The vending machine!


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Out comes said math homework finished:]

Inserts a penny.

booyah! *funky chicken dance*

out comes all the stuff you have ever wanted, but no physical items. (such as, your crush being in love with you, you having your dream car, etc.)

inserts my english homework (please come out solved like my math homework..)

Out comes Half a piece of paper saying "I have no clue how to do this, good luck."

Inserts a nail clipping.

Out comes an towel with a note saying "cover up nobody wants to see what you got!!"

Out it comes with a note saying "Dear you, I don't know what I can give you for this thing, so I gave it back. Now you put it back where it goes. From, the vending machine"

Inserts science homework.

Out comes said science homework finished.

Shoves charlie sheen.

omg that could be USEFUL in band this year :ooo!!!!! *snatches flute and stuffs in purse*

out comes tigger

inserts note saying *gimmie the stinkin' bass back!*

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