The vending machine!


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booyah :p free purse. u didn't insert anything but...

out comes a laser gun that makes things big!! *uses it on the bass to make it real sized*

inserts the gun back

ooops i had no clue about the naughty word. what if i get banned? i really did not mean to say it like that:[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[

Back to the game! out comes a ant.

Inserts said ant

you won't i'm sure! what'd u say anyways?

out comes an anteater!! :eek:


shoves anteater back in

Out comes a bird feeder.

Shoves some bird food in there.

I said C*ck which i did not meen it in a bad way

Spits a dog out with a not saying "it was too fury for my liking anyways."

Inserts a black bag

out comes a white one

inserts note saying *thanks for the dog :) but he's NOT TOO FURY! SO SHUTTY! CUZ HE'S PERFECT!!!RAAAWWRR*

Out comes a note saying "you are right i am sorry he is soo feaking cute"

shoves a purple sock in

ty ty ty he is cute :p

out comes the one that matches it

inserts a valentine that the creepy 11 year old gave me.

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