The Tama-GO, A backwards step in the history of Tamagotchis?


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My personal opinon is that i adore it :) its probably one of my favourite versions. I'm running one of my three TMGOS right now, and i absolutely love it. I do think the figures are a little pricey, but other than that i really enjoy it. I love some of the features on the TMGO, like the park and the fact that you can go to restrauants.

To be honest, the size of it doesn't really bother me. In my opinion, it makes them way harder to lose, and so what if it can't fit in your pocket? Big deal? I really don't see what all the fuss is about the size of the TMGO.

So in a nutshell i really enjoy the TMGO.


I'm VERY dissapointed with the Go.

I enjoy my v1 with busted A button a lot more than it. I don't know... Thereotically it has more features, yes, but it's... bulky, and the sound is... ugh. And the figures! I can't afford them...

Why the heck can't even a single item be built in? Even v1 can get items without having a shop feature, darn it.

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I am enjoying the features of the Tamago like the customisation and stuff, but I can hear it beep at all its really loud wen you press the buttons n when playing games but ill look at the screen n see 3 poos and there was no beep! I have made a screen protector for it by cutting up one for a phone thats made me happy but I do feel its something I shouldn't of had to do. I like the batteries it takes thats been a good thing :)

All in all its a like :)

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I have to agree with you Sakura. I don't think the size is a serious issue, it's just a change. I think they needed to try something different and the collectable cute figures was a really good one.

I really want to get more figures from eBay or something (they are not for sale in the UK) but they are way too expensive individually due to postage so maybe one day I'll get them all if I get some spare cash.

Tama-Go looks like something you'd get in a happymeal, the gameplay is probably nice but because of the size and the need to collect figures to unlock games, I do not want it. The reason I liked Tamagotchi when I was little was because it was small and I could put it on my backpack. I came back looking for that and I find this giant thing that looks rather cheap and clunky.

The Tamagotchi +C, ID and ID L all look very nice, they look like what Tamagotchi should be but BanDai is too busy trying to appeal to the younger children that they've forgot about their original fan base many who are in their 20's-30's now and having their own kids now, wanting something to kill time between diaper changes playing with a neat bit of Nostalgia.

Im trying to buy the HK Tamagotchi ID L now, though im disappointed the Tamagotchi P is coming out and still wont be coming to the US while that LA company is trying to reboot the name with T-Shirts and furniture rather than bringing us a new Tama-Toy.

personaly I love the Tama-Go I think it's great and it's my favorite version but I would like to see Bandai make another version in color.

I have to agree with you Sakura. I don't think the size is a serious issue, it's just a change. I think they needed to try something different and the collectable cute figures was a really good one.

I really want to get more figures from eBay or something (they are not for sale in the UK) but they are way too expensive individually due to postage so maybe one day I'll get them all if I get some spare cash.

Thanks!! :) I honestly don't think the size is a big deal. It's just something new Bandai tried i guess. Not everyone likes it, but i don't mind it, because it's harder to lose!!! I also have to agree that the figures can be kinda expensive to buy seprately..... That's i really don't like about the TMGO's.

Love: Sakura-san123 :) <3

I love tamagotchis, and when I saw the Tama-Go in a store I bought 2. I used both of them and..I was really dissapointed. I couldnt carry it with me and it just lacked so muh of what made tamagotchis fun. I LOVE having an inventory full of items to play around with. That was the best part for me.. Like seeing my pets draw,build with building blocks, wear clothes and listen to music. I also liked the amount of games.. The Tama-Go doesnt have many. So..Its leaving out alot of fun things.

I do like,on the other hand, the furniture,And the contrast settings...

thats..about it.

okay sorry for rambling..

I LOVE MY TAMA-GO AND HEARING ALL OF YOU (EXEPT EMF) DIS THE TAMA-GO IS MAKING ME ANGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE A TAMA-GO AND A V5.5 AND I TREAT THEM BOTH EQUALLY EVEN THOUGH ONE IS BIGGER AND HOW MANY OF YOU WHO ARE SAYING THE TAMA-GO ISN'T GOOD LOOOOOOOOVE UR NANOS AND MINIS HMMMMMMMMM????Look I'm sorry if this sounds mean but the tama-go is what got me back into tamagotchis and when I was researching it that's how I found this site.So hearing all of you (exept EMF) dis it makes me sad and angry so I just have to stand up for my precious tama-go.
Chill...we don't hate it, we are discussing the good and bad about it. Remember, it's an opinion, not a fact ;)

Apologies for the late reply.

