The Sue Games


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H1 m4h n4m3 IS Marly Dillon Computer CHEESE! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!! 1'm g0nn4b h4ck joor compooter and st3al your cr3d1+ c4rd numb3r!

omg!1!!!"ginger liek twrldd in a circle 4 times!!!!1!"every 1 is liek my best friend!!!1!"

"weeeeeeeeeee!1!!"ginger twirled in-to a tree."liek owwwwwwwww"and fell on da growndd.she noticd crystall n gary n liek said "ohemgeee r u ok?!"

G4rry w4lK3d 0v3r t0 3b0nY 4nD sa1d "That moron Cryst4l 1s s0 DumB sh3 sh0ulD g0 t0 !@#$. Sh3 1s th3 b1GG3st p13ce 0f !@#$ EVER!!." Then h3 g0t out a 0lD riffl3 anDD sh0T 1t 4t Crysta4l1.Then h3 wh1sp3rEd quitley "Stupid Prep"

der are so many noo p3puhl here! i c4ant ev3n k33p up w1f all of dem names!

marrrry w4lk3d up 2 gry and stabbed h1m he d13d then c0me b4ck t0 l1f3 to sl4p me 4 killing him

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