The Tama Diaries


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Sorry I have not been here for a while. BUT! I have much news!

Grey v3

Nothing here, actually. still young Mametchi. Still Nixie.

Blue v3

Mai J mated with Yufi?, my sister's v4!!! Boys. I will not let her leave yet, though. She is 15 years.

Sunflower v4

My little Ichigotchi... Gone... evolved... Into Furawatchi! Kewl! Never had one before.cute little Linsy! :chohimetchi: She has a ticket, BTW!

Ok, now that we have THAT established, time for:



Mai J: I wanna name my son!

Linsy: Yo. Name him Yo. BTW, like my new look? B)

Mai J: No.

Linsy: WHY?

Mai J: I'm too busy to like it! and I will NOT name my son Yo!

Nixie: :(

Linsy: Dude, wassup?

Nixie: I am still a teen!

Linsy: Trust me, that's good. There is lotsa ugly adults you could be, Dude.

Nixie: You're just being arrogant!

Mai J: SHUSH! Huh. Wow. Mom. Dad. Toot.

Linsy: ?!

Nixie: ?!

Mai J: those are words that are the same backwards!

Linsy: Ok...?

Mai J: just giving you whippersnappers a lesson!

Linsy: I am gonna phone Dad!

Nixie: ok.

Linsy: (dials phone number) Hi. yo dad! Guess what? I am Furawatchi. Uh huh. No, I'm not bragging to my sister and Mai J! :huh: Bye, dude!

Nixie: What did he say???

Linsy: He said he is having fun in Tama Town.

Nixie: AND?

Linsy: He... asked me if I was bragging about being an adult... :mellow: Eh heh heh...

Nixie: You said you weren't!

Mai J: :unsure:

Linsy: Anyway, he said every night he goes to a bowling alley. And... he bowls. He says he is good at it, but I could tell by the yells in the back ground of " Don't lie to your own daughter!", that he is bad.

Nixie: Oh. Did you tell him about Jeff?

Linsy: There is nothing to tell!

Mai J: :huh:

Linsy: Ok... I did not tell 'im, dude. I wonder if Jeff is an adult... *sigh* he's soooooooooooooooo nice too me!

Nixie: Before You said you 2 were sending each other poo!

Linsy: Ok. FINE! we did. But we love each other. And u know it, dude.

Mai J: ... :eek:

Mai J's son: hiyas. (he is pink!)

Mai J: Wha... WHAT HAPPENED?!?! :eek:

Mai J's son: i did art momy.

Mai J: OMG! No more art on you!

Mai J's Son: :( oh fine momy. (he takes a bucket of pink paint and pours it... on her)

Nixie and Linsy: LOL!

Mai J: UGH!!! :angry:

Mai J's Son: hehehehehe...



Like it?

BTW, if you were wondering, Jeff is my friend's v4 thats in love with Linsy.

oh yeah, Mai J gave 5,000 GP to the King and got a password that I have failed to use yet. :p


:) ;) ;) WHAAA!!!! Last night I accidently forgot to pause Mai J, and she left her son! :D I actually got sad. I never have before. Mai J was 16 years old. She was a good Tamagotchi. Oh well *sniff* I already love her baby. He's still on the naming screen.

And as for Nixie, nothing happened.

And Linsy, she has a job. she's a firefighter.

I am getting worried. I keep leaving my Tamas in somewhere and forgetting them. And when I come back for them at least one of them has a black skull!

:D I am very worried. I might leave them so long that they die. But... That's why I will start useing my lanyard again! So... this part of my post is pointless. :D

Ok, I gotta go care for Mai J's baby. I'll update more when he evolves.


PS, Me and my sister might get v2's! :eek:

Well, I named the baby Storm. cute, eh? He's asleep now.

But, my sister's v4 has the name glitch!!!! Her Tamagotchi's named used to be "Jay" and now it's "Hay" !!!! :) kinda funny.


