The Hapi Log (take 2)


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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2015
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chillin' with my tamas
Hey guys! It's Hapi and for a month now I've been obsessively reading current logs and old ones by the dozen in my down time. I've realized that there are probably people like me out there and I wanted to create my own little thread of kawaiiness. I really don't know how long I'll be able to keep this up so I'm sorry if it doesn't last long (my goal is up to the end of this month).

So anyways I've been running a V1 for a couple days but got bored of it. I have some pics of it and I've been messing around with photobucket (just got an account!) so this log can be a bit more colorful. I'm hoping this works because in my last log ( ) I didn't know how and that log kinda failed. :( But anyways stay tuned for more updates! I might try a bit of RP but idk yet. I'll try not to change the tamas around too much (I get bored easily and usually run one for a gen. and then take the batteries out).

Anyways right now I have my P's, DT, keitai (requested by cow cow and rjalda100) and entama (requested by rjalda100 again) turned on. I will have to put one away eventually, sadly.

I already have xmas decorations up on my DT which is pretty cool.

A pic of the family!

EDIT: Hey forgot to mention this put this log is NO COMMENTS. I just wanted to keep it only me sharing my tams with you! Feel free to PM me with thoughts about my log! I don't bite and I'd don't mind some constructive criticism!

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Hey guys I'm back! A lot happened so I will split this into two parts; today and yesterday's events.

Btw, I'm working on resizing the images so they don't look humongous!

EDIT: I'm doing this on my iPad ATM and it won't load the resize page! Sorry I'll figure it out late but for now the pics are gonna be a bit big. :(


Nothing really happened on my entama... But Star (keitai) evolved!

Into... Debatchi? He looks weird... Lol.

Moving on to my P's! Kuromametchi got a puzzle piece! I can't obtain his third one because I have no idea what the lunch jar is nor where to get it. If somebody knows please feel free to PM me! I'm not marrying Kuro off until he's "complete"!

A date?! Little kuro is growing up so fast!

I decided to name my dream town Teri. She evolved into terupotchi! A bit traumatized by the reindeer are we?

That's it for the eleventh!


So I've noticed that the P's and DT really share a lot of characters and the concept of school. So I turned off my keitai and entama (sorry for those who requested it, they were getting boring :/), and focused on my P's and 2 DT's. That's right, folks. I now have 2. :D

Ok, so technically I only have 1. My friend let me borrow hers for the holidays.

I'm keeping her's on download. A little Nokobotchi peeped at me! I'll name her Alice.

Moving onto my P's for today... Kuro got all his puzzle pieces! Yay! First he got the fourth for staying alive (that's how I think of it) and then I gave up on the lunch jar and was just out buying him stuff. I bought a cat hat for him but it didn't really quite fit. We ran back to tamamori, snatched a helmet and put it on. Jackpot! He received his last piece.

That's all for now! Stay tuned for evolutions later ;)

UPDATE: What am I doing?! Totally forgot to mention Teri evolved into Neotchi!

As you can see I've paused Alice the Nokobotchi because I want Teri to be able to catch up. I'm marrying Kuro off pretty soon here but I'll update you tonight so I can space it out ;) I want him to marry Pekopekotchi because they already dated but she hasn't come back to the park... Weird.

By tonight Alice should be unpaused so we can do a little RP. Feel free to PM me some topic suggestions for roleplaying.

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Teri, Neotchi on my Friends Dream Town

Alice, Nokobotchi on my friend's Friends Dream Town (lol) she has a british accent by the way :p

Kuro, Kuromametchi on my P's

This post is pure RP. And I'll add some stats at the bottom. I will do a real update later tonight. Above are the colors my tams will be speaking in. This blue color will be mine.

I know, I know. 2 posts in one day. I'm just utterly bored right now and I might even add more later. Climb aboard the roleplay box rocketship! Destination: Dream Town. Have some tea and cookies if you wish :wub:

Finally! I'm awake from what appears to be a deep sleep! What bloody scrap of bread would do this to me?!

