the human player


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This is some info on it....

Anyone who lived through the 90’s remembers the Tamagotchi virtual pet games. You couldn’t walk out the door without seeing ten children toting them. Now, from the same company that brought you the Tamagotchi, Bandai presents the Human Player, a virtual you. Before you start to play, you take a 50 question personality test that determines the actions of the on-screen mini-you. There are 22 different personality results.

Once you have your personality type pegged down, you can interact with other virtual people in your game and can even beam yourself to other peoples worlds using infrared, to interact with people in their world. Is this not disturbing? Catch the jump for a crazy Japanese video intro.
That is disturbing. Who wants a... pet human?

Dude, I much rather have the cute little Tamagotchi creatures.


EDIT: About the blood type...

I've seen it in quite a few animes//mangas//Japanese websites.

For instance, Crunchy Roll is a Japanese anime fan site and it asks for your blood type.

And I was searching a Sailor Moon site and it had profiles for all the characters.

It also included blood type.

I am O+. ;)

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