YAAAAAAY!!!!!!! :( I am soooo happy!!!! Storm and Nixie just mated with the love potion!!!!!!! They had BOYS!!!!!! YAY!!!! I have not had boys for so long!!!! And the weird thing... Storm is 1 year. I thought they had to be 4 years old to mate! I guess not with the love potion, which I have never used before. Oh... I barely had any time with Storm... Oh well.

Anyway, no news with Linsy. Exept her future mate, my friend's Tamagotchi, Jeff, is now young Kuchipatchi!

Oh yeah, Nixie has the rare costume!!!! Always wanted one!!! :(

More good news: My Mom sent an email to a person on Craig's List about buying their 5(yes, FIVE) Tamas! (for $30) One is a v2, 4 are v3s. No, I'm NOT greedy, just that's the only v2 there. And I will give one v3 to my friend, and one to her brother(who's old Tama fell in the bathtub... and is now broken).


Storm: I am a Dad!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :angry:

Nixie: I am mother.


WAIT A SECOND!!!! I never said what adult Nixie is! She is a Maskchi! (Just what I wanted.)

I am gonna name Storm's baby Fire, and Nixie's Ice.


Hi, starhorsev4! Thank you for reading.

Anyway, Linsy got a daughter! the Matchmaker came.


Nixie is watching TV again! She has watched it like 6 times(that I have seen) since she became an adult. Odd. None of my tamas EVER watched TV before.

Hi Katherine! ;)

If you post in my log, can you comment about it? I would appreciate it very much!


PS, Only Linsy is awake, and her baby pooed and she was hungry. That is all.

Ok, So the Tamas, Linsy, Nixie and Storm left yesterday night.



Name: Ice

Training: 6/9 (Story behind 2 extra training... he gave my friend's Tama poo twice in a row instead of the cupcake I had wrapped.)

Age: 1 year

Weight: 54 lbs( heh... )

Generation: 16!

Gender: Boy

Points: 2,927 GP

Stage: Teen(From Tamatchi)

Type: HashiTamatchi


Name: Fire

Training: 4/9

Age: 1 year

Weight: 23 lbs

Generation: 3

Gender: boy

Points: 1,974 GP

Stage: Teen(from Mizutamatchi)

Type: Piroriroritchi


Name: Onata

Training: 4/9

Age: 1 year

Weight: 52 lbs(Sigh... I know it could be better)

Generation: 11

Gender: Girl

Skill points: 8, 9, 15

Points: 53,990 GP

Stage: Teen (from Puchitchi)

Type: Ringotchi


I got... new additions!!!! To My Tamagotchi collection!!!!! WHOO HOO!!! I got:

Green with Flowers v3

Snake Skin v3

Pink with flowers v2!!!!!!!!!! :huh: (I got these from a garage sale.)


Snake Skin v3:

Name: Meo (I got this one on pause. I did not name her.)

Training: 1/9

Age: 1 year

Weight: 27 lbs

Generation: 1

Gender: girl

Points: 30 GP

Stage: Teen (from Mizutamatchi)

Type: Nikatchi

(Takes DEEEEEEP breath)

Green with Flowers v3:

Name: Lee

Training: 1/9

Age: 0 years

Weight: 18 lbs

Generation: 1

Gender: girl

Points: 190 GP

Stage: Baby (Shiroteletchi)

And my lovely v2!

Pink with Flowers v2

Name: Raven

Training: 1/9

age: 0 years

Weight: 34 lbs (I don't know how the heck to play the game... so she's fat and has no money. :blink: )

Generation: 1

Gender: Girl... gee, am I cursed or something? Too many girls!

Points: 0 :huh:

Stage: Baby


I'll post again when the babies evolve.


V2 Raven evolved!!!!! Into... Marutchi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think. :D

CUTENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D


Raven: Hiyas... I have to go play bump now, luckily my owner knows that one!


I am so relived that bump is a game on v2s. I know how to play it!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY!!!! 3rd page!!!!!!

-_Flame_ B)

Now Green with Flowers v3 Lee, is a toddler!!!! Tamatchi.

Plus I played bump with v2 Raven and she lost on round 2, and she spent her 80 GPs on a shovel, with dug up a tart. That always weirds me out. :D


Time for the Saturday Conversations.