Er... That would be me. I'm sorry, I wanted your s-

Haha! And you think you can control me?

Yes I can. I just wanted you and your sister to be the same-

Is that so? Peasant, I need no sister! And no one shall be the same as me! HAHAHAH!

Hey, Alice-

I prefer Ms. Wonderful.



Ok, ok. Come on now. Stop telling me what to do.

*lower lip trembles*

No no no no no.


Great I got some sassy teen queen who's actually a crybaby on the inside... sigh. Go to your room, Alice. Now.
*a couple minutes later*

You can't catch me!

Yes. I. CAN!

Woah there! Watch where you're going. *falls on face* Nice one, Hapi. -_-

Oh... Hi Hapi.

*brushes dust off pants* Hi Kuro. :) Why so shy?

*talking super fast* Kuro is in love with a girl and he's making kissy faces in the mirror and fixing his helmet and smelling good or trying to anyways for some girl but he won't tell me who! *sniffs* Food?

Kuro? Really? I was thinking about taking you to the matchmaker earlier...

*clasps hands* *sweeps foot against the floor* *looks at shoes* I, uh-



Kuro, we'll talk about this later. Come, help me set the table.

*a few minutes later*

So, what is this I hear about romance?

Kuro! Tell her, tell her!

Please Teri, learn some table manners already.

Uh... *pushes away soup* Maybe I'll go to my room...

No, Kuro. Please, share with Alice.

Well, I met a girl at the park and I like her so yeah... Will you look at the time? Heheheh... *slowly scoots off chair*

I'll let you go, I guess. Sigh, they grow up so fast...

Snap out of it, peasant!

Alice! I'll hear no more of that! *grabs spoon* Say it one more time, I dare you.



Ooh, I think I'll join Kuro now! Oh, you're still here... hehe... um until next time readers!

I'll get you!!

Gee, that sure got out of hand fast. The numbers:



Puzzle Pieces: 4/4

4 GEN, 4 yrs., 29g

DT (mine):


BFF POINTS: Almost full!

No class points yet...

1 GEN (it died when I was on my 3rd), 1 yr., 30lbs (oops)

DT (friends):


BFF POINTS: Almost full!

No class points yet...

1 GEN, 1 yr., 20lbs

I'll either be updating from my iPad or my computer and you'll know because if I'm on my iPad there won't be colored text and if computer there will be.

It's a 50/50 chance that I'll be on one or the either. I'll try to do some pictures and RP as much as possible. If all else fails, I'll just be giving you the numbers. Hopefully that won't happen...

Until next time! :)

EDIT: the colors keep changing by themselves... :huh:

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Hiya! I'm back! Kuro has left me to go live with Pekopekotchi!

I'm on my iPad and am not able to do RP for now. But I took some pics:

My dog 'cause why not!

The perfect way to measure whether you're running too many tamas. Just kidding I've heard of people running 20!

Bath time!

Bed time!

Is that so?

Kuro wasn't happy. I desperately tried to get Peko back. She's his one true love!

What is this sorcery?

What do you say, Kuro?


Boom! Pow!

More kissing?!

Well that's all for pictures, folks! Shortly after a walk down memory lane, an Aokumotchi was born! I didn't get a pic of this but I'm not really happy with another boy... It's my fifth generation and so far all I've had is boys besides Lovelitchi, my first.

Oh well, good night! May tamas and marshmallows dance in your head!

Hey guys! Sorry about not being able to post yesterday. I had a band concert (oboe) and was so tired I just did homework and went to sleep. I'm sorry about my last post, I accidentally posted a pic twice and one of the pics turned into a link instead of an image.

Anyways, Kuro left to marry Peko and now I'm carrying for Clover the Maimaitchi! Previously he was an Aokumotchi and then a Turtletchi.

The teens evolved yesterday! Alicia, previously a Nokobotchi is now an Amakutchi and Teri, a Neotchi, is now Pianitchi! I think these characters really fit their personalitys'.

Pictures, please!


