Eternal Mametchi Fan
Well-known member
I partially agree with you on that. But there are these disadvantages to the points you made:
- Buying Gotchi Figures to unlock more stuff is a lot like downloading more games and stuff on the iD L - I put the word buying in bold because it costs money. iD L downloads are free. Also, the iD L downloads are open to everyone, whereas Tama-Go figures have to be shipped from America to anyone living abroad because the Tama-Go is discontinued in most countries.
- With some Gotchi Figures, you can dress your character up in clothes like on the iD L - like in the first one, I highlighted a word. Also, as I said, the figures cost money. And the clothes don't stay on, the character just does a little dance in them and then takes them off, if I remember correctly.
- You can change the house theme like the iD L - Yes, but only the main room, and there are not as many options.
- With the Violetchi Gotchi Figure, you can plant stuff like on the iD L - Only the Violetchi one, and it's still a figure that costs money. I don't know if the plants grow in the same way and amount of time as they do on the iD L, but I'm assuming they don't.
- With some figures like Ringotchi and Kuchipatchi, you can go out to restaurants like you can on iD L - Yes, but the food costs more and you still have to buy the figures.
I personally think the Tama-Go is okay, but it could have a few improvements:
- Could have downloads like on the iD L, rather than expensive figures. Some people or their parents aren't prepared to buy the figures.
- Could have a garden like on the iD L.
- Could have shorter games and be less needy. What are they thinking, that both money (for figures) and time grow on trees? Children these days get homework and go to clubs or extra-curricular lessons. Hardly anyone who's old enough to use the Tama-Go has time to use it.
- Could have more characters and maybe some special characters.
- Could be in colour. It's such a missed opportunity! A little more money and time, and we could have had the English iD L early and in stores. But no, they decided to make another black-and-white one. It's their own fault they got hated on and people bought BanDai Japan's new Tama rather than BanDai America's.
- Could have more features. Where's Henshin Jo, the garden, happy symbols, seeds, interchangeable rooms other than the main room? All the creativity that's in the iD L has been forgotten on the Tama-Go. It's a nice Tama, but well-thought-out ideas rather than simple things like shops and the park would make it even better.
Few of us actually hate the Tama-Go, we just think it's such a missed opportunity. If BanDai Japan hadn't released the iD L shortly after the Tama-Go's release, I'm sure we would appreciate the Tama-Go. But knowing that the idea for all those features and the colour were available to BanDai America but they didn't use them makes us take it out on the Tama-Go. There is nothing wrong with it as a Tama, there's just something wrong with the time it was released. It's like releasing the iPhone 5 in Japan only and in America they release a different type of iPhone 5, but with all the best bits taken out. That's just not fair.