Ok, since I have 6 Tams now, I will make a scene with 3 of them in each scene:

Scene 1: (Raven(v2), Meo(snake skin v3), and Fire(blue v3).


Raven: hiyas!!!!!!!!!! I am Marutchi and its fun and I like to play bump!

Fire: OMG :( !!!! Meo is singing! She's great!!!!

Meo Singing: Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me! We kindle and char and inflame and ignite, drink up me hearties yo ho!

Fire: :( :eek: I... think... I'm... in... love........ :eek:

Raven: Wow! a weird love-sick Pirirororo...Ugh, Tongue-Twister-Chi! (takes a picture)

Fire: Oh, come on Raven! I'm not weird and I'm NOT love-sick!

Meo: *Eats a sushi*

Fire: :eek:

Meo: What's wrong with him?

Raven: He-

Fire: NO!!!!!!

Raven: He's fine!

Meo: :( whatEVER!

Fire: :eek:

Meo: *connects with him*

(while connecting)

Fire goes to Meo

Fire: Here my darling is a lovley ball! :huh:

Meo: YAY!

Fire: :eek:

(Back in his egg)

Fire: Meo... :(


Scene 2: Lee(green w/ flowers v3), Ice(grey v3), and Onata(v4) coming soon!

PS, I edited cuz I forgot to add what Meo is singing.

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Ok, scene 2, with Ice(grey v3), Lee(Green w/flowers v3), and Onata(v4).


Lee: Yippee-yayo cowgirl!

Onata: :D

Lee: Password... for... eternal glory!!!!!

Ice: :eek: how does it work?

Lee: I dunno.

Onata: Oh! Lee, why'd ya hafta go'n make things so complicated?!

Lee: I actually made things LESS complicated, genius. :(

Onata: Why thank you!

Lee: ...

Ice: Shut up.

Lee: Why?

Onata: Why?

Ice: ... :D You are very annoying.

*Tomatoes hit them*

All: ?!?!

Ice: Lee, that was YOUR fault!!!!


Onata: I like going to school. I have Mr. Turtle for a teacher.

Ice: Oh, sure, brag just cuz your a v4.

Onata: I'm NOT!!!

Lee: Yippee-yayo cowgirl!!!! ;)



Gee, that was dumb. :p :p

Weird... I just bought a ball for Meo, and when I looked in the items, she had 3 balls. :( I never bought those! I and she had nothing else! :D :D



PS, the only one awake now is Fire. oh, scratch that. He's asleep.

*Big yawn*

OMG, caring for 6 Tams is HARD!!!

That's why they are all paused exept Raven the v2.

She ate a crab today.

Nothing else.


Dissapointing evolutions... :D :( :( :(


She became young Mametchi... I got them WAY to often... and I was hoping for a v2 character.

Green with Flowers v3(Lee)

NOOOOO!!!!! AN OBOTCHI!!!!!! I ALWAYS GET THEM WHEN I HAVE GIRLS ON ODD GENS!!!!! I HATE Obotchis they are ugly! :( :( <_< :wub: :D

Oh! I just caught Ice(grey v3) pooing.

Onata the v4 got flowers from the King.

My sister got Patapatatchi AGAIN!!!! NO!!!! :( :( :( :(

Nothin' else.

-The very miserable _Flame_


I have WAY too many tams!

OMG 6 is too many! Note to peeps with under 6 tamas: Don't get 6 and run them all at once!

Nothing happened yet. I expect Onata will be an adult today maybe.

I bought Raven a ball.

-The exhausted _Flame_

Ugh... Onata became... Mimitchi.

Not that I don't like her, its just... on v4 I get so many Mametchis and Mimitchis. :rolleyes:

All right, maybe 6 Tamas isn't so bad. It's FUN! :angry:

Nothing is new with my other Tamas.

Exept that Ice(grey v3) can't visit his parent and grandparent! <_< cuz I deleted friends.

Everyone is now ASLEEP.

-_Flame_ and the TamaGang.