Aww! Clover in his very clover-esk form!

Messed around with the paint. :) Notice how his hair turns into a heart when he's happy.

More reindeer!

Aren't they just darlings?


No one came to see Clover. :(

Came back and there was Rinsutchi, Kuro's pet!

That moment when your backyard actually matches your tamas backyard.

I'm thinking about taking the batteries out of my P's. It's a cool tama but it's getting really repetitive, what with all the males and the games getting boring. Also it's hard for me to run 3 at a time and they're all getting neglected due to schoolwork unfortunately.

However, I'll try to keep my DT's constant. I know you may be thinking "Choosing Tamagotchi Friends over P's?! Are too you crazy?"

I know the original friends has a bad rep but the Dream Town is SO AWESOME! It has way more games than my P's and I can even go on the website and get free food and stuff for them using tickets I've stocked up on (I have 60 something tickets). Plus, the vibe I get from the P's is weird and I just can't run it for too long. :(

Anyways, kudos to the readers who are still here and read my mini rant! This is coming to you from my iPad, but hopefully tonight I can get on my computer and hop back in the roleplay box!

Until next time!

EDIT: Forgot to mention that sometime today, Teri's buttons might have been pushed (not figuratively lol) because I checked her around 1 o'clock and she was paused! Alicia and Teri's age might be messed up again but luckily there aren't any evolutions left. I'll try to marry them at around the same time.

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Hey guys!

Not much to update except Clover is now a Mogumogutchi. Not very happy this because not only is it my 4th boy in a row, it's also my 2nd mogu. It's kind of my fault 'cause I was hardly checking him and stuff but I still wish it would've turned out differently.

Anyways, I've obtained his 3 puzzle pieces already. I'll wait for him to get the last one and then I'll marry him off/take the batteries out.

I know it's sad to see him exit the log but I'm getting a bit bored of him and three tamas is a bit much for me.

But in better news, it's almost Christmas break! Which means more time for tamas!

Speaking of Christmas, I'm going to get my first third of Christmas this weekend. I know it sounds weird, so let me explain. Every year, my mother, brother and I fly to Florida and meet my grandparents there (they drive from NC). So I get open gifts from them there.

Then, at my house, I open gifts with my brother and mom. And lastly, at my dad's house, I open gifts with him, my stepmom and two other half-siblings. In total, that's 3 mini Christmas's. The only person who gets to have the same three with me is my brother.

However, the order I just told you is not how it actually is (oops). I go to my dad's, then mom's, then Florida.

Anyways, I'm visiting my dad tomorrow for the last time this year. He's already asked me what I want and I think my reply is quite obvious (hint: it starts with t and ends with i). More specifically, I asked for the 4U. So hopefully I'll receive that on Saturday!

Wow that was long. Anyways, that was just another reason to turn off my P's. Lately, I've been getting what I call the connection itch. I don't know if I can handle more! *stares intently at music star* We'll see.

Anyways, Teri and Alicia have been doing good. Sorry about the lack of RP, I though I had time for it last night, but tbh I just watched buzzfeed and made cookies.

A bit of news though, Alicia's BFF points have maxed out! When they reached halfway, it unlocked a new game. However she just dance with Kuchipatchi this time and that was it. I guess the last game is obtained by collecting all the jewelry.

Idk why Teri's points haven't maxed out yet. She's real close though. Maybe because Alicia is visiting or hosting visits more often then Teri? Idk. Tomorrow they'll be able to marry!

I'm not gonna promise any RP for today, but we'll see. I am gonna go see Rogue One tonight. :) I've watched every Star Wars movie ever (did a marathon when I was 5), so I'm pretty excited.

So, what you've all been waiting for... Pictures! Some were taken last night, some today. Not a lot because there was nothing too fruitful.

Poor Clover. :( Dirty and sick.

Healing Clover... With a clover! :)

At the circus!

Catch up, Teri! :D

The animation after the heart was filled. Danced to the tune of some nursery song or something. I got it on camera but isn't very good quality. Might record Teri's and post it on YouTube.


