furawatchi girl
Well-known member
There is a big thing in my school right now. everyone is talking about it... and i think that they are all serious it is quite strange... you would expect it in an elementary in pre-school but it is happening here... but in a more mature, honest and serious manner. ok i bet you want me to get to the point. i will post this first: here
yes, mermaids . everyone is talking about it and most people noe believe in them. so what do you think? and if you don't believe (i am not sure if i do but it is a possibility) what do you think about people telling kids about them. i mean they possibaly can exist... nobudy knows for sure. but i personaly think that if this really happend, EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE would know about it. so i don't think that this particular atical is real but it may be. this may b e a weird topic and a little ramdom lol but this is what happens in my school.
and don't turn this into a flame war. my friend (who is 13 years old) believes in them and i don't want anyone screaming they don't believe, because i know that if anyone did that to her, i don't want to be near that world war 3.
ok babling over lol. i was bored to i posted this. what do you think? (ps: i am in middle school and everyone is my grade is either 13 or 14)
yes, mermaids . everyone is talking about it and most people noe believe in them. so what do you think? and if you don't believe (i am not sure if i do but it is a possibility) what do you think about people telling kids about them. i mean they possibaly can exist... nobudy knows for sure. but i personaly think that if this really happend, EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE would know about it. so i don't think that this particular atical is real but it may be. this may b e a weird topic and a little ramdom lol but this is what happens in my school.
and don't turn this into a flame war. my friend (who is 13 years old) believes in them and i don't want anyone screaming they don't believe, because i know that if anyone did that to her, i don't want to be near that world war 3.
ok babling over lol. i was bored to i posted this. what do you think? (ps: i am in middle school and everyone is my grade is either 13 or 14)