The Hapi Log (take 2)


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I almost screamed!!! You guys!!! I can't believe my log has the "hot" tag on it!!

I never thought I'd make it this far! Wow...

That's it for this update I guess. Not much to say but just wanted to thank all my frequent readers!

Btw, Sun just evolved too! Into Ringotchi though. I was hoping for Tomatchi, oh well. Yesterday I made 4 crochet covers! I made 2 fluffy ones. I think I might start selling some, idk. You'll know if you see a little link pop up in my signature. ;)

That's all for now! Since I have the day off I'm gonna paint, crochet and probably make some cupcakes. Bye!

Yay! Idk if you saw my status update, but school was canceled because of ice! Also, I spent the Christmas money that was burning a hole in my pocket and bought...

An anniversary M!x! I'm so excited and wish I could afford a faster shipping option. I read some of the reviews and most said stuff like " good product, fast shipping" and there was one who said it was slow and got delayed in customs or something like that. I hope I'll be able to agree with the former though!

And we also have more news!

First lemme get a sip of hot cocoa...

Star got married! The matchmaker brought along... An identical Star, lol. I accepted anyways because I just wanted to get it over with.

They kissed and had a baby girl! Yay!

Idk what to name her but I want her to become a Kuchipatchi or Mametchi.

Speaking of what I want my tama's to be, we are anticipating an evolution from Sun and I really hope he'll be a Memetchi! If you don't know, these kinds of tama's aren't gender specific. Which is kinda cool, but at the same time weird...

So much in one update, but I just wanted to point out that I might start using Piccollage! I'm just trying it out for now, but I can't believe I didn't think of combining all the photos into one photo. Genius!

And last but not least, I wanna talk about roleplaying. Idk if any of you have read CheesyNoodleTama's log, but I've always wanted my log to be like that. She doesn't have her tama's talk separately but every post has a story and they all talk in every post. (

It'd be kinda weird to just start talking in the middle of Sun and Star's life though. It seems unnatural.

So idk what to do yet. I might reset some tama's, wait till they're married, or just turn on whole new tama's. Or maybe start another log, take 3?

But anyways, until next time!

Woah... it's been a while... er..

Well I won't spend time discussing my excuses for my absence from this log, and instead discuss my tamas occurrences!

So, Star's daughter was a Hinatchi last time I saw her. But I took her battery out.

Sun turned into a Memetchi! Which was awesome, but a couple days later, I took her battery out too.

Then I turned on my iD and had a goal of collection all the tamatomo. My baby girl ended up being a Makikko. I collected her ta, ma, and to. Then at school I finally got her mo!

Afterwards, I had a doctor checkup and forgot to check on little Makikko, who I was gonna marry off later anyway. Then as I was leaving, my iD fell out of my pocket, landing on the hard floor.

I was scared and my mom picked it up. She said "well it's still flying!" Which made me FREAK OUT!! Makikko can't fly! She handed me it (obviously glad it wasn't broken) And I looked at the screen. There it was, the little envelope with wings!! :( I had just completed her tamatomo and she was dead. I was so shocked that I immediately hit a and c. I never got to view her stats for the last time.

Well, I'm not gonna lie. I cried. It had been a really rough day at school and now I didn't even have a tamagotchi to comfort me. I was beyond stressed what with schoolwork and all and just broke down. I felt horrible and it didn't help that I've never married off a tama on my iD ever! (I had this gozarutchi when I first got it, but then it died cause I was too busy with school)

Anyway, fast forward to now. I've been running my P's (remember Clover?). I married him off and got... a baby boy.

Six generations and I've only had one girl!! Ugh... he doesn't really have a name. He evolved into Righttchi and I've already collected three of his puzzle pieces.

I haven't received my anni. M!x yet, but I ordered a palm treo and it came in two days! Talk about fast shipping! I've since figured it out and downloaded some stuff on it and then transferred that to my P's. It's pretty handy to have.

Anyways, I don't know what the future plans for this log are. I might start a new one. Maybe I'm being OCD, but I feel this one is just really messy. Idk but I don't like it. I'll figure it out soon.

Bye for now.

Ok, so I made up my mind! I'm starting a new log!

This will *probably* be my last post here.

I just want a fresh start and to have my tamas talk in every post!! There will be some pictures too but I don't think I'll do stats.. you'll have to see ;)

Alright this is the 3rd post for today! (Oops)

But it's my log and I can cry if I want to post as much as I want! Well, to a certain extent.

And if you've read my last post kudos to you then you'll remember I mentioned another baby entering the log. Pretty crazy, huh?

Yep, I've started up my music star! It hatched into a boy and I named him Atreyu after one of my favorite characters from The Neverending Story. My previous and only other tama on my V6 was Azork, a Mametchi. The last time I played with this was around this time a year ago. The reason I haven't played with it is it somehow reset itself and I've been kinda mad at it so I just stopped playing it. I had a lot of progress of Azork and I really loved him.

Anyways, I sautéed some apples for a side dish for dinner so Atreyu got a bit neglected so he evolved into Kuchitamatchi.

Picture time!

The egg.

What comes out of it, you ask? A crying baby.

Atreyu, the crying baby to be specific.

He currently has a saxophone and a skateboard, both of which I own in realsies, y'all.


I'd also like to mention that I've been working on my 4U's skills and I gave it a screen protector too.


The fam!

Ok so, 4 tams is a lot right? Well for me it is. But I'm *also* gonna start up my tama-go. I'm not gonna log it since I'm probably gonna have it pause a lot, but I just want something for my music star to bond with. Btw, I'm gonna try to take all of these to school except my 4U. Here's my plan: So I wake up at 6:30 and do all the stuff I need to do and when I come downstairs, I bring my tams, right? At 7, I'll get the babysitter for Puff and then leave her at home for the rest of the day. Then I'll just try to manage the rest of tams and *cringe* pause as needed. The tama-go probably won't be actually ran, I'll just unpause it when I need to connect it with Atreyu.

Whew, glad we got that out of the way.

I'll edit this when Cooper and Alexandra (Alex for short) evolve and news of the tama-go.

EDIT: Ok, Alex evolved into Petihanatchi and Cooper is a Turtletchi!



Atreyu and the tamago (Kowa) are bonding well!

As we speak, Atreyu, Alex, and Cooper are sleeping! Puff and Kowa are night owls.

I'm about to watch some Disney Christmas movies and then go to sleep too. :)

I'll try to get some RP in tomorrow of all five tams! If all else fails, I might have to pause all Alex, Cooper, Atreyu and Kowa (she'll be paused anyways) and hook the 4U up with the babysitter.

'Till next time! :wub:

ANOTHER EDIT: Oml guys thanks so much for 206 views! Wow, that's a lot! If you enjoy my posts let me know by PMing me or simply liking or rating this log. Thanks to psychotama for being the first to like. :)
Your music star once had item glitching, but with tamagotchi characters.(fake)