Sleeping tamas. :)

Until next time!

Hey all!

I don't have any pictures or anything big.

I just wanted to make this post saying I took the the batteries of out of my P's. Poor Clover was being neglected and I couldn't handle seeing his sad face on the screen and not being able to make him happy. One day I'll make things right for him. I blame school.

My dream towns have been doing good. They're getting a bit old and soon they will be married off.

I'm sorry about the lack of RP. I don't know how many of you actually care but I think it's interesting and fun so I assumed that there must be someone who thinks that too. I can't believe the last RP was with Kuro. Clover's already "hibernating" so RP with him would feel weird. Now it's just Alice and Teri growing old together.

Anyways, just wanted to give you that quick update. I hope my log gets interesting soon.

Until next time! Stay warm, stay safe, and stay happy!

Hey guys it's Hapi!

Today I welcomed a new member into my tama family.

A white 4U! Eeeek!

Say hi to... Er... Well you see... She doesn't have a name yet!

I was hoping you guys would help me out. You can make up a name for the little cutie or choose from ones I made up. Puff corn (my brother's idea), Ruby, or Vanilla! PM me your thoughts. If I don't get one soon I'll just choose one of mine.

Anyways, since I have the 4U, the P's is officially leaving this log! Btw, the Dream Town's have been paused all day so I can focus on the 4U! But I will wake them up.

All right Teri, roll the pictures!

You got it!

The family! (as far as ones with batteries in them)

The egg...

The newly hatched babe!

They grow up so fast.

Aww, aren't you just full of sunshine. Kisses too?

She's so adorable. Makes me feel old.

Alicia! What a pleasant surprise for you to join us!

Do you have no sense of humor? Peasant, it was a joke. I am not old, nor adorable. Elegant would be more fitting.

That's very rude.

I have no time to empathize with a baby! I have work to do! *exits*


I can defend myself.

Aren't you guys so cute? Pose for the camera!

And... She's fast asleep. Oh well, we'll have to catch her in the morning. :p

Well that was the lamest, smallest RP in the world. Writer block much?

Anyways, I have some good news! As if this log couldn't get any worse better, I've finally figured out how to type in colors on my iPad! I requested the desktop site and it worked! I can't believe I didn't think of this before. Welp, now there aren't any excuses to not RP! The purple color is the 4U btw.

I'm seriously debating running a connection. Maybe the v6? Idk. PM me what you think I should run! (After you take a look at what's in my collection, which is on my page)

The 4U is pretty fun so far and I've discovered a lot so far. I've been training her to use the toilet, brush her teeth, and clean her room! We also bought food from Oyajitchi and I'm thinking about buying a wallpaper soon. They're wallpapers are a lot cheaper than the P's. I'll also be posting extra pictures on my Instagram (one's that aren't featured in the log), so check that out here! yes I finally figured out how to embed that link thang and it wasn't that hard yay

My profile is not private, which means you don't have to follow me to see my pictures and you don't even need an account to view them! :lol:

Ok, enough self advertising. My thumbs hurt. I'll marry Alicia and Teri off... Well idk when, you'll have to find out. ;)

Until next time!

EDIT: P.S. Thanks for over 100 views! Means the world to me!

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Ahh! I'm back!

Hapi here. ^_^ Thanks to KawaiiDemonGirl and Tamadonut for helping me name my 4U. Drumroll please... Puff it is!

Puff sounds cute!
You should go with Puff! :3
It seems people are too shy to PM me so I just posted a quick status update. :wub:

Kudos to them, I've read both of their logs and they're fabulous. Read them here and here.

Anyways, super exciting news! My stepmom's phone is compatible with the 4U app! Yes! I've already patched it to English and downloaded 8 charas and their fav items (and some accessories/wallpapers too!) I meant to get some mini games but I had to leave so I will do that next time I visit, which will be next year. :p

But I'm still happy I got that much on there. :D And so is Puff!

