The Tama Diaries


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I changed the time so the Match Maker would come for Mara... and she married a handsome Simasimtchi (or something like that) and had a GIRL. AGAIN. Grrr.

Oh well. I am sure she loves her daughter.

um... my other tams are sleeping... except Aang and Sasuke...


PS, BTW, Happy Birthday TamaTalk!!!!! :D :D

HEY! YOU! YEAH, YOU!!!!! Good morning! :gozarutchi: :gozarutchi:

This is Cooki posting for _Flame_.

A few days ago...

Aang left and Sasuke is now a paused something that looks like a starfish and is cute (toddler).

The Other Tama Are Paused Too.

Because? _Flame_ is quite busy with other things. :gozarutchi: (But she is using me atleast!!!!!)


This is _Flame_ now.

I can't use Cooki right now cuz she needs new batteries badly, and so does Saske, but Lily not so much.

Um, anyway, Mara left her daughter who is now ANOTHER Puchitchi called Mew?.

No matter what I do, I always get Mohitamatchis and Puchitchis!!!! :p B)

Any way..... nothing new with Lynn or Lily or Saske or Cooki.

-_Flame_ :D

I'm bored. Cooki is paused because of her batttery problem(hers is the worst), Lynn is asleep, Sasuke is asleep, and Mew? is asleep! BUT, Now I am playing Bump with Lily to make her loose weight. I guess I'll say Lily's stats now since she just lost Bump.

Name: Lily

Age: 3

Weight: 67 lbs... :p

Training: ///////

Gender: girl, duh.

generation: 6

Type: Hinotamatchi

Stage: Teen

Points: 2, 704

Oh, She just went to sleep, fat, one happy heart missing, and probably going to evolve into a bad char. OH WELL.


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Okay... well.... I let my friend Tama-Sit Lynn for a week. HEEHEE.

And Lily is now a..... PIPOTCHI!!!!! B) YAY!!!! B) :D :D:D

Sasuke and Cooki are the same, sadly cuz of their battery prob.

BUT: Mew? is a Ringotchi. I think she will go to school today.

AHHH!!!! I had a HORRIBLE dream that Cooki was absolutly ruined my being in the heat too long!!!!!! B) WHY ME? I always have dreams like that!!!!!! :D B)

-_Flame_ :D

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um... sorry for not posting :( . I've been sick, and my tamas've been paused.

Anyway... I have a story to tell.

Cooki, well... She might be broken. I heard a beeeeeeeeeep and it wouldn't stop. I picked up my grey v3 and the screen was blank and it was making the beep. :( :( :( :( me so very sad. Anyway nothing new in my tamas except Lynn was bill and she mated with my friends tama, Alan, and had girls. Her baby girl is now a Mohitamatchi named Tiger. BTW, all my tamas are paused.

I'm sorry to say, but I think this might be my last post in my log. I've pretty much grown out of Tamagotchis... I might get back into them... But anyway I'll only post here too tell you what happens to Cooki.


_Flame_ B)

PS, Happy Canada Day!(yes, I know it was yesterday)

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LAST POST IN LOG: YAy!!! Cooki's okay. My Mom got batteries so now shes fine.



Okay, I don't think that was an appropriate goodbye to my log.

Tamagotchis were very fun, I loved them. But now I'm moving on. I'm growing out of them. I may play with them a bit for a few minutes or a day... But if I really get back into them I will start a new log.

I hope you all enjoyed my log... but really, who read it? I don't think many people did. Ah well.


_Flame_ :blink:

PS, I am NOT leaving TT... just My Log and Tamas... heh...

Hi! welcome to my log. here are my Tama's stats:
v3 #1 (grey) :

Name: Harry

Gender: boy

Training: full

Age: 6

Weight: 82 lbs (eh heh heh... fat I know.)

Generation: 13

Stage: adult

type: Mametchi (with baby girl)

Gotchi Points: 182

v3 #2 (Light blue) :

Name: Mai J (Pronounced "May- Jay")

Gender: girl

Training: full

Age: 3

Weight: 36 lbs

Generation: 1

Stage: teen

Type: Obotchi

Gotchi Points: 4,660

v4 (Sunflowers)

Name: Kikki

Gender: girl

Training: 6/9

Skill points:

Intelligence: 44

Style: 4

Social: 4

Age: 6

Weight: 97 lbs ( FAT!!! Gasp!)

Generation: 8

Stage: adult

Type: Mimitchi (with baby boy)

Gotchi Points: 35, 570

Job: that matching skill points one... I 'unno what it is.

Okay, so that's my tamas. I really hope Mai J becomes a Memetchi, or a Pipotchi.

I also am going to make her live to be an oldie, and see how long I can keep her alive! :eek:

today Kikki used her cell phone for the first time. it was cooool! her Grandma is called Razy, and she is a Mimitchi, like Kikki! And her Mom is a Pyonkotchi called Yizi!.

That's all for tonight


_Flame_, Kikki and her son, Harry and his daughter, and Mai J
your v4 is sunflowers so is mine any advice for me like the logs diaries and directions im guessing as i go i threww the directions away i didnt know that they were there :blink: im kicking myself for that


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