The WHOLE Matchmaker pack


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no,its if you want a boy say no first then next say yes.

If a girl say yes first.

P.S:[igot a girl first when i said yes] :chohimetchi: :mimitchi: :kusatchi: :huh: :lol: :lol: :) :) :eek:

Wait, you got it mixed up it's girl=closed and boy=open.
It is if u want a boy u press b and if u want a girl u press a ok thank u 4 the res vicky lui

THe matchmaker usually comes for me when my tami is 6 and usually comes at around 3ish 7ish

one time i even almost had a heart attack one time that itjust popped up

and only once have i gotmy tami's married ( it took a LONG time)

other than that

i have always accepted the match maker

and i have had all three versions :wacko:

Well, my tama and my friend's tama was the other way around. What version do you have? Well, my friend's and mine were version 2's. :huh:
OK OK OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when u get married and it gets dark, u press ( :p for girl and (a) for boy! stop fighting!!

it works!!!!!! :huh: :huh: :huh:

just stop!! :furawatchi: :eek: :D :p B) :p :p

it makes me sick-> :p

THe matchmaker usually comes for me when my tami is 6 and usually comes at around 3ish 7ishone time i even almost had a heart attack one time that itjust popped up

and only once have i gotmy tami's married ( it took a LONG time)

other than that

i have always accepted the match maker

and i have had all three versions :huh:
wanna pm me??? :furawatchi: :huh: ?

we can be friends :D :eek:

whoose the boy u met anyway????? :huh: :huh:

Exactly 24 hours they usaully leave at 11:59 p.m :(   :)
it takes 2 days for them to leave...atleast that what happens for me and everyone i know....(i have v3)

what age does your tamagotchi have to be 4 the mm to come mine is 4 and it will not come!!!!!!

How old does your tama need to be for the matchmaker to come?

My tama is 6yrs. is tat old enough for it to come?

:huh: :huh: :p :p :p :angry: :angry: :

My tamagotchi is 7 and the matchmaker STILL hasn't come... what's wrong!?

Okay thanks but where can you find the matchmaker? like when it's 10:00 AM what do i do to find the match maker????

Also Is it closed girl open boy or other way?

what age does your tamagotchi have to be 4 the mm to come mine is 4 and it will not come!!!!!!
The matchmaker usally comes at the age of 6 or 7. But if it doesnt it means the matchmaker has already come and u have missed it. then u may have to wait a lil while b4 it comes back :)

Plus the matchmaker will usually come at 10 am 3 pm and 7 pm

u wont b able 2 make time go faster i have had

1 version 1 tama

2 version 2 tamas

and 1 version 3 tama over around 5 years

4 more info msg me

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