Picture time! And I just posted a new picture on my insta that won't be featured in my log, check it out here.

I noticed she takes her little sprig off when she sleeps.

Bought her hypno glasses and she took off her sprig to wear them. Interesting.

Writing letters and sending them off in balloons? Uh, ok.


The process.

The character I hope Puff becomes.

What I have to do to get Tropicatchi.

I know this log has really been flip-flopping as far as which tama's I'm using, but now that I have a new one, I think I'm gonna be using it consistently to get a feel for it and really enjoy it. However, the dream town's have been on pause for a whole day and a half now. I've been waiting for a good time to marry them off and I think that is sometime today. After that, I might shut one off, we'll have to see. I sorta wanna run my v6. Then my log would be like popgotchi's one, lol. I loved that log.

So what I'm saying here is that I will create a separate post for the marriage instead of cramming it all in here.

See ya when!

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Here comes the bride, big fat and wide!

*death glare*

Shh, Teri. This is Alicia's wedding, respect her.

Hmph. She never respects me.

I do.


Eeek, my turn! Hmm, eenie, meenie, minie, mo. My mother says to pick the tam with the best compatible personality to mine, and I choose you!

*more squealing*

A baby boy for Alicia and Kyle!

A baby girl for Teri and Tobias!

This can only mean one thing... Cooper (Alicia's) and Alexandra (Teri's) could get married when they're older could be the best of friends! ;)

I hope Alicia and Teri will come back and visit from time to time. I sure will miss them. :(

Their first play date, and certainly not their last!

The baby hour has gone on as usual. The occasional poop, fast dropping hearts and illness.

Stay tuned to hear about yet another baby! :rolleyes:

Alright this is the 3rd post for today! (Oops)

But it's my log and I can cry if I want to post as much as I want! Well, to a certain extent.

And if you've read my last post kudos to you then you'll remember I mentioned another baby entering the log. Pretty crazy, huh?

Yep, I've started up my music star! It hatched into a boy and I named him Atreyu after one of my favorite characters from The Neverending Story. My previous and only other tama on my V6 was Azork, a Mametchi. The last time I played with this was around this time a year ago. The reason I haven't played with it is it somehow reset itself and I've been kinda mad at it so I just stopped playing it. I had a lot of progress of Azork and I really loved him.

Anyways, I sautéed some apples for a side dish for dinner so Atreyu got a bit neglected so he evolved into Kuchitamatchi.

Picture time!

The egg.

What comes out of it, you ask? A crying baby.

Atreyu, the crying baby to be specific.

He currently has a saxophone and a skateboard, both of which I own in realsies, y'all.


I'd also like to mention that I've been working on my 4U's skills and I gave it a screen protector too.


The fam!

Ok so, 4 tams is a lot right? Well for me it is. But I'm *also* gonna start up my tama-go. I'm not gonna log it since I'm probably gonna have it pause a lot, but I just want something for my music star to bond with. Btw, I'm gonna try to take all of these to school except my 4U. Here's my plan: So I wake up at 6:30 and do all the stuff I need to do and when I come downstairs, I bring my tams, right? At 7, I'll get the babysitter for Puff and then leave her at home for the rest of the day. Then I'll just try to manage the rest of tams and *cringe* pause as needed. The tama-go probably won't be actually ran, I'll just unpause it when I need to connect it with Atreyu.

Whew, glad we got that out of the way.

I'll edit this when Cooper and Alexandra (Alex for short) evolve and news of the tama-go.

EDIT: Ok, Alex evolved into Petihanatchi and Cooper is a Turtletchi!



Atreyu and the tamago (Kowa) are bonding well!

As we speak, Atreyu, Alex, and Cooper are sleeping! Puff and Kowa are night owls.

I'm about to watch some Disney Christmas movies and then go to sleep too. :)

I'll try to get some RP in tomorrow of all five tams! If all else fails, I might have to pause all Alex, Cooper, Atreyu and Kowa (she'll be paused anyways) and hook the 4U up with the babysitter.

