The lovesick tama


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Todd said :I liked you before but you pushed my friend into the waterfall and now,

you are nothing but a girl who has jeloesy in her heart.And he ran to meet annie.

A few minutes later,mimi( :mimitchi: )Came by.She saw todd was kissing layla( :chohimetchi: ).

mimi told everything to Kirla for they were the best of friends.

Kirla changed her mind about Todd she now thought Todd was nothing but a total idiot. But she knew if she told Annie this she would never believe her but as always she has an idea. Mimi also overheard that todd and layla were going to a restraunt together. All kirla needed was a camera and a whole bucket of hate. She and mimi followed todd to the restraunt. And hid behind a table. Todd and Layla were about to kiss. Kirla turned her camera on.

Kirla recorded their kiss,and the next day,She showed the video to annie,

annie was shocked and fainted and needed to go to the hospital.

Kirla and Mimi rushed Annie to the hospital. When Annie woke up at the hospital Todd walked into the room. She gave Todd such a hard punch that he flew all the way on the other side of Tamatown. After that Kirla, Mimi and Annie were friends. Pansy was still hitting on Todd though. But none of them cared for they now learned friends are more importanat then boys.

Kirla and Mimi rushed Annie to the hospital. When Annie woke up at the hospital Todd walked into the room. She gave Todd such a hard punch that he flew all the way on the other side of Tamatown. After that Kirla, Mimi and Annie were friends. Pansy was still hitting on Todd though. But none of them cared for they now learned friends are more importanat then boys.
can i make up a new boy?oh please please pleaseeeeeeeeeee?!pretty please with a cherry on top and sprinkles??if so then it is going to be called ricky who is going to be a :(

and then ricky came in.w.w.w.who are you?said annie.i'm ricky.remember me?we used to go to kindergarten together!oh it is my freind.i think i am getting better.but NO love stuff.just FRIENDSHIP!

Kirla fell in love when she say Ricky. She told Annie. Hes your said Annie as they walked to first period.

Kirla told Ricky that she loved him and ricky asked her out but Todd still had love for her and started to follow her everywheer!

In first period Kirla sat next to Ricky. Behind her was Todd. Todd was whispering to her and said...

"Don't mess around with him." Kirla turned and saw it was Todd,

" I thought you liked me?"

and Kirla said:

BTW gioann this story is cool :)

NO WAY!I am NOT going back with you EVER AGAIN!upset at this remark he ran away into the woods where he met alice the maikko.loove at first sight!then annie saw todd with alice.FINALLY said i have time to be with ricky.then ricky saw kirla and said

"Do you and Todd have something going on you guys have been talking alot?" "of course not!" said Kirla. All of a sudden Annie pulled Kirla away from Ricky. "Im sorry Rickys yours but I have to use him to get Todd jealous I like him again" said Annie. Kirla replied...

"NO! HE IS MINE! M-I-N-E, MINE!" Then Todd met Summer ( :lol: ) and he was kissing her. He didn't know Annie and Kirla were watching. "How many girlfriends does he get through?!" Annie asked.

Kirla come to my house after school,I have a surprise for you.

(the surprise was a party to celibrate Kirlas birthday for

tomorow was her birthday)He said there would be a nice cake

with a picture of her on it and there would be strawberries on

it too!


Kirla saw Ricky and began to walk with him, they were holding hands. They walked by the waterfall that Kirla and Annie had gotten into. "You look really beautiful." Ricky said. He began to kiss her. She kissed back. Annie saw and smiled faintly. "It's so nice that she is over Todd and that no DRAMA is happening now. Oh boy...wonder what'll happen next..." she thought.

Kirla saw and heard Annie. She stopped kissing and yelled at her "DIDN'T YOU SEE SUMMER WITH 'YOUR GUY'? SHE EVEN HAD S** WITH HIM!"

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what happened does Kirla see Annie looking at her and stopped kissing and yelled at Annie?

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