to what i said.

Thank you,

Mamitchi465 ;)

*Edited - PC police and tag fix*

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Not everybody here likes tamagotchis. Did you ever think of that? Don't explode because people get entertainment from watching this. Tamagotchis=toys. They can't feel pain. Yet I know people still feel sad for tamas, so I do not go against their opinion. We all share different thought about what is funny and what isn't. Get it right.

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How many times does this topic have to be bumped before someone closes it? o_O'

I have a question and an answer to something I've read in here...

'How do we know tama's aren't alive?'

Hmm.. Because it was manufactured in a warehouse. dingding!

Here's my question.

Tell me. When you open up your tamagotchi, does it bleed? Do you see it's heart pulsing? Does it scream?

No. Hence, it's not alive. They're plastic and pixels. What do I mean 'it's plastic?' Tap it. The shell is made from plastic.. Not skin, not fur.. plastic.


Mamitchi... Why'd you bump this?

People can have whatever opinion they want. Just because you have a differing one doesn't mean you need to throw a tantrum.

Yes. It's called TamaTalk. There's also an area called, 'Non-TamaTalk.' It's not JUST for tamagotchi lovers. Some people come here for advice about tamas, and some people, like myself, come here for entertainment and conversation with other people who have similar interests. The majority, if not all people here have at least one tamagotchi. Even if they don't, they have every right to be here.

Seriously o_O If I ever opened up my tamagotchi and heard it scream I'd return it to the manufacturer. xD

Hm.. Wouldn't be that easy to replace batteries if it did, would it? :furawatchi: lol She's right, tamas aren't alive. They are plastic and pixels and that's all, but in all tamagotchis are still fun to play with when your a kid like me! ^^ Okay, maybe this topic shoudl be closed. Its been bumped so many times its not even funny. I'll see if a guide can come close it or something.

that clip was soooo stupid!!!! :wacko: that could have started the bag on fire then the trash can then like the couch or something and started there house on fire


pikagotchi B) :wacko: :wacko:

Zeesh.Not everybody here likes tamagotchis. Did you ever think of that? Don't explode because people get entertainment from watching this. Tamagotchis=toys. They can't feel pain. Yet I know people still feel sad for tamas, so I do not go against their opinion. We all share different thought about what is funny and what isn't. Get it right.
listen i dont want any fights!! B) people have the right to their own opinon, Shesh i know that all ready gosh! :wacko: But what about me??? Dont i get an opinon of my own??? :wacko: and besides if u dont like tamas why r you here?????? Its pointless!! :wacko: you tama haters dont have anything to do here???? so why are you even on a website named TAMTALK!! :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: No fights plese, Thanks


listen i dont want any fights!! B) people have the right to their own opinon, Shesh i know that all ready gosh! :wacko: But what about me??? Dont i get an opinon of my own??? :wacko: and besides if u dont like tamas why r you here?????? Its pointless!! :wacko: you tama haters dont have anything to do here???? so why are you even on a website named TAMTALK!! :wacko:   :wacko:   :wacko: No fights plese, Thanks

Calm down.

I didn't want to start an argument. Seriously, cool off. I do LIKE tamagotchis, but I don't feel they are living and breathing. And I come here because it's a past time for me; got a problem? I am not a tama-hater, and I don't support them. I respect your opinion but learn to respect mine too.

And nobody hates you. Who said they hated you? Nobody.

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