'Till next time! :wub:

ANOTHER EDIT: Oml guys thanks so much for 206 views! Wow, that's a lot! If you enjoy my posts let me know by PMing me or simply liking or rating this log. Thanks to psychotama for being the first to like. :)

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@Magicgotchi: Bless your heart for liking my log. Means a lot. :wub:
Hi all, Hapi here!

I kinda slacked yesterday (sorry!), but I'll try harder. A lot happened thought.

Let's start with Puff. She evolved into what I wanted Tropicatchi!

Ok, let's get some pictures going!



What a cutie! I proceeded to take her to school, where she took a fashion class 'cause why not. I then took off the hypno glasses and bought the downloadable tropical dress for her. That's when this pic was taken. This is probably some form of tama tomo, idk.

Atreyu is stacking up some skill points! He was also visited by the preschool teacher and proceeded to have a jump rope battle with a tamatchi.

A pic of Kowa. The friendship system works different on the v6 and tamago. For every 2 faces on the latter, the v6 gets 1. Or that's how I think it works.

Later that night, Atreyu evolved into Kikitchi. I'm aiming for Shimashimatchi.


Neglected Atreyu twice so he could be Shimashimatchi. It would pain me to see him turn out like Azork did.

Recieving money from the king. He already has gotten 2000P twice! He also got a trumpet that he isn't too excited about.

Practicing like a good boy. :D

That's it for pictures. The dream towns have been paused since Sunday.

I just now got back from Michaels and we bought mold putty, resin and glitter! Can't wait to make some faceplates!

I'll tell you what Atreyu becomes and how this expirements goes later. Bye! :wub:


I'm sorry about the lack of updates! :( I really let you guys down this time. Because this post will be picture-less. I'm sorry. I feel it's too tedious and I really am busy. After my experiment, which has gone well, I went to bed and after school the next day a friend of mine (since we were 8) visited me all the way from Arizona. It isn't till she came back that I realized how much I had missed her. I guess life got in the way of my feelings. And then yesterday was pretty hectic, I finished the last day of school for 2016, went to a skit night, and opened the second third of presents. Then around 7 this morning I got up, packed my bags, sat in a car for an hour or so, walked around an airport, sat in an airplane, watched finding dory on the airplane, took a nap, walked around another airplane, drove to a restaurant, ate and went to my "home away from home". XD

Anyways, Atreyu and the other gray scales have been paused for the most part over this span of time. Puff got badly neglected but still got the 48 hour care thang. And back to Atreyu, he evolved into... Gozarutchi. I really overshot it. I was aiming for just 1-2 miss cares and it seems Atreyu got neglected horribly. Oh well.

There's not much news other than that. His band is the hyper 3 with a Mametchi and Kuromametchi. I'll unpause him tomorrow since I'm on vacay (woot woot). I'm also entering the Christmas group hatch later. I'll probably do that with my v4.5 since I packed that too, oops.

Speaking of tamas that I "accidentally" packed, I've popped a battery in my tamawalkie this morning. Just walking around the airport I've gotten 3000 something steps. Idc if it's accurate, whatevs.

I do have pics btw, I just don't know if it matters anymore if I post them. It's a pain to resize them. I could only resize a few but then I'd have room for more and well, yeah. I think I might have to stick to 1-2 pics per tam, depending on how much I need to catch up.

I know this log is very flip floppy and I hope it's not annoying. I don't think it'll ever settle down, I'm kinda just experimenting with different types of logging at this point.

See ya when I see ya!

Happy Christmas Eve to those who celebrate. ^_^ God bless you.

I have some sad news. No tama has died but maybe a little part of me has.

Yesterday I had no time to care for my tams and they were all paused except Puff, who can live for a while without needing me. She was at the sitter for the majority of the day.

So all my tamas are living in this peeps lunchbox, except Atreyu who's in a pusheen bag that also contains earbuds. On the airplane, there are screens where you can play games, listen to music, watch movies, etc. So I let my mother borrow my earbuds, so I handed her the pusheen bag. To this minute, I am not sure where she set it down, but I know it's not with me.

