Get your mind strait i have a v4. and by that wink was a small joke. plus my sibling has one too soi do have one. My siggie of v3 was a long time ago. But if you read the CREATER on the topic with that girl that said she had proof, she just had an insruction book of v4 that she ttook off of the tamagotchi site like a week ago or so. I know how v4.5 looks like. it has that little star on the outside. So lets me get things strait again.
For one thing that girl who made the first post of this whole board she said she had proof. i looked at her link. All i was was a v4 insructions.
For another thing i posted and said what does and said what does and insruction booklet have to do with anything. i told her to at least post something of v4.5.
And sweetie you got YOUR proof so sort your brain out or something. Im a dudet, not dude, i chit all wrong. I do know that its a ura tama. I have all my info right unlike you. So hereseck the tamagotchi site and so please dont get your head all wrong again. I just want this to end THE RIGHT WAY, And why dont you take a nice vacatiion into the hot spring ok?