The Random Webkinz Giveaway


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Alright! Gonna make a list so I can pass out more stuff tomorrow!!!


crowfrost (crowfrost)

luvmytamas (Waitin' for fridge/stove! K?) (Ranbow2424)

Wine_deer (irawk)

Caterpie (FallingSun)

tamakimmy421 (tamakimmy421)

Whitestorm (11Moonfire11)

metcalf (smittycat)

MonkeyBoots55 (monkeyboots55)

2222mimitchi2222 (Fischer500)

mimitchi&hanatchilover (hamster29)

And I will let you know if something goes wrong but I can do this when I can. K?

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OK. I sent out clothes to everyone but luvmytamas because I promised them a chair and Whitestorm and mimitchi because they aren't on my list. I'll try re-sendingf friend request forms. Monkeyboots, please PM me your user and whoever wants stuff and hasn't gotten any, please make sure that you replied. I can't send you something when you've only Pmed me in my over-filled PM box. Just PM me your WW user later if you need to.

I have a lot more to say but I lost it all because of MY FREAKIN' STUPID COMPUTER! I HATE IT! THAT STUPID MACHINE! NOW I'M ON MY MOM'S COMUPUTER WHERE MY SPELLING STINKS AND TYPOS ARE HIGH SO PLEASE FOIRGIVE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT FREAKIN' THING! Sorry. I just hate that machine. I hope it blows up so I can get a better one even though it's only a few months old.

I'll give you junk. But the giveaway's delayed. The giveaway will get bigger by Christmas so don't you worry!

And if you don't get your free item after I said that I've given stuff, CONTACT ME IMMIDIATLY. K? Just remember, I don't scam. I'm just lazy n' late. ;) :D :D :)

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I'll give you junk. But the giveaway's delayed. The giveaway will get bigger by Christmas so don't you worry!
And if you don't get your free item after I said that I've given stuff, CONTACT ME IMMIDIATLY. K? Just remember, I don't scam. I'm just lazy n' late. :p :p B) :lol:
Thats okay dude take your time.I can wait.

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