Which means Atreyu, my music star, is lost. Poor Atreyu, I will miss you. :gozarutchi:

This is the second tama I've lost. The first one was also a music star, and I let my friend borrow it about a year ago, which she then lost.

I cried this morning when I lost it. I'm still sad and can't believe I never noticed that I didn't have it with me. :(

I was actually gonna marry Atreyu off tonight for the Christmas hatch but now I don't know what I'll do. I think I'll go with my v4.5 which I also packed among others.

A Purimatchi named kiwi was there and I'll leave her for now. I'm also crocheting a cover for Puff, who will get married later.

I'm just extremely sad. It may be my mom's fault but I still feel guilty for not realizing until today.

My mom has sent in a lost item report. Luckily, Atreyu was still paused last time I saw him.

Bye for now. :mellow:

Oh my goodness, it's been a while...

I'm really sorry you guys. The first couple days I meant to get sick but on the 26th I fell ill and turns out I had strep throat. Lately I'm still mourning Atreyu and the loss of my v6, and we still haven't found him. :(

Right now my 4U is running and we have yet another addition! If you've been reading the Christmas hatch log (haven't posted in there in a while, this log is my first priority), you'll know what it is.

Hint: It can connect to a 4U.

Yep, a 4U+! I got this on Christmas and am running this with my v4.5. Here's my first and only post (so far) in the hatch log:

I married Puff off and also hatched the 4U+. Puff married a Kuchipatchi but both eggs were boys. :( They hatched around 2:50 btw.

The 4U was Yochitchi and I named him Wuback (oo-bah-k) and the 4U+ a Gaotchi named Rayza. The names were given thanks to the name generator here, hence they're weirdness.

The baby hour was the usual, refusing food and even connecting a bit! I tried my best to catch them when they did the pee pee dance and send them to the toilet. I didn't play any games with them, just fed them some cookies. I find the bad care toddlers on both of these models are cuter than the good care ones.

The neglecting paid off! Wuback a Fuyofuyotchi (squid guy) and Rayza a Tendotchi (rice bowl with some sort of dish on top?).

They had a photo shoot and even played dress up together! They just know are learning to warn me when they have to poop and how to clean their room.

I must've connected them more than I thought because I think I just unlocked Candy Pakupaku! I think Wuback might be a downloadable character and Rayza a Orenetchi maybe. I don't have access to downloads anymore so Rayza won't have that convenience.
Sorry if you've already seen this, I'm not completely over strep and have spent the last 3 days watching Tamagotchi anime and BuzzFeed. I'm pretty lazy tired right now.

Anyways, my goals were achieved! Rayza was an Orenetchi and then Wuback was Pondetchi which is this downloadable lion guy. HE'S SO FRICKIN ADORABLE!!!

I reformed both their houses and am still connecting them a lot. I think I like the 4U+ games better than the 4U but I definitely enjoy being able to understand the 4U still.

Since I'm on vacay still running just 2 tamas would be a waste, so I also have my v4.5 up and running. It was a Purimatchi named Kiwi, and I finally got her married to a.... Well I kinda forgot, I was distracted when I did it, oops. As usual the baby stayed with her for 48 hours I think. Well I married her off on the 27th and just now a baby boy has been left in my care. His name is Kumo which means Cloud in Japanese. I know this isn't a Japanese tama but I've seen others name their babies like this and it's absolutely adorable.

Rayza and Wuback are at the babysitter. I'm really enjoying that option and I admit, I've never had to actually care for them between 7am to 4pm. Does that make me a bad tama mama?

EDIT: Kumo just called for praise around 10:56! Hello first training bar!

Until next time!

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Kumo's training bar is 5/9 and he evolved into a Kuchitamatchi yesterday. Now he's a Kujakatchi (peacock guy) he's adorable and I got his spiritual points higher so he can be Ura Togetchi.