P.S: I found this site because of the TMGO too, so I don't dislike it. I didn't ask my dad to get figures from America for nothing.

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I grew up with the tiny vintage tamas but i like the tama-go non the less. I can definitally see that the reason for the size of it is they were trying to make it look like the japanese color tamas. BUT over all its the 1st tama in a looong time that feels like a pet again. I didnt like it at 1st but after i gave it a chance i had it going for months. (i do with it was smaller and the figures were smaller, but owell) lol

Although I don't have one yet, I'm convinced it's a good toy. I've read a lot about it, seen videos, etc and it looks really fun. Although you may say the extra figures are just to collect money, I must slightly disagree.

It's proven that the Tama-go does not have the features of the(non lite) figures built in. It's a very clever system. Bandai can actually make a googleplex of figures and all would work on the Tama-Go. Although they havent made that many the system is very smart since you can extend your Tama go with infinite different kind of games and different features.

It will cost money ofcourse, but it's normal that for extra you pay extra. Also the Tama Go, may have less features(without the figures) that the other connextion and above, but I don't believe in the long run.

I personnally only had vintages, which defenitly have less features then the Tama-go.

Still, something about vintages is making them more fun than TamaGo without anything for me. I don't know, is that sound, size, the overall feeling about it...?

Plus TamaGo is way too easy. I don't like when my tamas die, but still the fact that Go is so low-maintenance actually puts me off.

Perhaps Bandai aimed to people who don't have to much time to look at their pet?

My two cents now that I've owned one: dislike.

Comparing it to other generations, this Tamagotchi just bothers me. Yes, it has cute features. Yes, even cute animations!! But I mean... most of those nice features come with having to buy the figure to achieve. I don't want to spend a few dollars every time I want something unique. Sure, only a few dollars, but jeez... shipping adds up! So far, I have one + one figure, and like... it still feels empty. The sound is terrible, the screen is hard to see, and again- comparing it to other releases, it's terrible! Who on earth decided this would be a good idea?!

This model is cheap. The figures are cheap. Add up the cost of the device + shipping + figure(s) + shipping = you're better off finding another Connection/Ketai/Entama/Uratama.

Edit: PS, lol, not to mention the size loloool. I could never take this giant anywhere with me.

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**sigh** Everybody just wants Bandai to make a color Tamagotchi, and so they are taking out their anger on the Tama-Go. The Tama-Go is a lot like the iD L, okay? I think anybody who hates Tama-Go shouldn't get an iD L. Here are some things I'd like to point out...

  • Buying Gotchi Figures to unlock more stuff is a lot like downloading more games and stuff on the iD L
  • With some Gotchi Figures, you can dress your character up in clothes like on the iD L
  • You can change the house theme like the iD L
  • With the Violetchi Gotchi Figure, you can plant stuff like on the iD L
  • With some figures like Ringotchi and Kuchipatchi, you can go out to restaurants like you can on iD L

You see? If you have the figures, Tama-Go is like a black-and-white version of the iD L. Bandai America went through a lot of effort putting in stuff from the iD L, but you're just not satisfied because of the size and because you want it to be in color. ._.

**sigh** Everybody just wants Bandai to make a color Tamagotchi, and so they are taking out their anger on the Tama-Go. The Tama-Go is a lot like the iD L, okay? I think anybody who hates Tama-Go shouldn't get an iD L. Here are some things I'd like to point out...

  • Buying Gotchi Figures to unlock more stuff is a lot like downloading more games and stuff on the iD L
  • With some Gotchi Figures, you can dress your character up in clothes like on the iD L
  • You can change the house theme like the iD L
  • With the Violetchi Gotchi Figure, you can plant stuff like on the iD L
  • With some figures like Ringotchi and Kuchipatchi, you can go out to restaurants like you can on iD L

You see? If you have the figures, Tama-Go is like a black-and-white version of the iD L. Bandai America went through a lot of effort putting in stuff from the iD L, but you're just not satisfied because of the size and because you want it to be in color. ._.
I partially agree with you on that. But there are these disadvantages to the points you made:

  • Buying Gotchi Figures to unlock more stuff is a lot like downloading more games and stuff on the iD L - I put the word buying in bold because it costs money. iD L downloads are free. Also, the iD L downloads are open to everyone, whereas Tama-Go figures have to be shipped from America to anyone living abroad because the Tama-Go is discontinued in most countries.
  • With some Gotchi Figures, you can dress your character up in clothes like on the iD L - like in the first one, I highlighted a word. Also, as I said, the figures cost money. And the clothes don't stay on, the character just does a little dance in them and then takes them off, if I remember correctly.
  • You can change the house theme like the iD L - Yes, but only the main room, and there are not as many options.
  • With the Violetchi Gotchi Figure, you can plant stuff like on the iD L - Only the Violetchi one, and it's still a figure that costs money. I don't know if the plants grow in the same way and amount of time as they do on the iD L, but I'm assuming they don't.
  • With some figures like Ringotchi and Kuchipatchi, you can go out to restaurants like you can on iD L - Yes, but the food costs more and you still have to buy the figures.

I personally think the Tama-Go is okay, but it could have a few improvements:

  • Could have downloads like on the iD L, rather than expensive figures. Some people or their parents aren't prepared to buy the figures.
  • Could have a garden like on the iD L.
  • Could have shorter games and be less needy. What are they thinking, that both money (for figures) and time grow on trees? Children these days get homework and go to clubs or extra-curricular lessons. Hardly anyone who's old enough to use the Tama-Go has time to use it.
  • Could have more characters and maybe some special characters.
  • Could be in colour. It's such a missed opportunity! A little more money and time, and we could have had the English iD L early and in stores. But no, they decided to make another black-and-white one. It's their own fault they got hated on and people bought BanDai Japan's new Tama rather than BanDai America's.
  • Could have more features. Where's Henshin Jo, the garden, happy symbols, seeds, interchangeable rooms other than the main room? All the creativity that's in the iD L has been forgotten on the Tama-Go. It's a nice Tama, but well-thought-out ideas rather than simple things like shops and the park would make it even better.

Few of us actually hate the Tama-Go, we just think it's such a missed opportunity. If BanDai Japan hadn't released the iD L shortly after the Tama-Go's release, I'm sure we would appreciate the Tama-Go. But knowing that the idea for all those features and the colour were available to BanDai America but they didn't use them makes us take it out on the Tama-Go. There is nothing wrong with it as a Tama, there's just something wrong with the time it was released. It's like releasing the iPhone 5 in Japan only and in America they release a different type of iPhone 5, but with all the best bits taken out. That's just not fair.

Dazzilitchigirl and Eternal Mametchi fan, I agree a bit with both of you.

Bandai America could have probably have made a color version but they decided to make a 4-level-greyscale version instead(black and white is not the right word usage). You have to buy figures indeed, but let's say you buy 10, which you can find on go ) for about 27 dollars(excluding shipping) and buy a Tama-go for 7 dollars (excluding shipping)( go) you will spend 34 dollars. Lets include about 20 dollars for shipping=44 dollars (10 figures is A LOT of features I believe).

Now, lets see how much a ID L costs: 76 dollars (excluding shipping)( id l ).

If you see this, you might not mind the size and color difference that much. Yes, the Tama-go has less features perhaps(excluding the features) but it costs A LOT less money.

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It's still too much money. It's not worth this much imho.

Plus where I live it's easily obtainable only from a importer on a polish site Allegro, and it costs... 50$ for a Go and 35$ for ONE FIGURE.

So it sucks for people in Europe, at least parts where Tamagotchis were discontinued. (we stopped at v5 here.)

For people that are complaining about the size, I really don't get it. Sure, the Tama-Go's size is big, but the ID-L's size is big too, and you don't seem to be complaining about that.

Price - I agree with Stefan Bauwens. I know, it is very costly in some countries, but at most places it's cheaper. If the Tama-Go had more features it would be a higher price for sure, right? The figures aren't really that expensive - especially if you compare the price with the ID-L. There is some pretty good deals on Ebay if you look there.

You see, Japan and America are two different countries (as someone stated somewhere, I think), and I bet after Bandai America got the idea of making the Tama-Go, they said "No, this can't be in colour.."

Why? Bandai America didn't want to waste so much money on making a colour Tamagotchi, especially since they just think it's a toy - not a phone ;) . Another point is, that the Music Star/V6 didn't sell well, either.

Look at Bandai Japan, Tamagotchi is very popular there, especially the colours. Japan is very famous for its toys. So, of course, they would make colour Tamagotchis, no? I'm sure they knew it was going to be risky when they made the first colour Tama. This is pretty hard to do.

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