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Annabeth pulled out a gun much like Chamo's 45 caliber

"Seem familiar?" she said "Charlie dropped this when he fell down and I took it. And I'm sure you know its power."

Kase snarled at Annabeth and shifted Chamo so it was as if she were giving him a piggyback ride. She rushed forward as quickly as possible, bursting through the doors of the hospital. "WE NEED A DOCTOR!! THIS MAN WAS POISONED!!!"" She yelled, handing Chamo off to a nurse. "Hang in there, Chamo...."

Okay, Amanda was going to have to pull a serious bluff here. She allowed a smirk to creep onto her face, her eyes flickering around the area they were currently in. "And I'm sure you know all too well that we wouldn't have just come alone. Nope, at the risk of giving them away, we've got snipers all over this lovely little street all locked... on... you." She twirled her finger around to point at Annabeth. "And I'm optimistic they've got about 99.9% chance of ending you as soon as you make a movement!"

Chamo was placed into a bed having to be monitered. He breifly woke up he overheard things like "10% chance of survival" and "Operations only have a 20% chance of saving him without any side effects"

Annabeth looked around. She saw nothing but became paranoid she then pulled out a regular gun and shot the floor.

"If there were snipers they'd be either visible or strike me at the sound of the shot." She smiled. "Bluffs don't work on me missy."

Kase had walked silently out of the hospital and approached Annabeth from behind. She held out her handgun and pressed it gently against Annabeth's head. "Make a move..... I dare you..."

Amanda giggled, raising her own gun to point at Annabeth. "Maybe I did lie, but still!" She quickly looked Annabeth over. "Hm. From the way you're holding your gun, you've just realised you have no bullets left, which means..." She moved the gun to point at the girl's hand. "...You were going to try and punch my dear friend Kase! I can read you like a book, Dearest B!"

Annabeth remembered her bullets were in her jacket, and when she felt the gun on her head she started to sweat.

"Fine." She dropped the gun but everyone forgot the 45 caliber was in her hand which was concealed by her jacket her hand still gripped it

"Kase, I learnt these facts from Charlie, if you shoot me my muscles will tense thus my gun ..." she revealed the gun "... Will shoot you and a 45 caliber can go through you and if I'm lucky it will destroy your backbone."

Kase narrowed her eyes and clenched her teeth, she was in the same situation Charlie had been in. She then thought of something. "You wouldn't shoot me....." she muttered, grinning.

Although Amanda looked calm on the outside, inside her thoughts were once again racing. Eventually, she let out a breath, lowering her gun to point at Annabeth's legs. "Unless I shoot your foot, in which case you'll jerk backwards, your leg will shoot up and you'll knock your arm, causing you to shoot yourself again andddddd possibly cause the gun to fly into your face or something!"

Chamo was still in the hospital room about to have surgery, the doctor put a mask over his face for a sleeping gas.

Annabeth looked at Tequila

"That's very uncalculated. But I know what would happen in that situation ..." She put a hand in her jecket and pressed a speed dial on her phone. Everyone of Poison Food knows if that phone is called they need to track the caller and if it's Annabethd phone, find her.

"I'm not moving, if you shoot it'd be worse for you still. Trust me. My knowledge and planning skills were taught to me by Charlie himself." She grinned "If he makes it out of the hospital alive maybe he'll tell you" She laughed insanely much like that guy Light Yagami from that anime Death Note.

Kase gritted her teeth and clenched the handle of her gun. Well.... If I shoot her, I'm dead.... Persuasion won't help this situation.... And I don't know why the hell she reached into her jacket, but it definitely can't be good.... The only thing this leaves me with is if I hit her on the perfect spot in the back of her head it'll paralyze her muscles, not tense them and she'll be down for the count.... Kase stood still for a moment, looking over the back of Annabeth's head to find the spot to hit. She found the perfect spot and quickly bashed her gun into it, hoping it was the right spot, or she was done for.

Annabeth grinned.

"Kase, dear, that almost never works." she heard the sound of helicopter blades when her helicopter flew in and dropped a ladder. Annabeth swiftly climbed up shot the rest of her bullets down at them blindly.

Chamo saw the doctor leave the room and he could see him through the window telling Kase something probably how long the operstion would be, the doctor had already told him it'd take 3 hours and I'd need to rest for 2 weeks he thought to himself about how vulnerable he would be to Annabeth.

Amanda didn't hang around, instead preferring to get out of the way as she saw Annabeth go for her gun. When the sound of the helicopter died down she got up from where she had dived onto the floor, groaning. "Ah, she's good... I didn't predict that!" A pause. "Chamo!" Putting her gun away, Amanda ran inside. "I need to see the person who was just brought in with poisoning. Now. It's urgent."

Kase didn't get away in time and took a bullet to her shoulder. Clutching it tightly, she ran into the hospital, not mentioning her shoulder and hoping the bleeding wouldn't show.

Chamo's surgery had just finished he woke up feeling sick the doctor told him he was lucky to have survived the poison I was discharged after being told to rest for two weeks. He staggered out of the room into the front of the hospital seeing Tequila and smiled. Then he saw Kase and a mass of blood, he quickly looked outside and saw a large crack in the ground where a 45 caliber bullet must've hit. He knew this because he knows no handgun is that powerful especially if it went through kase and caused the crack. he turned back and ran to the room he was in he was in pain since th operation was on his stomach and his abdominal muscles were being strained. He ran into the doctors room and shouted

"Doctor I need you at the front my friend got shot in the shoulder! Now! Move it!"

Annabeth went back to the hospital and saw blood on the floor where if memory served her right Kase stood. She grinned madly.

"Oh yes!" she shouted joyfully. She stood hidden. In wait for Kase. she took a glance seeing Charlie through a window.

"Oh no! What if Kase asks about the history between us?!" She glanced around seeing no one then looked inside the hospital grabbed Charlie's gun and gripped it tightly. Waiting.

Kase sat in the front room, slumped over in her chair. She clutched her shoulder as tightly as she could, not saying anything. She frowned when she looked down at her blood-soaked shirt. She glanced around the room, sighing in relief that no one was staring.

"Chamo!" Amanda squealed, running over and throwing her arms around Chamo just as he started yelling about Kase. Then she tensed, her eyes widening. "Oh my god! Kase!" She pulled away, running over to Kase. "What happened? Was it Dear B? I should have seen that coming!" She took a deep breath. "It's okay. I'm sure you'll get through this."

Kase looked up at Tequila with dull eyes. "Yeah..." She moved her hand away from her shoulder for a split second, before clinging to it again, hissing in pain. "I hate Dearest B with a passion..." she mumbled, slumping over again.

Chamo ran with doctors behind him leading them to Kase.

"There she is!" he shouted "It's an emergency she's lost too much blood she can faint and die at any second! Bandage her. Now!" he demanded. He then fell to his knees. The shouting strained his abdominal muscles.

Annabeth saw Charlie fall and aimed to shoot.

Chamo saw a gun obviously Annabeth. He saw his jacket on the floor pulled out a gun and shot the gun causing it to jam it also furthermore destroyed the remaining gunpowder

Annabeth felt the jolt, it hurt way too much. She sighed and just sat there.

Kase's eyes widened when she was swarmed by doctors and nurses that were examining her shoulder. She was forced to her feet and taken back to one of the rooms to have her shot wound treated. She was freaked out by hospitals and always hated them.

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