He chose Mr. Canvas for a teacher. Mr. Canvas is the spiritual points teacher and I get 4 spiritual points every time I play the mini game there.

Anyways, I can't believe I'm saying this but... THIS IS MY LAST POST IN 2016!!!!

Today we drove back to Orlando. Hello Disney world! We arrived at our resort and ate lobster for dinner. It was so yummy! Then I swam with my mom and brother and floated in the lazy river. I'm excited to kiss 2016's butt goodbye and send it on its way. I can't believe this year has gone by so fast. I joined around this time last year and now I'm starting a new one already... Wow.

LALALALALALALALALALALALALALAAAAA! The next time I post, the little date thing will say 2017! Soon 2016 will be locked forever! *goes crazy and overthinks everything I have ever done*

Idk what I'm doing anymore. Wuback and Rayza have been put in a deep sleep, a.k.a. paused.

Btw, I have lots of Christmas money and I'm gonna buy some more tamas soon. Stay updated!

See you in 2017!

EDIT: Ahhh! It's 2017!!! Yay! Goodnight now!

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Quick update!

Kumo is a Ura Togetchi! He's so cute! His training bar is 8/9.

Idk what else to write so I guess I'll post two pictures.


I crocheted a cover for him and even a little Mickey Mouse keychain. I made up the pattern as I went along for both. Kumo is happy being so close to the cookies, lol.

Until next time!

Hi, I'm back!

Not a lot has happened to Kumo besides him finishing school and getting a job.

I decided to finally unpause the DT's (remember Alex and Cooper and their destiny for love?), and from what I remember, when I last left off, Alex was a Petihanatchi and Cooper a Turtletchi. When I I paused them, they evolved about 1 hour later into a Cosmotchi and Neotchi!

They connected a lot and I finally got 30/60 jewelry on both, so now I've unlocked all the games!

They're at 4 connection heart things btw. Idk what I want them to evolve into yet. I'm thinking of Tacttchi or Mametchi for Cooper, and Julietchi or Hoshigirltchi for Alex.

If you have anything in mind, PM me! I'm trying to collect all the characters since there isn't anything like tamatomo.

Bye now!

I am sorry for not posting but I'll break it down for you.

Kumo went to the different Disney parks with me and had lots of fun. He also declined a Mametchi and a horoyotchi (by my request).
Alex and Cooper were paused. Evolution never occurred because Alex's batteries did and Cooper's were taken out.
I am now back home and am running no tamas right now. I will post when I turn on another but I just wanted to post to tell you everything's fine, I just gotta get back into the loop of life (unfortunately).



Posts haven't been too frequent but it's pretty awesome to have made it this far. :D B)

See you in the near future! ;)

Edit: Also thanks for 400 views! And second page wow...
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Ok, as promised, I am posting because I started up a tama again! In this case, two!

Meet Star...

And Sun! (wow I'm so creative but when I named them I only used emoticons so...)

So yeah, looking back at my log, you can see Star has already been there and done that. I decided not to reset him because I didn't feel like it. I didn't reset my Akai either, just selected download and a baby boy was already waiting there for me.

It's a shame the Keitai and Akai can't marry but that didn't put me down. I wanna run both to see the differences. They have been connecting a lot and both have a fair amount of money and items. I can't wait to marry Star off, he reminds me of a chicken with huge teeth. At the same time, I feel like he gets bullied in school for his teeth and it makes me feel bad.

That's about it, I'll probably update soon, since I have tomorrow off since its MLK day. Btw how do you like my yellow cover for Sun? It's my 5th one and I'm improving. This time it actually is quite snug and fitting. I'm gonna start working on a blue one for Star.

Yes! I just caught Sun doing the wiggle dance and sent her to her chicken toilet.


EDIT: Finished Star's cover. I'm not very happy with it however. Not as snug as Sun's and has a lump where I over added stitches or whatever. Might use one of my other ones for Star, I don't feel like making another one with that yarn. I'd like to switch it up and try my hand with fluffy yarn.

Playing with toys I got from passwords and connecting the two.

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